[Flac] Difficulties to get decoder to work

Lars von Wedel vonwedel at web.de
Sun Jan 2 07:09:43 PST 2005


I'm developing a plugin for a settop-box application to make use of flac 

However, I have difficulties to get the file-decoder to run in C++. What 
I do in my derived decoder class is basically:

- create an instance of FLAC::Decoder::File, calling also the bsae class 
- set_metadata_respond( FLAC__METADATA_TYPE_STREAMINFO ), set_filename()
- process_until_end_of_metadata()
- repeatedly call process_single()

However, none of my callbacks is actually called during the process_* 
calls. Instead, after the call to process metadata, the status of the 
stream decoder is FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_END_OF_STREAM. The same problem 
if I skip the metadata processing call.

Any help or ideas is appreciated.


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