[Flac] FLAC to Vorbis

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Wed Aug 10 03:52:32 PDT 2005


I am amazed and impressed by the speed and extent of the help from
everybody. Definitely exceeded my expectations for free support.

I will email you off the list, Dan, to ask you more about making sure
that I am running the script properly :).

Thanks again,


Dax Kelson wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 14:07 +1200, Aaron Whitehouse wrote:
>>Hello everyone,
>>I am running Ubuntu and have converted my CDs to FLACs (using all the
>>paranoia and fixing all the tags etc.). What is the best way for me to
>>convert all of those FLAC to ogg-Vorbis files, keeping all the tag
>>information and the same directory structure?
> The tagging part is easy with modern version of oggenc. Also, oggenc can
> read flac as an input file.
> So the following will work, and preserve the tags:
> oggenc -q 5 -o /tmp/cool-song.ogg /tmp/cool-song.flac
> Neat eh?
> About preserving the directory structure and allowing incremental runs
> that only encode new flacs (or re-encode modified flacs) I found a
> script on the net "flac2ogg.pl" that does what you want. It was written
> for a windows cygwin environment but I modified to work on a native
> UNIX/Linux system. Some of the perl is pretty ugly (like calling
> external programs to do what perl can do natively), but hey it works.
> Here it is:
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> #
> # Copyright (c) 2004 - Jason L. Buberel - jason at buberel.org
> # Licensed under the GNU GPL.
> #
> # Modified by Dax Kelson to run on a native UNIX/Linux box.
> use Getopt::Long;
> use File::stat;
> $sourceDirPrefix = "/export/media/music/flacs";
> $destDirPrefix = "/export/media/music/oggs";
> $quality = 5;
> GetOptions ( "source:s" => \$sourceDirPrefix,
>              "dest:s" => \$destDirPrefix,
>              "quality:i" => \$quality,
>              "force" => \$force );
> # Commands
> $oggCommand = "oggenc";
> $flacCommand = "flac";
> @dirs = `cd "$sourceDirPrefix" && find . -type d -print`;
> @files = `cd "$sourceDirPrefix" && find . -type f -name "*.flac" -print`;
> # Check to see if our find command found anything to convert.
> if ( scalar @files == 0 ) {
>     die "Found no .flac files to convert!";
> }
> # recreate the directory hierarchy
> foreach $dir (@dirs) {
>     $dir =~ s/\n$//;
>     $dir =~ s/^\.\///;
>     # check to see if the destination dir already exists
>     if ( !(stat ("$destDirPrefix/$dir")) ) {
>         # stat failed so create the directory
>         print "Creating output dir:\n   $destDirPrefix/$dir\n";
>         $dir =~ s/\`/\'/g;
>         $result = `cd "$destDirPrefix" && mkdir -p "$dir"`;
>     }
> }
> # now process the actual sound files.
> foreach $file (@files) {
>     $file =~ s/\n$//;
>     $file =~ s/^\.\///;
>     # figure out what the destination file would be...
>     $destinationFile = $file;
>     $destinationFile =~ s/\.flac*/\.ogg/;
>     # now stat the destinationFile, and see if it's date is more recent
>     # than that of the original file. If so, we re-encode.
>     # we also re-encode if the user supplied --force
>     $srcInfo = stat ("$sourceDirPrefix/$file");
>     $srcModTime = $srcInfo->mtime;
>     $destInfo = stat ("$destDirPrefix/$destinationFile");
>     if ( $destInfo ) {
>         $destModTime = $destInfo->mtime;
>         print "Skipping current file: $destDirPrefix/$destinationFile\n";
>     }
>     # if the destination file does not exist, or the user specified force,
>     # or the srcfile is more recent then the dest file, we encode.
>     if ( !$destInfo || $force || ( $srcModTime > $destModTime) ) {
>         $file =~ s/\`/\'/g;
>         $inFile = "$sourceDirPrefix/$file";
>         $outFile = "$destDirPrefix/$destinationFile";
>         $inFile =~ s/\0//g; $outFile =~ s/\0//g;
>         $result =  `$oggCommand -q $quality -o "$outFile" "$inFile"`;
>     }
> }

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