[Flac] Re: Portable FLAC Players

Martin Plappert martin.plappert at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 22:57:37 PDT 2004

> Apparently it plays only from its own on-board RAM, and you have to
> pre-load files on it before you hit the road or head for the bus stop or
> the train station, I gather?  It doesn't play from removable media?

Well, it functions like any other Digital Audio Player. Take the iPod,
the iRiver iHp 120 and the Rio Karma to name just a few. These players
all have integrated 20 or 40 GB 1.8 inch drives and no option for
removable media. 40 GB of space would even with FLAC and an average CD
length of 60 minutes give you enough room for something like 130 CDs.
If you take a lossy codec such as OGG @ 192 kbps VBR this number jumps
to a massive 440 CDs.

I personally find that quite adequate.

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