[Flac] Archiving CDs w/ Flac on Linux (and subsequent re-encoding)

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 13 15:37:47 PDT 2004

--- Eric Sandeen <sandeen at sandeen.net> wrote:
> *I'm not sure why flac -d 1.flac 2.flac 3.flac outputs sequential
> wavs 
> rather than one big wav; is this intentional and/or needed?  I
> suppose 
> the "one big wav" approach would require flac to look at all input
> files 
> to write the proper wav header at the front, but that should be
> do-able...?

if you mean (I think)
  flac -d -c 1.flac 2.flac 3.flac
it's doable and seems intuitive... I'll add it to the TODO list.


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