[Flac] Daily Digest for this FLAC list?

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 12 20:52:12 PDT 2004

--- Darren <dnemeth01 at sprynet.com> wrote:
> I love this great discussion group.  However, I am getting single 
> posting in my inbox for the past few days.
> I belong to a lot of groups, please forgive me if I am worng. 
> However, 
> I believe I signed up for the daily digest.
> I just went to the "FLAC Info Page" and couldn't find where I can
> switch 
> my preferences for the digest.
> Can someone help me out?

sorry, the digest setting did not transfer over when we switched
to the xiph server.  on the switchover notice I sent out is the
new URL for the mail settings page.


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