[Flac] Encoding questions...

Mike Pilat mpilat at gmail.com
Fri Oct 8 11:10:26 PDT 2004

Since the sample rate and bit depth of each frame can be encoded in
the frame header, does this imply that the sample rate and bit depth
can vary from frame-to-frame, or this information purely for
stream-decoding purposes?

If the former, the reference encoder does not support this
functionality, correct? (Since you have to specify these values before
initializing the encoder).

Also, can I call *_encoder_process() repeatedly with buffers of data,
or is assumed that all my data to be encoded is contained in one giant
buffer? This isn't entirely clear from the documentation.

If I can call _encoder_process() multiple times, and the size of the
buffer modulo the blocksize is not zero, will the last block be
encoded in a frame that is smaller than blocksize, or will the encoder
wait until more data is sent in or _encoder_finish() is called?


Mike Pilat
mpilat at gmail.com

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