[Flac-users] is there a way to read the length of a song from the command line?

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 20 14:37:04 PDT 2004

--- Kevin Seghetti <kts at tenetti.org> wrote:
> I am working on an audio jukebox and would like to read the length of
> a
> song (minutes:seconds) from a perl script. Is there a way to do that?
> I
> don't see anything in the docs for flac or metaflac.

you can get the total number of samples with

  metaflac --show-total-samples file.flac

then get the sample rate with 

  metaflac --show-sample-rate file.flac

divide the first by the second and that gets you the number of

there is also a perl module Audio::FLAC that does all this:



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