[Flac-users] Any significant changes for 1.0.5?

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 20 09:40:01 PST 2003

--- "Alejandro G. Belluscio" <baldusi at uol.com.ar> wrote:
> Hello Josh,
>     I'm about to encode some of my CDs. Are any significant changes
>     for 1.0.5 that I may want to wait (like with VorbisComment) or is
>     it really near?

only the new cuesheet metadata block.  if you reserve a few K
padding you can import them later with metaflac.  24-bit compression
is a little better but that won't help with CDs.  you can see the
upcoming news item here:


(note the release number will be 1.1.0 instead of 1.0.5)

release should be before end of january.


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