[flac-dev] Feedback on implementation of decoding of chained streams

Timothy B. Terriberry tterribe at xiph.org
Tue Sep 3 12:52:58 UTC 2024

Martijn van Beurden wrote:
> As far as I know, please correct if wrong, neither libopusfile nor
> libvorbisfile provide this functionality either. In neither I could
> find a function to find the total number of samples over all links.
> Opus has a fixed samplerate so there is no changing, but libvorbisfile
> doesn't provide a way to query it on any data about the links it might
> have stored.

For opusfile:


     ogg_int64_t op_pcm_total(const OggOpusFile *_of,int _li)

     _li: The index of the link whose PCM length should be computed. Use 
a negative number to get the PCM length of the entire stream.

"The entire stream" here includes all links in a chained stream.

https://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/vorbisfile/ov_pcm_total.html does the same 
thing for vorbisfile (the opusfile API is pretty much directly adapted 
from vorbisfile's). vorbisfile also includes an ov_time_total():


As well as an ov_time_seek():


These were redundant and thus not implemented separately in opusfile, 
because as you point out, the opusfile API decodes at a fixed sample 
rate, so samples are the same thing as time with a particular choice of 
unit. However, I think they are frequently used by vorbisfile users.

https://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/vorbisfile/ov_info.html also does let you 
query the data from the info header of each link, with 
https://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/vorbisfile/ov_streams.html to tell you how 
many there are. This includes the sample rate, if you really wanted to 
do your own time calculations, but also includes important information 
like the channel count. It is impossible to interpret the decoded audio 
correctly without these.

and op_link_count() 
do the same for opusfile.

> I'm not sure what would be most useful, and I am reluctant to
> implement them all.
> Please let me know what you think.

It is a bit of a challenge because of the need to support unseekable 
streams (for, e.g., internet radio, your original use-case), but also 
not make chained streams _too_ much more of a burden to support than a 
stream with a single link in the seekable case. The vorbisfile API at 
least has a long history of use in a lot of applications, so it should 
not be too terrible a guide.

I do not think seeking to a link by serial number is that useful (how 
does the application know the serial number in advance?). Seeking to a 
link by "number" is probably not that common, either, and still needs a 
way to know the total number of links. Being able to seek to specific 
samples and specific times in the entire stream are both useful, and 
does need a way to know the total number of samples or total duration. 
Being able to enumerate the information about all of the links is also 
quite useful. For example, an application may wish to know if the sample 
rate and channel count do not change in all of the links of a chained 
file, for the purpose of generating an RIFF header or similar.

Probably the most difficult piece to implement is doing link enumeration 
in an efficient way. You want to be doing some sort of bisection search 
to locate link boundaries, re-using previous results for subsequent 
links, if possible. Some thought went in to doing this efficiently in 
opusfile. See op_bisect_forward_serialno() 
for details of the current approach (or maybe even start at 
to see how the call to that function is set up).

For testing during development, I often used a file gmaxwell created 
that is 2.6 GB with 30 links containing over 26 hours of audio, accessed 
over https. It can still take several seconds to open the file under 
those conditions, but it is many orders of magnitude faster than trying 
to scan through the whole thing, and I imagine that is only more true 
with the high bitrate of FLAC files. Output from opusfile's seeking_example:

     Opened file containing 30 links with 194 seeks (6.467 per link).
     Loaded (240.592 kbps average).
     Testing raw seeking to random places in 2831820229 bytes...
     Total seek operations: 1000 (1.000 per raw seek, 1 maximum).
     Testing exact PCM seeking to random places in 4519756545 samples 
     Total seek operations: 1873 (1.873 per exact seek, 4 maximum).

A more typical example (~4 hours captured from an actual internet radio 
stream) looks like:

     Opened file containing 75 links with 425 seeks (5.667 per link).
     Loaded (98.551 kbps average).
     Testing raw seeking to random places in 169127944 bytes...
     Total seek operations: 1000 (1.000 per raw seek, 1 maximum).
     Testing exact PCM seeking to random places in 658998312 samples 
     Total seek operations: 1001 (1.001 per exact seek, 2 maximum).

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