[flac-dev] 1.3.2pre2

Robert Kausch robert.kausch at freac.org
Sun Dec 11 12:17:52 UTC 2016

Am 11.12.2016 um 11:35 schrieb Erik de Castro Lopo:
> New pre-release here is at:
>      http://mega-nerd.com/tmp/flac-1.3.2pre2-win.zip
>      http://mega-nerd.com/tmp/flac-1.3.2pre2.tar.xz
> Changes:
> * Fix PACKAGE_VERSION in MSVS project files.
> * Fix Makefile.lite in tarball (make test is still failiing).

Thank you for providing a second preview!

Unfortunately, the Makefile.lite files in win_utf8_io and flactimer are 
still missing. The attached patch adds them and also changes config.mk 
to not use -fPIC on Windows (to avoid compiler warnings, because all 
code is position independent on Windows).

make test fails because common.sh is missing (it's generated from 
common.sh.in during configure). The only variable being replaced in that 
step is @EXEEXT@, so one possible solution would be to detect a Windows 
OS using something like '|if["$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 
10)"=="MINGW32_NT"];|' and set EXE=.exe in that case instead of 
generating the file from common.sh.in.

Robert Kausch
robert.kausch at freac.org

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