[flac-dev] PATCH for precompute_partition_info_sums... functions

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+la at mega-nerd.com
Fri Jul 3 19:15:31 PDT 2015

lvqcl wrote:

> It would be great to test it thoroughly, yes.

It turns out that the current structure of the tests makes using the
GNU coverage tool maximally difficult.

Getting coverage data is designed to be done in a single run of a
program. Unfortunately, the FLAC test suite runs most of the test
programs tens or ever hundreds of times, each with a different
set of parameters. To get proper coverage data, the coverage data
for each individual run would need to be given a unique file name
and then the hundreds of different coverage data files merged.

This is not an simple task.

Erik de Castro Lopo

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