[flac-dev] [PATCH] configure: only use -mstackrealign for mingw32

lvqcl lvqcl.mail at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 10:40:16 PDT 2015

Tristan Matthews wrote:

>  	if test "x$asm_optimisation$sse_os" = "xyesyes" ; then
>  		XIPH_ADD_CFLAGS([-msse2])
> -		XIPH_ADD_CFLAGS([-mstackrealign])
> +		if test "$host_os" = "mingw32" ; then
> +			XIPH_ADD_CFLAGS([-mstackrealign])
> +			fi
>  		fi

But sse_os==no doesn't prevent libFLAC from using SSE intrinsics.
So I think that the code

	if test "$host_os" = "mingw32" ; then

should be somewhere outside of

	if test "x$asm_optimisation$sse_os" = "xyesyes"

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