[flac-dev] [PATCH] New apodization functions

Erik de Castro Lopo mle+la at mega-nerd.com
Sat Sep 20 15:42:50 PDT 2014

Martijn van Beurden wrote:

Hi Marijn,

Sorry for the lack of response on this. I didn't understand it
when it came in and I needed time to properly review it. Sunday
morning after a really good night's sleep seems like a good time
for that :-).

I've currently got this patch in an un-published branch.

> This patch adds two new apodization functions that I developed. 
>  From my own test results (on quite a diverse dataset) they 
> outperform the current best apodizations by 0.05% - 0.1% 
> (depending on the specifics) on compression.
> Here's a selection of the test results
> *Apodization functions*           ,Compres, Speed
> partial_tukey(2) tukey(0.5)       , 56.50 , 37.2x
> partial_tukey(3)                  , 56.51 , 37.0x
> tukey(0.75) gauss(0.2) tukey(0.25), 56.54 , 35.8x
> partial_tukey(2)                  , 56.55 , 50.5x
> tukey(0.25) gauss(0.2)            , 56.57 , 49.6x
> tukey(0.5)                        , 56.69 , 79.3x
> Speed is in times realtime. Here "tukey(0.75) gauss(0.2) 
> tukey(0.25)" was the best combination of three existing 
> apodization functions I could find, and it is outperformed by 
> "partial_tukey(2) tukey(0.5)" by 0.04 percentage points, which 
> is 0.07%. It improves 0.19 percentage points or 0.33% on the 
> default at the cost of halving in speed. By design, there is no 
> decoding speed penalty nor are there any compatibility issues. 
> The only trade-off is slower encoding.
> This might not look much, but this is actually a better deal 
> than using -8 over -5, which improves 0.23 percentage points at 
> the cost of cutting the encoding speed to 1/3th and slightly 
> slower decoding. The use and internals of these windows are 
> explained in the documentation that is in the patch itself.

If I understand this correctly, these new apodization functions only 
affect compression and that files compressed with these new functions
will still decode correctly with older versions of the FLAC decoder.

Is that right?

Erik de Castro Lopo

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