[flac-dev] 1.21 vs 1.3 encoding speed

Martijn van Beurden mvanb1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 00:47:59 PDT 2014

op 25-07-14 19:32, Scott Brown schreef:
> ./configure -enable-static -disable-shared CFLAGS=" -isysroot 
> /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -mmacosx-version-min=10.6"
> make

Well, the use of CFLAGS 'disables' the -O3 and unroll-loops 
optimisation. I'm quite sure that's the culprit. Add -O3 to your 
CFLAGS and it should be fixed.

See the following lines in the configure script

>         if test "x$user_cflags" = x; then
>             CFLAGS="-O3 -funroll-loops -Wall -W -Winline"
>         fi

Maybe we should change this 'overriding' behaviour of CFLAGS and 
add -O3 just like most other options are added to the CFLAGS?

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