[flac-dev] [PATCH 1/3] removing asm version of precompute_partition_info_sums

lvqcl lvqcl.mail at gmail.com
Fri Jul 4 05:36:05 PDT 2014

Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

>> 3)
>> Currently there are two ia32 asm files (bitreader_asm.nasm and stream_encoder_asm.nasm)
>> that are unused and not necessary to compile libFLAC: they offer no speed benefit
>> and the corresponding functions were commented out (*after* the release of 1.3.0):
>>      http://git.xiph.org/?p=flac.git;a=commitdiff;h=4eab6313cd2198b5647d925bdb3847590505fa21
>>      http://git.xiph.org/?p=flac.git;a=commitdiff;h=ecd0acba75e7961b60465c5ee3b6876b407803ca#patch14
>> Is it better to remove these files from Makefile and .vcproj files, or to leave them?
>> I don't think that they will become useful again, but who knows...
> I think they should be deleted in a commit that says something like "Removing
> old nasm versions of some functions". That will clearly mark that commit so
> that if needed the files can be easily retrieved from the Git history.

This patch removes unused FLAC__precompute_partition_info_sums_32bit_asm_ia32_().
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