[flac-dev] [PATCH] test_compression.sh

Jan Stary hans at stare.cz
Wed Dec 3 23:49:24 PST 2014

On Dec 04 00:37:25, mvanb1 at gmail.com wrote:
> Op 03-12-14 om 23:27 schreef Jan Stary:
> > * Remove the $((${size}+10)). It's not needed, and it's a lie.
> >    In fact, the actual test FAILs (369513 with -5 vs 369516 with -6),
> >    but this +10 hides it!
> No, it is not. This is necessary due to the way FLAC works. 
> There is some uncertainty between the prediction stage and the 
> actual LPC stage due to quantization, and there is no way to 
> change this. It is only 10 bytes anyway.

My bad, I thought it was a typo in what meant to be "+0",
due to the misleadimg MacOSX comment. Another diff below.


--- test_compression.sh.orig	Wed Dec  3 22:53:11 2014
+++ test_compression.sh	Thu Dec  4 08:47:27 2014
@@ -23,24 +23,25 @@ PATH=`pwd`/../src/flac:$PATH
 echo "Using FLAC binary :" $(which flac)
-date=`date "+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S"`
-last_size=$(wc -c < noisy-sine.wav)
+prevsize=`wc -c < $ifile`
+echo "Original file size $prevsize bytes."
-echo "Original file size ${last_size} bytes."
+for comp in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ; do
+	flac${EXE} -f -$comp --silent $ifile -o $ofile
+	size=`wc -c < $ofile`
+	echo Compression level $comp, file size $size bytes.
+	if test $prevsize -lt $size ; then
+		die "Error: level $prevcomp produces smaller file than $comp"
+	fi
+	# This is necessary due to the way FLAC works.                     
+	# There is some uncertainty between the prediction stage
+	# and the actual LPC stage due to quantization
+	prevsize=$(($size+10))
+	prevcomp=$comp
-for k in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ; do
-	flac${EXE} -${k} --silent noisy-sine.wav -o ${fname}
-	size=$(wc -c < ${fname})
-	echo "Compression level ${k}, file size ${size} bytes."
-	if test ${last_size} -lt ${size} ; then
-		echo "Error : Compression ${last_k} size ${last_size} >= compression ${k} size ${size}."
-		exit 1
-		fi
-	# Need this because OSX's 'wc -c' returns a number with leading whitespace.
-	last_size=$((${size}+10))
-	last_k=${k}
-	rm -f ${fname}
-	done
+rm -f $ofile

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