[flac-dev] MSVS: debug flac.exe uses release libogg_static.lib

lvqcl lvqcl.mail at gmail.com
Sun Sep 29 02:14:05 PDT 2013

With current settings, MSVS links debug version of flac.exe (and other .exe and .dll files) with the release version of libogg_static.lib. MSVS issues a "warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'libcmt.lib' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library"

What's the reason in this setting?

What is better:
* to change the settings so that MSVS will link debug .exe files with the debug version of libogg_static.lib, or
* to add libcmt.lib into "IgnoreDefaultLibraryNames" option in the same way as it was done for libFLAC_dynamic.vcproj (see http://git.xiph.org/?p=flac.git;a=commit;h=c152d1adf910409bff06b9651247584d9e606c95 )?

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