[flac-dev] Performance checks

Martijn van Beurden mvanb1 at gmail.com
Tue May 28 10:17:58 PDT 2013

Hi all,

I was doing some checks in preparation of updating the comparison on the 
FLAC page this summer and I thought the results might be interesting for 
people on the dev list as well.

Because the mentioned comparison runs a few codecs through wine I wanted 
to check whether wine gives a performance hit. However, the first 
results confused me, so I added a few other compiles. However, it became 
even more confounding. Please take a look at the attached PDF.

The performance of the minGW-w64 build (through wine) and the native 
Linux 64-bit build is similar, so I guess my original question is 
answered: wine doesn't affect performance. However, I tried quite a few 
things building a 32-bit binary on my Linux system, but they are all 
*very* slow. Does anyone know why? I ran ./configure 
--build=i686-pc-linux-gnu CFLAGS='-m32' CPPFLAGS='-m32' LDFLAGS='-m32' 
and tried a bunch of other things. Any thoughts?

It seems encoding benefits from the 32-bit ASM optimizations and 
decoding benefits from 64-bit. I hope these results are useful to someone :)
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