[flac-dev] [PATCH website] Even more brands for links and sourceforge pages

Martijn van Beurden mvanb1 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 5 10:43:06 PDT 2013

On 05-06-13 10:41, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Have you tried replacing the "GET" here:
> 	  xhttp.open("GET",dname,false);
> 	  xhttp.send("");
> 	  return xhttp.responseXML;
> with a "POST" operation instead? See the "GET or POST?" section of this
> page:

Right, I didn't know about that. Here's a patch, it seems to work, but 
I'm not really sure. With this patch, there seems to be no caching, but 
when I reverted it, it worked too. I really don't understand Firefox 

Well, anyway, a few sources on the internet say this should work and I 
don't see a way this might break anything.
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