[flac-dev] About Decode Streaming

Burak Orçun Özkablan borcunozkablan at gmail.com
Tue Jul 2 08:24:07 PDT 2013

Thank you so much for polite help Martijn.


My read callback function is just ;

* /// \brief read callback function of decoder*
* FLAC__StreamDecoderReadStatus decoderReadCallback( const
FLAC__StreamDecoder *decoder, FLAC__byte buffer[], size_t *bytes, void
* {*
* // mutex lock*
* m_mutex.lock();*
* // copy buffer array to m_pile_array*
* if(input_pile_size > 0) {*
* memcpy(input_pile_array, buffer, input_pile_size);*
* *bytes = input_pile_size;// = 0;*
* // mutex unlock*
* m_mutex.unlock();*
* }*
* // mutex unlock*
* m_mutex.unlock();*
* }*
input_pile_array is encoded audio data from network, input_pile_size is
size of encoded data size. Both of them are transmitted over network from
client to server.
I haven't known that I should increment buffer pointer, I have always write
data at beginning of buffer. I think, error arise from increment?
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