[flac-dev] Patch for Metadata::Padding

Bastiaan Timmer basjetimmer at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 10 03:44:13 PDT 2012

Hi! Attached is a tiny patch adding a convenience function to create a Metadata::Padding object with a certain size in one statement. In a 

previous message I mentioned writing some more convenience functions, but on closer inspection they would either be inefficient or very difficult 

to implement.

I have also nearly finished converting the cpp file-encode example to use the C++ api, and will upload that later today or tomorrow. I have 

also changed the non-FLAC related code to be more C++ like (C++ streams for IO, no c style casts, no global vars), but let me know if 

this is not wanted. Other than that, the new example is just a line-for-line translation into c++. Also, the patch will probably be big (maybe 

bigger than the raw file), and hard to read. Should I send a patch or just the the file?

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