[Flac-dev] Crash when calling metadata_get_picture

Markus Wolters MarkusWolters at gmx.de
Wed Jun 16 09:12:27 PDT 2010

Hello everybody,

I have just started coding a small learning app trying to read some flac tags. Unfortunately I got stuck right at the beginning.

When I try to read the picture tag, the program crashes with seg fault error. The crash happens when calling FLAC__metadata_get_picture. Think it is an easy question, but can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong here. 
FLAC__StreamMetadata *meta = new FLAC__StreamMetadata();

if(FLAC__metadata_get_picture(m_sFullFilename.c_str(), &meta, (FLAC__StreamMetadata_Picture_Type)0, 0, 0,(unsigned)(-1), (unsigned)(-1), (unsigned)(-1), (unsigned)(-1)))

Thanks in advance, 
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