[Flac-dev] Move to .oga prematurely?

Daniel Aleksandersen aleksandersen+xiphlists at runbox.no
Tue Sep 18 11:18:35 PDT 2007

On 2007-09-18, Ivo wrote:
> On 9/18/07, Daniel Aleksandersen <aleksandersen+xiphlists at runbox.com> 
> > Maybe the move to .oga was prematurely?
> No, it wasn't premature.  We have been having this discussion since
> last year.  We are contacting the projects that deal, for instance,
> with Ogg FLAC, we're gong to submit the memo with the new file
> extensions/media types to the IETF soon, and some of us are even
> writing patches to the different projects out there.
> > I have done some testing with other players—including Banshee, Quod
> > Libet,
> If you actually want to help, you should either contact the developer
> team of those projects, either directly or by opening a ticket on
> their bug tracker, or the better solution yet: write a patch.

I have submitted bug reports.

> The quicker the transition problems are solved the better it will be
> for everyone.
> > A quick work around is to manually specify a .ogg extension and
> > audio/x-oggflac MIME type.
> How is this a work around?  It seems to cause more problems than what it
> solves.

At least the files are playable.
Daniel Aleksandersen
Daniel Aleksandersen <aleksandersen at runbox.no>

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