[Flac-dev] Testing 24-bit full-scale deflection streams fails

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 14 15:44:46 PDT 2007

--- Daniel Aleksandersen <aleksandersen+xiphlists at runbox.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> I am trying to compile and install flac 1.2. I $ ./configure(d) and $
> make(d) without any errors or warnings. However I get the following
> error 
> when $ make check(ing):
> > Testing 24-bit full-scale deflection streams...
> > fsd24-01 (--channels=1 --bps=24 -0 -l 16 --lax -m -e -p):
> encode...ERROR
> > during encode of fsd24-01 
> > FAIL: ./test_streams.sh
> > ===================
> > 2 of 7 tests failed
> > ===================
> Using KUbuntu 7.04 x86_64 using following command:
> $ ./configure && make && make check && sudo make install
> (Which by the way works perfectly on flac 1.1.4.)
> Let me know what other data is required to find out why it failed.
> And  please do explain how I get that data/output/logs/whatever.

test_streams.sh makes a huge file called streams.log with a record
of everything.  if you can snip the last 100 lines or so of it
(enough to capture the entire encode/decode/verify cycle of the
last test) I might be able to tell what happened.

also can you verify that the md5sum of fsd24-01.raw is


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