[Flac-dev] libflac++ reading vorbis metadata

Emil Nowak emil5 at go2.pl
Fri Mar 10 03:51:25 PST 2006

On 2006-03-09 (Thu) ,at 23:20:50 Josh Coalson wrote:

> the vorbiscomments are not in the streaminfo.  you want to do:
> FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment tags;
> if (FLAC::Metadata::get_tags("somefile.flac", tags)) {
>    FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment::Entry entry =
>       tags->get_comment(tags->get_num_comments-1); //e.g. last tag
>    // do something with it...
> }  	
> Josh
Oki, thanks it works. However I still have some questions about all the
libflac++. If this is impossible to read vorbis info from StreamInfo why there
is constructor for VorbisComment which takes StreamInfo as the only argument?
And why the get_num_comments() on this object returns number > 0, if there are
no comments?
And BTW: Documentation for libflac++ on official site is generated from some
old sources, or wrongly generated - You don't have all doxygened informations
that is available in headers. 
Anyway even with this improved documentation (which I have locally) It's hard
to get all needed information, many methods are not described, many datatypes
are not linked here. I was even using grep on headers, to get some
information. And there are so many footnotes like "read C documentation first"
that I decided, to do everything in C. It seems to be impossible to use
flac++ without learning ordinary libflac.


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