[Flac-dev] libflac++ reading vorbis metadata

Emil Nowak emil5 at go2.pl
Wed Mar 8 09:44:20 PST 2006

I'm trying to use libFLAC++ v1.1.2, to read Song information (like artist,
trackname etc..). So..

I read metadata from file 
FLAC::Metadata::get_streaminfo("somefile.flac", infosik);
and It's ok - no error, then I read vorbis info:

FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment vorbis_kom(infosik);
int number_of_comments = vorbis_kom.get_num_comments();

and after that I have number_of_comments=14
when I try to read entry using get_comment method I got segfault


I was trying all numbers from 0, to 14 and it always segfaults

Is that a right way to read those informations? What I'm doing wrong?

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