[Flac-dev] libflac++ version check

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 1 14:40:48 PST 2005

--- Sebastian Trueg <trueg at k3b.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> first off: I am not subscribed so please cc me. thanks. :)
> The API changes in 1.1.2 and now the K3b plugin won't compile
> anymore. That's 
> not that big a problem. That can be fixed. But I'd like to stay
> backwards 
> compatible. So how do I check the api version of flac at compile
> time?

yes, right now that is only discernable from the .so version.
on the TODO list is a libFLAC-config script or extra stuff in
libFLAC.m4 to provide a version.


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