[Flac-dev] Patch : fix configure.in and Makefile.am problems.

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 30 10:45:05 PST 2005

--- Erik de Castro Lopo <erikd-flac at mega-nerd.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to compiler current CV head on a PowerPC G3 Debain
> system.
> Debian test has automake 1.9 which is a little more stringent about 
> errors than 1.8. The following patch has the following fixes.
>  0) Remove AC_CANNONIAL_HOST because it has already been invoked 
>     earlier
>     FLaC__HAS_GAS__TEMPORARILY_DISABLED have been defined on PPC.
>  2) Fix all instances of CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS being set in Makefile.am.
>     These two variables are automaticall set in Makefile.in. If you
>     need extra flag foo in Makefile.am, the correct way to do it is
> Probably more to come as this thing still doesn't compile.

OK, thanks, checked in.  once linux-ppc is ironed out the
release should be ready to go.


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