[Flac-dev] liboggflac1 soname

Ralph Giles giles at xiph.org
Sun Jan 9 22:56:35 PST 2005

On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 01:36:23AM -0200, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> Well, the packages we are having trouble here are:
>   flac 1.1.0  (let me check... libOggFLAC version-info 1:2:0)
>     debian package: liboggflac1 (matches libtool soname - ok)
>   oggflac 1.1.0 not forward or backwards compatible with 1.0.4 -> ok.
>   oggflac 1.1.1 not forward or backwards compatible with 1.1.0 -> problem.
> So, it looks to me that liboggflac 1.1.1 should have version-info 2:1:0.
> This is based on what you told us about the OggFLAC__StreamDecoderState enum
> entries changing position.

Thank you. What I said about the enum was between 1.0.4 and 1.1.1. But 
you are correct. 1.1.0 has version-info 1:2:0 and also does not include 
the new streaming api or the enum reordering. So the update to 2:1:1 in 
the 1.1.1 release was incorrect. I should have been 2:0:0. (2:1:0 works 

> > If, in fact, the underlying C library is somehow exposed in 
> > liboggflac++ then, as you suggest, we do have a problem there. 
> I didn't check for that one.  If you believe there is not, then I have no
> reason to think there is a leak.  It was just a heads'up since we were
> talking about such issues anyway...

As I said, I'm not qualified to evaluate this.

Josh, got a comment on this? Want me to do a 1.1.2 to resolve this?


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