[Flac-dev] SunPro support

Jonathan Perkin jonathan at perkin.org.uk
Tue Nov 16 10:56:56 PST 2004

[ Sorry if this ends up multiple posted; your web pages still point ]
[ the mailing list archives at lists.sourceforge.net      -- sketch ]


I've committed patches to pkgsrc to get flac compiling with SunPro
under Solaris.  As there are quite a number of small tweaks necessary,
I hoped you may be interested in merging them into flac to avoid me
having to keep the diffs up-to-date :-)

Full commit diffs are available via


and a cleaned-up diff against flac 1.1.1 is available from


The one change I made which isn't in the above diff is to
-D__inline=inline when compiling with SunPro which does not support
__inline.  You may want to make a configure test for this.
Hopefully you'll find them useful.


Jonathan Perkin                                     The NetBSD Project
http://www.perkin.org.uk/                       http://www.netbsd.org/

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