[Flac-dev] Re: seeking problems

august august at alien.mur.at
Wed Mar 10 19:38:07 PST 2004

> this is another good data point.  I have been really short on
> time to look into this.  there are also some other reports going
> on that you might want to follow along with:
> http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/index.php?showtopic=19197
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=851155&group_id=13478&atid=113478
> I don't think the changes in CVS will help, but I still have
> Miroslav's improved seeking patch to try.

Thanks everyone for the responses.  Sorry it has been so long for me.
Just too much to do at the moment.
I guess the problem is with flac.  I'm now just using the non-seeking

Does anyone have a clue where to look in the source?  Are there any while
loops within the seek functions?

thanks again-august.

PS: the project, with source, is here: http://aug.ment.org/readanysf
new sources will be added shortly.

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