[Flac-dev] usage of C++ StreamMetadata interface

Josh Coalson xflac at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 22 14:31:02 PDT 2004

--- Thomas Eschenbacher <Thomas.Eschenbacher at gmx.de> wrote:
> Josh Coalson wrote:
> > [...]
> > why do you need one?  all the fields are available though method
> > calls.
> just an example:
> I created an object of the type "FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment".
> How will this find it's way to
> "FLAC::Stream::Encoder.set_metadata()" ???

I see, yep that's a problem.  there should be versions of
FLAC::Encoder::*::set_metadata() that take a list of
FLAC::Metadata objects also.

it's easy enough to fix by modifying the API to expose the

if that's not possible, the workaround may be something like

class VorbisComment: public FLAC::Metadata::VorbisComment {
  ::FLAC__StreamMetadata *getObject() { return object_; }

to dig it out.  


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