[Flac-dev] Q: WinAmp3 Plugin

Erik Turner eturner at cfl.rr.com
Sat Sep 21 12:18:17 PDT 2002

I just installed WinAmp3 on my machine and then needed to 
install the WinAmp3 plugin for FLAC.

Now, when I start WinAmp, it says it needs MSVCRTD.DLL
This is the debug version of the MS Visual C library.

Ok, now I tracked down a version of MSVCRTD.DLL 
(File Version 6.0.8797.0) and it prevents WinAmp from crashing
but ... it still doesn't play the FLAC files.

These FLAC files were generated by FLAC v1.0.3 and worked
fine under WinAmp2.77 with the FLAC plugin.

Is there something else I need to do?

Erik Turner

Environment: WinAmp3, Win2000SP3

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