[Flac-dev] Need help building Red Hat RPM

Ian Pilcher pilchman at attbi.com
Wed Aug 14 15:19:02 PDT 2002

Josh Coalson wrote:
> --- Ian Pilcher <pilchman at attbi.com> wrote:
>>I'm trying to build a Red Hat 7.3 RPM, and the XMMS plugin build is
>>failing, because the FLAC libraries aren't installed yet.
> Other people have had simimlar problems.  I believe it boils
> down to a bug in libtool.
> There's a lot of info about in this thread:
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=738315&forum_id=6312
> If you figure out a workaround PLEASE let us know :)

Well, I figured out a *really* crude workaround for building RPMs.  I
basically gave up on getting the plugin to build before the FLAC
libraries are actually installed.

Instead I made the plugin part of the RPM conditional, so I can build
the flac and flac-devel RPMs without the XMMS plugin package, install
them, and then rebuild all three packages.

It's ugly, but it works.

Ian Pilcher                                           pilchman at attbi.com

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