[xiph-commits] r16959 - trunk/vorbis/vq
xiphmont at svn.xiph.org
xiphmont at svn.xiph.org
Wed Mar 10 08:03:11 PST 2010
Author: xiphmont
Date: 2010-03-10 08:03:11 -0800 (Wed, 10 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 16959
Update the VQ tools to pared down codebook abstraction.
Eliminate long unused tools; they're still in SVN.
Modified: trunk/vorbis/vq/Makefile.am
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/Makefile.am 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/Makefile.am 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
INCLUDES = -I../lib -I$(top_srcdir)/include @OGG_CFLAGS@
-EXTRA_PROGRAMS = latticebuild latticepare latticehint\
- latticetune huffbuild distribution
+EXTRA_PROGRAMS = latticebuild latticetune huffbuild distribution
AM_LDFLAGS = -static
@@ -11,10 +10,6 @@
latticebuild_SOURCES = latticebuild.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\
vqgen.h bookutil.h localcodebook.h
-latticepare_SOURCES = latticepare.c vqgen.c bookutil.c vqsplit.c\
- vqgen.h vqsplit.h bookutil.h localcodebook.h
-latticehint_SOURCES = latticehint.c bookutil.c\
- vqsplit.h bookutil.h localcodebook.h
latticetune_SOURCES = latticetune.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\
vqgen.h bookutil.h localcodebook.h
huffbuild_SOURCES = huffbuild.c vqgen.c bookutil.c\
Modified: trunk/vorbis/vq/bookutil.c
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/bookutil.c 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/bookutil.c 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* *
- * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 *
+ * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2010 *
* by the Xiph.Org Foundation http://www.xiph.org/ *
* *
@@ -22,70 +22,62 @@
#include <errno.h>
#include "bookutil.h"
+int _best(codebook *book, float *a, int step){
-/* as of current encoder, only centered, integer val, maptype 1 is in
- use */
-int _best(codebook *book, int *a, int step){
int dim=book->dim;
- int k,o;
+ int i,j,o;
+ int minval=book->minval;
int del=book->delta;
int qv=book->quantvals;
int ze=(qv>>1);
+ int index=0;
+ /* assumes integer/centered encoder codebook maptype 1 no more than dim 8 */
- if(delta!=1){
- for(k=0,o=step*(dim-1);k<dim;k++,o-=step){
- int v = (a[o]-minval+(delta>>1))/delta;
+ if(del!=1){
+ for(i=0,o=step*(dim-1);i<dim;i++,o-=step){
+ int v = ((int)rint(a[o])-minval+(del>>1))/del;
int m = (v<ze ? ((ze-v)<<1)-1 : ((v-ze)<<1));
index = index*qv+ (m<0?0:(m>=qv?qv-1:m));
- for(k=0,o=step*(dim-1);k<dim;k++,o-=step){
- int v = a[o]-minval;
+ for(i=0,o=step*(dim-1);i<dim;i++,o-=step){
+ int v = (int)rint(a[o])-minval;
int m = (v<ze ? ((ze-v)<<1)-1 : ((v-ze)<<1));
index = index*qv+ (m<0?0:(m>=qv?qv-1:m));
- /* did the direct lookup find a used entry? */
- if(book->c->lengthlist[index]>0)
- return(index);
- /* brute force it */
- {
+ if(book->c->lengthlist[index]<=0){
const static_codebook *c=book->c;
- int i,besti=-1;
- float best=0.f;
- float *e=book->valuelist;
+ int best=-1;
+ /* assumes integer/centered encoder codebook maptype 1 no more than dim 8 */
+ int e[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+ int maxval = book->minval + book->delta*(book->quantvals-1);
- float this=_dist(dim,e,a,step);
- if(besti==-1 || this<best){
+ float this=0;
+ for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
+ float val=(e[j]-a[j*step]);
+ this+=val*val;
+ }
+ if(best==-1 || this<best){
- besti=i;
+ index=i;
- e+=dim;
+ /* assumes the value patterning created by the tools in vq/ */
+ j=0;
+ while(e[j]>=maxval)
+ e[j++]=0;
+ if(e[j]>=0)
+ e[j]+=book->delta;
+ e[j]= -e[j];
- /*if(savebest!=-1 && savebest!=besti){
- fprintf(stderr,"brute force/pigeonhole disagreement:\n"
- "original:");
- for(i=0;i<dim*step;i+=step)fprintf(stderr,"%g,",a[i]);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n"
- "pigeonhole (entry %d, err %g):",savebest,saverr);
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++)fprintf(stderr,"%g,",
- (book->valuelist+savebest*dim)[i]);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n"
- "bruteforce (entry %d, err %g):",besti,best);
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++)fprintf(stderr,"%g,",
- (book->valuelist+besti*dim)[i]);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }*/
- return(besti);
+ return index;
/* A few little utils for reading files */
/* read a line. Use global, persistent buffering */
static char *linebuffer=NULL;
@@ -241,9 +233,6 @@
codebook *codebook_load(char *filename){
codebook *b=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(codebook));
static_codebook *c=(static_codebook *)(b->c=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(static_codebook)));
- encode_aux_nearestmatch *a=NULL;
- encode_aux_threshmatch *t=NULL;
- encode_aux_pigeonhole *p=NULL;
int quant_to_read=0;
FILE *in=fopen(filename,"r");
char *line;
@@ -273,153 +262,6 @@
- /* find the auxiliary encode struct[s] (if any) */
- if(find_seek_to(in,"static const encode_aux_nearestmatch _vq_aux")){
- /* how big? */
- c->nearest_tree=a=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_nearestmatch));
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- if(sscanf(line,"%ld, %ld",&(a->aux),&(a->alloc))!=2){
- fprintf(stderr,"2: syntax in %s in line:\t %s",filename,line);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load ptr0 */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_ptr0");
- reset_next_value();
- a->ptr0=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*a->aux);
- for(i=0;i<a->aux;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,a->ptr0+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load ptr1 */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_ptr1");
- reset_next_value();
- a->ptr1=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*a->aux);
- for(i=0;i<a->aux;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,a->ptr1+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load p */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_p_");
- reset_next_value();
- a->p=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*a->aux);
- for(i=0;i<a->aux;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,a->p+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load q */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_q_");
- reset_next_value();
- a->q=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*a->aux);
- for(i=0;i<a->aux;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,a->q+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if(find_seek_to(in,"static const encode_aux_threshmatch _vq_aux")){
- /* how big? */
- c->thresh_tree=t=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_threshmatch));
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- if(sscanf(line,"%d",&(t->quantvals))!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"3: syntax in %s in line:\t %s",filename,line);
- exit(1);
- }
- line=get_line(in);
- if(sscanf(line,"%d",&(t->threshvals))!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"4: syntax in %s in line:\t %s",filename,line);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load quantthresh */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const float _vq_quantthresh_");
- reset_next_value();
- t->quantthresh=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(float)*t->threshvals);
- for(i=0;i<t->threshvals-1;i++)
- if(get_next_value(in,t->quantthresh+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data 1 while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load quantmap */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_quantmap_");
- reset_next_value();
- t->quantmap=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*t->threshvals);
- for(i=0;i<t->threshvals;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,t->quantmap+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data 2 while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if(find_seek_to(in,"static const encode_aux_pigeonhole _vq_aux")){
- int pigeons=1,i;
- /* how big? */
- c->pigeon_tree=p=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_pigeonhole));
- line=get_line(in);
- if(sscanf(line,"%f, %f, %d, %d",&(p->min),&(p->del),
- &(p->mapentries),&(p->quantvals))!=4){
- fprintf(stderr,"5: syntax in %s in line:\t %s",filename,line);
- exit(1);
- }
- line=get_line(in);
- line=get_line(in);
- if(sscanf(line,"%ld",&(p->fittotal))!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"6: syntax in %s in line:\t %s",filename,line);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load pigeonmap */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_pigeonmap_");
- reset_next_value();
- p->pigeonmap=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*p->mapentries);
- for(i=0;i<p->mapentries;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,p->pigeonmap+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data (pigeonmap) while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load fitlist */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_fitlist_");
- reset_next_value();
- p->fitlist=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*p->fittotal);
- for(i=0;i<p->fittotal;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,p->fitlist+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data (fitlist) while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load fitmap */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_fitmap_");
- reset_next_value();
- for(i=0;i<c->dim;i++)pigeons*=p->quantvals;
- p->fitmap=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*pigeons);
- for(i=0;i<pigeons;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,p->fitmap+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data (fitmap) while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* load fitlength */
- find_seek_to(in,"static const long _vq_fitlength_");
- reset_next_value();
- p->fitlength=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*pigeons);
- for(i=0;i<pigeons;i++)
- if(get_next_ivalue(in,p->fitlength+i)){
- fprintf(stderr,"out of data (fitlength) while reading codebook %s\n",filename);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
case 0:
@@ -456,6 +298,7 @@
+ b->valuelist=_book_unquantize(c,c->entries,NULL);
@@ -592,9 +435,6 @@
void write_codebook(FILE *out,char *name,const static_codebook *c){
- encode_aux_pigeonhole *p=c->pigeon_tree;
- encode_aux_threshmatch *t=c->thresh_tree;
- encode_aux_nearestmatch *n=c->nearest_tree;
int i,j,k;
/* save the book in C header form */
@@ -620,137 +460,6 @@
- if(t){
- /* quantthresh */
- fprintf(out,"static const float _vq_quantthresh_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<t->threshvals-1;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<t->threshvals-1;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%.5g, ",t->quantthresh[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* quantmap */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_quantmap_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<t->threshvals;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<t->threshvals;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%5ld,",t->quantmap[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- fprintf(out,"static const encode_aux_threshmatch _vq_auxt_%s = {\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(float *)_vq_quantthresh_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_quantmap_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t%d,\n",t->quantvals);
- fprintf(out,"\t%d\n};\n\n",t->threshvals);
- }
- if(p){
- int pigeons=1;
- for(i=0;i<c->dim;i++)pigeons*=p->quantvals;
- /* pigeonmap */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_pigeonmap_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<p->mapentries;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<p->mapentries;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%5ld, ",p->pigeonmap[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* fitlist */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_fitlist_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<p->fittotal;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<p->fittotal;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%5ld, ",p->fitlist[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* fitmap */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_fitmap_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<pigeons;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<pigeons;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%5ld, ",p->fitmap[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* fitlength */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_fitlength_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<pigeons;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<pigeons;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%5ld, ",p->fitlength[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- fprintf(out,"static const encode_aux_pigeonhole _vq_auxp_%s = {\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t%g, %g, %d, %d,\n",
- p->min,p->del,p->mapentries,p->quantvals);
- fprintf(out,"\t_vq_pigeonmap_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t%ld,\n",p->fittotal);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_fitlist_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_fitmap_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_fitlength_%s\n};\n\n",name);
- }
- if(n){
- /* ptr0 */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_ptr0_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<n->aux;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<n->aux;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%6ld,",n->ptr0[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* ptr1 */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_ptr1_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<n->aux;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<n->aux;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%6ld,",n->ptr1[j]);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* p */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_p_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<n->aux;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<n->aux;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%6ld,",n->p[j]*c->dim);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- /* q */
- fprintf(out,"static const long _vq_q_%s[] = {\n",name);
- for(j=0;j<n->aux;){
- fprintf(out,"\t");
- for(k=0;k<8 && j<n->aux;k++,j++)
- fprintf(out,"%6ld,",n->q[j]*c->dim);
- fprintf(out,"\n");
- }
- fprintf(out,"};\n\n");
- fprintf(out,"static const encode_aux_nearestmatch _vq_auxn_%s = {\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_ptr0_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_ptr1_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_p_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t(long *)_vq_q_%s,\n",name);
- fprintf(out,"\t%ld, %ld\n};\n\n",n->aux,n->aux);
- }
/* tie it all together */
fprintf(out,"static const static_codebook %s = {\n",name);
@@ -764,18 +473,5 @@
- if(n)
- fprintf(out,"\t(encode_aux_nearestmatch *)&_vq_auxn_%s,\n",name);
- else
- fprintf(out,"\tNULL,\n");
- if(t)
- fprintf(out,"\t(encode_aux_threshmatch *)&_vq_auxt_%s,\n",name);
- else
- fprintf(out,"\tNULL,\n");
- if(p)
- fprintf(out,"\t(encode_aux_pigeonhole *)&_vq_auxp_%s,\n",name);
- else
- fprintf(out,"\tNULL,\n");
Modified: trunk/vorbis/vq/huffbuild.c
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/huffbuild.c 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/huffbuild.c 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -178,9 +178,6 @@
fprintf(file,"\t0, 0, 0, 0, 0,\n");
- fprintf(file,"\tNULL,\n");
- fprintf(file,"\tNULL,\n");
- fprintf(file,"\tNULL,\n");
Deleted: trunk/vorbis/vq/latticehint.c
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/latticehint.c 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/latticehint.c 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
- * *
- * *
- * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 *
- * by the Xiph.Org Foundation http://www.xiph.org/ *
- * *
- ********************************************************************
- function: utility main for building thresh/pigeonhole encode hints
- last mod: $Id$
- ********************************************************************/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "../lib/scales.h"
-#include "bookutil.h"
-#include "vqgen.h"
-#include "vqsplit.h"
-/* The purpose of this util is to build encode hints for lattice
- codebooks so that brute forcing each codebook entry isn't needed.
- Threshhold hints are for books in which each scalar in the vector
- is independant (eg, residue) and pigeonhole lookups provide a
- minimum error fit for words where the scalars are interdependant
- (each affecting the fit of the next in sequence) as in an LSP
- sequential book (or can be used along with a sparse threshhold map,
- like a splitting tree that need not be trained)
- If the input book is non-sequential, a threshhold hint is built.
- If the input book is sequential, a pigeonholing hist is built.
- If the book is sparse, a pigeonholing hint is built, possibly in addition
- to the threshhold hint
- command line:
- latticehint book.vqh [threshlist]
- latticehint produces book.vqh on stdout */
-static int longsort(const void *a, const void *b){
- return(**((long **)a)-**((long **)b));
-static int addtosearch(int entry,long **tempstack,long *tempcount,int add){
- long *ptr=tempstack[entry];
- long i=tempcount[entry];
- if(ptr){
- while(i--)
- if(*ptr++==add)return(0);
- tempstack[entry]=_ogg_realloc(tempstack[entry],
- (tempcount[entry]+1)*sizeof(long));
- }else{
- tempstack[entry]=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long));
- }
- tempstack[entry][tempcount[entry]++]=add;
- return(1);
-static void setvals(int dim,encode_aux_pigeonhole *p,
- long *temptrack,float *tempmin,float *tempmax,
- int seqp){
- int i;
- float last=0.f;
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++){
- tempmin[i]=(temptrack[i])*p->del+p->min+last;
- tempmax[i]=tempmin[i]+p->del;
- if(seqp)last=tempmin[i];
- }
-/* note that things are currently set up such that input fits that
- quantize outside the pigeonmap are dropped and brute-forced. So we
- can ignore the <0 and >=n boundary cases in min/max error */
-static float minerror(int dim,float *a,encode_aux_pigeonhole *p,
- long *temptrack,float *tempmin,float *tempmax){
- int i;
- float err=0.f;
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++){
- float eval=0.f;
- if(a[i]<tempmin[i]){
- eval=tempmin[i]-a[i];
- }else if(a[i]>tempmax[i]){
- eval=a[i]-tempmax[i];
- }
- err+=eval*eval;
- }
- return(err);
-static float maxerror(int dim,float *a,encode_aux_pigeonhole *p,
- long *temptrack,float *tempmin,float *tempmax){
- int i;
- float err=0.f,eval;
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++){
- if(a[i]<tempmin[i]){
- eval=tempmax[i]-a[i];
- }else if(a[i]>tempmax[i]){
- eval=a[i]-tempmin[i];
- }else{
- float t1=a[i]-tempmin[i];
- eval=tempmax[i]-a[i];
- if(t1>eval)eval=t1;
- }
- err+=eval*eval;
- }
- return(err);
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
- codebook *b;
- static_codebook *c;
- int entries=-1,dim=-1;
- float min,del;
- char *name;
- long i,j;
- float *suggestions;
- int suggcount=0;
- if(argv[1]==NULL){
- fprintf(stderr,"Need a lattice book on the command line.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- {
- char *ptr;
- char *filename=strdup(argv[1]);
- b=codebook_load(filename);
- c=(static_codebook *)(b->c);
- ptr=strrchr(filename,'.');
- if(ptr){
- *ptr='\0';
- name=strdup(filename);
- }else{
- name=strdup(filename);
- }
- }
- if(c->maptype!=1){
- fprintf(stderr,"Provided book is not a latticebook.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- entries=b->entries;
- dim=b->dim;
- min=_float32_unpack(c->q_min);
- del=_float32_unpack(c->q_delta);
- /* Do we want to gen a threshold hint? */
- if(c->q_sequencep==0){
- /* yes. Discard any preexisting threshhold hint */
- long quantvals=_book_maptype1_quantvals(c);
- long **quantsort=alloca(quantvals*sizeof(long *));
- encode_aux_threshmatch *t=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_threshmatch));
- c->thresh_tree=t;
- fprintf(stderr,"Adding threshold hint to %s...\n",name);
- /* partial/complete suggestions */
- if(argv[2]){
- char *ptr=strdup(argv[2]);
- suggestions=alloca(sizeof(float)*quantvals);
- for(suggcount=0;ptr && suggcount<quantvals;suggcount++){
- char *ptr2=strchr(ptr,',');
- if(ptr2)*ptr2++='\0';
- suggestions[suggcount]=atof(ptr);
- ptr=ptr2;
- }
- }
- /* simplest possible threshold hint only */
- t->quantthresh=_ogg_calloc(quantvals-1,sizeof(float));
- t->quantmap=_ogg_calloc(quantvals,sizeof(int));
- t->threshvals=quantvals;
- t->quantvals=quantvals;
- /* the quantvals may not be in order; sort em first */
- for(i=0;i<quantvals;i++)quantsort[i]=c->quantlist+i;
- qsort(quantsort,quantvals,sizeof(long *),longsort);
- /* ok, gen the map and thresholds */
- for(i=0;i<quantvals;i++)t->quantmap[i]=quantsort[i]-c->quantlist;
- for(i=0;i<quantvals-1;i++){
- float v1=*(quantsort[i])*del+min;
- float v2=*(quantsort[i+1])*del+min;
- for(j=0;j<suggcount;j++)
- if(v1<suggestions[j] && suggestions[j]<v2){
- t->quantthresh[i]=suggestions[j];
- break;
- }
- if(j==suggcount){
- t->quantthresh[i]=(v1+v2)*.5;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Do we want to gen a pigeonhole hint? */
-#if 0
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)if(c->lengthlist[i]==0)break;
- if(c->q_sequencep || i<entries){
- long **tempstack;
- long *tempcount;
- long *temptrack;
- float *tempmin;
- float *tempmax;
- long totalstack=0;
- long pigeons;
- long subpigeons;
- long quantvals=_book_maptype1_quantvals(c);
- int changep=1,factor;
- encode_aux_pigeonhole *p=_ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_pigeonhole));
- c->pigeon_tree=p;
- fprintf(stderr,"Adding pigeonhole hint to %s...\n",name);
- /* the idea is that we quantize uniformly, even in a nonuniform
- lattice, so that quantization of one scalar has a predictable
- result on the next sequential scalar in a greedy matching
- algorithm. We generate a lookup based on the quantization of
- the vector (pigeonmap groups quantized entries together) and
- list the entries that could possible be the best fit for any
- given member of that pigeonhole. The encode process then has a
- much smaller list to brute force */
- /* find our pigeonhole-specific quantization values, fill in the
- quant value->pigeonhole map */
- factor=3;
- p->del=del;
- p->min=min;
- p->quantvals=quantvals;
- {
- int max=0;
- for(i=0;i<quantvals;i++)if(max<c->quantlist[i])max=c->quantlist[i];
- p->mapentries=max;
- }
- p->pigeonmap=_ogg_malloc(p->mapentries*sizeof(long));
- p->quantvals=(quantvals+factor-1)/factor;
- /* pigeonhole roughly on the boundaries of the quantvals; the
- exact pigeonhole grouping is an optimization issue, not a
- correctness issue */
- for(i=0;i<p->mapentries;i++){
- float thisval=del*i+min; /* middle of the quant zone */
- int quant=0;
- float err=fabs(c->quantlist[0]*del+min-thisval);
- for(j=1;j<quantvals;j++){
- float thiserr=fabs(c->quantlist[j]*del+min-thisval);
- if(thiserr<err){
- quant=j/factor;
- err=thiserr;
- }
- }
- p->pigeonmap[i]=quant;
- }
- /* pigeonmap complete. Now do the grungy business of finding the
- entries that could possibly be the best fit for a value appearing
- in the pigeonhole. The trick that allows the below to work is the
- uniform quantization; even though the scalars may be 'sequential'
- (each a delta from the last), the uniform quantization means that
- the error variance is *not* dependant. Given a pigeonhole and an
- entry, we can find the minimum and maximum possible errors
- (relative to the entry) for any point that could appear in the
- pigeonhole */
- /* must iterate over both pigeonholes and entries */
- /* temporarily (in order to avoid thinking hard), we grow each
- pigeonhole seperately, the build a stack of 'em later */
- pigeons=1;
- subpigeons=1;
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++)subpigeons*=p->mapentries;
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++)pigeons*=p->quantvals;
- temptrack=_ogg_calloc(dim,sizeof(long));
- tempmin=_ogg_calloc(dim,sizeof(float));
- tempmax=_ogg_calloc(dim,sizeof(float));
- tempstack=_ogg_calloc(pigeons,sizeof(long *));
- tempcount=_ogg_calloc(pigeons,sizeof(long));
- while(1){
- float errorpost=-1;
- char buffer[80];
- /* map our current pigeonhole to a 'big pigeonhole' so we know
- what list we're after */
- int entry=0;
- for(i=dim-1;i>=0;i--)entry=entry*p->quantvals+p->pigeonmap[temptrack[i]];
- setvals(dim,p,temptrack,tempmin,tempmax,c->q_sequencep);
- sprintf(buffer,"Building pigeonhole search list [%ld]...",totalstack);
- /* Search all entries to find the one with the minimum possible
- maximum error. Record that error */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- if(c->lengthlist[i]>0){
- float this=maxerror(dim,b->valuelist+i*dim,p,
- temptrack,tempmin,tempmax);
- if(errorpost==-1 || this<errorpost)errorpost=this;
- spinnit(buffer,subpigeons);
- }
- }
- /* Our search list will contain all entries with a minimum
- possible error <= our errorpost */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)
- if(c->lengthlist[i]>0){
- spinnit(buffer,subpigeons);
- if(minerror(dim,b->valuelist+i*dim,p,
- temptrack,tempmin,tempmax)<errorpost)
- totalstack+=addtosearch(entry,tempstack,tempcount,i);
- }
- for(i=0;i<dim;i++){
- temptrack[i]++;
- if(temptrack[i]<p->mapentries)break;
- temptrack[i]=0;
- }
- if(i==dim)break;
- subpigeons--;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\r "
- "\rTotal search list size (all entries): %ld\n",totalstack);
- /* pare the index of lists for improbable quantizations (where
- improbable is determined by c->lengthlist; we assume that
- pigeonholing is in sync with the codeword cells, which it is */
- /*for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- float probability= 1.f/(1<<c->lengthlist[i]);
- if(c->lengthlist[i]==0 || probability*entries<cutoff){
- totalstack-=tempcount[i];
- tempcount[i]=0;
- }
- }*/
- /* pare the list of shortlists; merge contained and similar lists
- together */
- p->fitmap=_ogg_malloc(pigeons*sizeof(long));
- for(i=0;i<pigeons;i++)p->fitmap[i]=-1;
- while(changep){
- char buffer[80];
- changep=0;
- for(i=0;i<pigeons;i++){
- if(p->fitmap[i]<0 && tempcount[i]){
- for(j=i+1;j<pigeons;j++){
- if(p->fitmap[j]<0 && tempcount[j]){
- /* is one list a superset, or are they sufficiently similar? */
- int amiss=0,bmiss=0,ii,jj;
- for(ii=0;ii<tempcount[i];ii++){
- for(jj=0;jj<tempcount[j];jj++)
- if(tempstack[i][ii]==tempstack[j][jj])break;
- if(jj==tempcount[j])amiss++;
- }
- for(jj=0;jj<tempcount[j];jj++){
- for(ii=0;ii<tempcount[i];ii++)
- if(tempstack[i][ii]==tempstack[j][jj])break;
- if(ii==tempcount[i])bmiss++;
- }
- if(amiss==0 ||
- bmiss==0 ||
- (amiss*2<tempcount[i] && bmiss*2<tempcount[j] &&
- tempcount[i]+bmiss<entries/30)){
- /*superset/similar Add all of one to the other. */
- for(jj=0;jj<tempcount[j];jj++)
- totalstack+=addtosearch(i,tempstack,tempcount,
- tempstack[j][jj]);
- totalstack-=tempcount[j];
- p->fitmap[j]=i;
- changep=1;
- }
- }
- }
- sprintf(buffer,"Consolidating [%ld total, %s]... ",totalstack,
- changep?"reit":"nochange");
- spinnit(buffer,pigeons-i);
- }
- }
- }
- /* repack the temp stack in final form */
- fprintf(stderr,"\r "
- "\rFinal total list size: %ld\n",totalstack);
- p->fittotal=totalstack;
- p->fitlist=_ogg_malloc((totalstack+1)*sizeof(long));
- p->fitlength=_ogg_malloc(pigeons*sizeof(long));
- {
- long usage=0;
- for(i=0;i<pigeons;i++){
- if(p->fitmap[i]==-1){
- if(tempcount[i])
- memcpy(p->fitlist+usage,tempstack[i],tempcount[i]*sizeof(long));
- p->fitmap[i]=usage;
- p->fitlength[i]=tempcount[i];
- usage+=tempcount[i];
- if(usage>totalstack){
- fprintf(stderr,"Internal error; usage>totalstack\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }else{
- p->fitlength[i]=p->fitlength[p->fitmap[i]];
- p->fitmap[i]=p->fitmap[p->fitmap[i]];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- write_codebook(stdout,name,c);
- fprintf(stderr,"\r "
- "\nDone.\n");
- exit(0);
Deleted: trunk/vorbis/vq/latticepare.c
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/latticepare.c 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/latticepare.c 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
- * *
- * *
- * THE OggVorbis SOURCE CODE IS (C) COPYRIGHT 1994-2001 *
- * by the Xiph.Org Foundation http://www.xiph.org/ *
- * *
- ********************************************************************
- function: utility for paring low hit count cells from lattice codebook
- last mod: $Id$
- ********************************************************************/
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "../lib/scales.h"
-#include "bookutil.h"
-#include "vqgen.h"
-#include "vqsplit.h"
-#include "../lib/os.h"
-/* Lattice codebooks have two strengths: important fetaures that are
- poorly modelled by global error minimization training (eg, strong
- peaks) are not neglected 2) compact quantized representation.
- A fully populated lattice codebook, however, swings point 1 too far
- in the opposite direction; rare features need not be modelled quite
- so religiously and as such, we waste bits unless we eliminate the
- least common cells. The codebook rep supports unused cells, so we
- need to tag such cells and build an auxiliary (non-thresh) search
- mechanism to find the proper match quickly */
-/* two basic steps; first is pare the cell for which dispersal creates
- the least additional error. This will naturally choose
- low-population cells and cells that have not taken on points from
- neighboring paring (but does not result in the lattice collapsing
- inward and leaving low population ares totally unmodelled). After
- paring has removed the desired number of cells, we need to build an
- auxiliary search for each culled point */
-/* Although lattice books (due to threshhold-based matching) do not
- actually use error to make cell selections (in fact, it need not
- bear any relation), the 'secondbest' entry finder here is in fact
- error/distance based, so latticepare is only useful on such books */
-/* command line:
- latticepare latticebook.vqh input_data.vqd <target_cells>
- produces a new output book on stdout
-static float _dist(int el,float *a, float *b){
- int i;
- float acc=0.f;
- for(i=0;i<el;i++){
- float val=(a[i]-b[i]);
- acc+=val*val;
- }
- return(acc);
-static float *pointlist;
-static long points=0;
-void add_vector(codebook *b,float *vec,long n){
- int dim=b->dim,i,j;
- int step=n/dim;
- for(i=0;i<step;i++){
- for(j=i;j<n;j+=step){
- pointlist[points++]=vec[j];
- }
- }
-static int bestm(codebook *b,float *vec){
- encode_aux_threshmatch *tt=b->c->thresh_tree;
- int dim=b->dim;
- int i,k,o;
- int best=0;
- /* what would be the closest match if the codebook was fully
- populated? */
- for(k=0,o=dim-1;k<dim;k++,o--){
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<tt->threshvals-1;i++)
- if(vec[o]<tt->quantthresh[i])break;
- best=(best*tt->quantvals)+tt->quantmap[i];
- }
- return(best);
-static int closest(codebook *b,float *vec,int current){
- encode_aux_threshmatch *tt=b->c->thresh_tree;
- int dim=b->dim;
- int i,k,o;
- float bestmetric=0;
- int bestentry=-1;
- int best=bestm(b,vec);
- if(current<0 && b->c->lengthlist[best]>0)return best;
- for(i=0;i<b->entries;i++){
- if(b->c->lengthlist[i]>0 && i!=best && i!=current){
- float thismetric=_dist(dim, vec, b->valuelist+i*dim);
- if(bestentry==-1 || thismetric<bestmetric){
- bestentry=i;
- bestmetric=thismetric;
- }
- }
- }
- return(bestentry);
-static float _heuristic(codebook *b,float *ppt,int secondbest){
- float *secondcell=b->valuelist+secondbest*b->dim;
- int best=bestm(b,ppt);
- float *firstcell=b->valuelist+best*b->dim;
- float error=_dist(b->dim,firstcell,secondcell);
- float *zero=alloca(b->dim*sizeof(float));
- float fromzero;
- memset(zero,0,b->dim*sizeof(float));
- fromzero=sqrt(_dist(b->dim,firstcell,zero));
- return(error/fromzero);
-static int longsort(const void *a, const void *b){
- return **(long **)b-**(long **)a;
-void usage(void){
- fprintf(stderr,"Ogg/Vorbis lattice codebook paring utility\n\n"
- "usage: latticepare book.vqh data.vqd <target_cells> <protected_cells> base\n"
- "where <target_cells> is the desired number of final cells (or -1\n"
- " for no change)\n"
- " <protected_cells> is the number of highest-hit count cells\n"
- " to protect from dispersal\n"
- " base is the base name (not including .vqh) of the new\n"
- " book\n\n");
- exit(1);
-int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
- char *basename;
- codebook *b=NULL;
- int entries=0;
- int dim=0;
- long i,j,target=-1,protect=-1;
- FILE *out=NULL;
- int argnum=0;
- argv++;
- if(*argv==NULL){
- usage();
- exit(1);
- }
- while(*argv){
- if(*argv[0]=='-'){
- argv++;
- }else{
- switch (argnum++){
- case 0:case 1:
- {
- /* yes, this is evil. However, it's very convenient to parse file
- extentions */
- /* input file. What kind? */
- char *dot;
- char *ext=NULL;
- char *name=strdup(*argv++);
- dot=strrchr(name,'.');
- if(dot)
- ext=dot+1;
- else{
- ext="";
- }
- /* codebook */
- if(!strcmp(ext,"vqh")){
- basename=strrchr(name,'/');
- if(basename)
- basename=strdup(basename)+1;
- else
- basename=strdup(name);
- dot=strrchr(basename,'.');
- if(dot)*dot='\0';
- b=codebook_load(name);
- dim=b->dim;
- entries=b->entries;
- }
- /* data file; we do actually need to suck it into memory */
- /* we're dealing with just one book, so we can de-interleave */
- if(!strcmp(ext,"vqd") && !points){
- int cols;
- long lines=0;
- char *line;
- float *vec;
- FILE *in=fopen(name,"r");
- if(!in){
- fprintf(stderr,"Could not open input file %s\n",name);
- exit(1);
- }
- reset_next_value();
- line=setup_line(in);
- /* count cols before we start reading */
- {
- char *temp=line;
- while(*temp==' ')temp++;
- for(cols=0;*temp;cols++){
- while(*temp>32)temp++;
- while(*temp==' ')temp++;
- }
- }
- vec=alloca(cols*sizeof(float));
- /* count, then load, to avoid fragmenting the hell out of
- memory */
- while(line){
- lines++;
- for(j=0;j<cols;j++)
- if(get_line_value(in,vec+j)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Too few columns on line %ld in data file\n",lines);
- exit(1);
- }
- if((lines&0xff)==0)spinnit("counting samples...",lines*cols);
- line=setup_line(in);
- }
- pointlist=_ogg_malloc((cols*lines+entries*dim)*sizeof(float));
- rewind(in);
- line=setup_line(in);
- while(line){
- lines--;
- for(j=0;j<cols;j++)
- if(get_line_value(in,vec+j)){
- fprintf(stderr,"Too few columns on line %ld in data file\n",lines);
- exit(1);
- }
- /* deinterleave, add to heap */
- add_vector(b,vec,cols);
- if((lines&0xff)==0)spinnit("loading samples...",lines*cols);
- line=setup_line(in);
- }
- fclose(in);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- target=atol(*argv++);
- if(target==0)target=entries;
- break;
- case 3:
- protect=atol(*argv++);
- break;
- case 4:
- {
- char *buff=alloca(strlen(*argv)+5);
- sprintf(buff,"%s.vqh",*argv);
- basename=*argv++;
- out=fopen(buff,"w");
- if(!out){
- fprintf(stderr,"unable ot open %s for output",buff);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- usage();
- }
- }
- }
- if(!entries || !points || !out)usage();
- if(target==-1)usage();
- /* add guard points */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)
- for(j=0;j<dim;j++)
- pointlist[points++]=b->valuelist[i*dim+j];
- points/=dim;
- /* set up auxiliary vectors for error tracking */
- {
- encode_aux_nearestmatch *nt=NULL;
- long pointssofar=0;
- long *pointindex;
- long indexedpoints=0;
- long *entryindex;
- long *reventry;
- long *membership=_ogg_malloc(points*sizeof(long));
- long *firsthead=_ogg_malloc(entries*sizeof(long));
- long *secondary=_ogg_malloc(points*sizeof(long));
- long *secondhead=_ogg_malloc(entries*sizeof(long));
- long *cellcount=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long));
- long *cellcount2=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long));
- float *cellerror=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(float));
- float *cellerrormax=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(float));
- long cellsleft=entries;
- for(i=0;i<points;i++)membership[i]=-1;
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)firsthead[i]=-1;
- for(i=0;i<points;i++)secondary[i]=-1;
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)secondhead[i]=-1;
- for(i=0;i<points;i++){
- /* assign vectors to the nearest cell. Also keep track of second
- nearest for error statistics */
- float *ppt=pointlist+i*dim;
- int firstentry=closest(b,ppt,-1);
- int secondentry=closest(b,ppt,firstentry);
- float firstmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*firstentry,ppt);
- float secondmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*secondentry,ppt);
- if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("initializing... ",points-i);
- membership[i]=firsthead[firstentry];
- firsthead[firstentry]=i;
- secondary[i]=secondhead[secondentry];
- secondhead[secondentry]=i;
- if(i<points-entries){
- cellerror[firstentry]+=secondmetric-firstmetric;
- cellerrormax[firstentry]=max(cellerrormax[firstentry],
- _heuristic(b,ppt,secondentry));
- cellcount[firstentry]++;
- cellcount2[secondentry]++;
- }
- }
- /* which cells are most heavily populated? Protect as many from
- dispersal as the user has requested */
- {
- long **countindex=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long *));
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)countindex[i]=cellcount+i;
- qsort(countindex,entries,sizeof(long *),longsort);
- for(i=0;i<protect;i++){
- int ptr=countindex[i]-cellcount;
- cellerrormax[ptr]=9e50f;
- }
- }
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"\r");
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- /* decompose index */
- int entry=i;
- for(j=0;j<dim;j++){
- fprintf(stderr,"%d:",entry%b->c->thresh_tree->quantvals);
- entry/=b->c->thresh_tree->quantvals;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,":%ld/%ld, ",cellcount[i],cellcount2[i]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- /* do the automatic cull request */
- while(cellsleft>target){
- int bestcell=-1;
- float besterror=0;
- float besterror2=0;
- long head=-1;
- char spinbuf[80];
- sprintf(spinbuf,"cells left to eliminate: %ld : ",cellsleft-target);
- /* find the cell with lowest removal impact */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- if(b->c->lengthlist[i]>0){
- if(bestcell==-1 || cellerrormax[i]<=besterror2){
- if(bestcell==-1 || cellerrormax[i]<besterror2 ||
- besterror>cellerror[i]){
- besterror=cellerror[i];
- besterror2=cellerrormax[i];
- bestcell=i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\reliminating cell %d \n"
- " dispersal error of %g max/%g total (%ld hits)\n",
- bestcell,besterror2,besterror,cellcount[bestcell]);
- /* disperse it. move each point out, adding it (properly) to
- the second best */
- b->c->lengthlist[bestcell]=0;
- head=firsthead[bestcell];
- firsthead[bestcell]=-1;
- while(head!=-1){
- /* head is a point number */
- float *ppt=pointlist+head*dim;
- int firstentry=closest(b,ppt,-1);
- int secondentry=closest(b,ppt,firstentry);
- float firstmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*firstentry,ppt);
- float secondmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*secondentry,ppt);
- long next=membership[head];
- if(head<points-entries){
- cellcount[firstentry]++;
- cellcount[bestcell]--;
- cellerror[firstentry]+=secondmetric-firstmetric;
- cellerrormax[firstentry]=max(cellerrormax[firstentry],
- _heuristic(b,ppt,secondentry));
- }
- membership[head]=firsthead[firstentry];
- firsthead[firstentry]=head;
- head=next;
- if(cellcount[bestcell]%128==0)
- spinnit(spinbuf,cellcount[bestcell]+cellcount2[bestcell]);
- }
- /* now see that all points that had the dispersed cell as second
- choice have second choice reassigned */
- head=secondhead[bestcell];
- secondhead[bestcell]=-1;
- while(head!=-1){
- float *ppt=pointlist+head*dim;
- /* who are we assigned to now? */
- int firstentry=closest(b,ppt,-1);
- /* what is the new second closest match? */
- int secondentry=closest(b,ppt,firstentry);
- /* old second closest is the cell being disbanded */
- float oldsecondmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*bestcell,ppt);
- /* new second closest error */
- float secondmetric=_dist(dim,b->valuelist+dim*secondentry,ppt);
- long next=secondary[head];
- if(head<points-entries){
- cellcount2[secondentry]++;
- cellcount2[bestcell]--;
- cellerror[firstentry]+=secondmetric-oldsecondmetric;
- cellerrormax[firstentry]=max(cellerrormax[firstentry],
- _heuristic(b,ppt,secondentry));
- }
- secondary[head]=secondhead[secondentry];
- secondhead[secondentry]=head;
- head=next;
- if(cellcount2[bestcell]%128==0)
- spinnit(spinbuf,cellcount2[bestcell]);
- }
- cellsleft--;
- }
- /* paring is over. Build decision trees using points that now fall
- through the thresh matcher. */
- /* we don't free membership; we flatten it in order to use in lp_split */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- long head=firsthead[i];
- spinnit("rearranging membership cache... ",entries-i);
- while(head!=-1){
- long next=membership[head];
- membership[head]=i;
- head=next;
- }
- }
- free(secondhead);
- free(firsthead);
- free(cellerror);
- free(cellerrormax);
- free(secondary);
- pointindex=_ogg_malloc(points*sizeof(long));
- /* make a point index of fall-through points */
- for(i=0;i<points;i++){
- int best=_best(b,pointlist+i*dim,1);
- if(best==-1)
- pointindex[indexedpoints++]=i;
- spinnit("finding orphaned points... ",points-i);
- }
- /* make an entry index */
- entryindex=_ogg_malloc(entries*sizeof(long));
- target=0;
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- if(b->c->lengthlist[i]>0)
- entryindex[target++]=i;
- }
- /* make working space for a reverse entry index */
- reventry=_ogg_malloc(entries*sizeof(long));
- /* do the split */
- nt=b->c->nearest_tree=
- _ogg_calloc(1,sizeof(encode_aux_nearestmatch));
- nt->alloc=4096;
- nt->ptr0=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*nt->alloc);
- nt->ptr1=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*nt->alloc);
- nt->p=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*nt->alloc);
- nt->q=_ogg_malloc(sizeof(long)*nt->alloc);
- nt->aux=0;
- fprintf(stderr,"Leaves added: %d \n",
- lp_split(pointlist,points,
- b,entryindex,target,
- pointindex,indexedpoints,
- membership,reventry,
- 0,&pointssofar));
- free(membership);
- free(reventry);
- free(pointindex);
- /* hack alert. I should just change the damned splitter and
- codebook writer */
- for(i=0;i<nt->aux;i++)nt->p[i]*=dim;
- for(i=0;i<nt->aux;i++)nt->q[i]*=dim;
- /* recount hits. Build new lengthlist. reuse entryindex storage */
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++)entryindex[i]=1;
- for(i=0;i<points-entries;i++){
- int best=_best(b,pointlist+i*dim,1);
- float *a=pointlist+i*dim;
- if(!(i&0xff))spinnit("counting hits...",i);
- if(best==-1){
- fprintf(stderr,"\nINTERNAL ERROR; a point count not be matched to a\n"
- "codebook entry. The new decision tree is broken.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- entryindex[best]++;
- }
- for(i=0;i<nt->aux;i++)nt->p[i]/=dim;
- for(i=0;i<nt->aux;i++)nt->q[i]/=dim;
- /* the lengthlist builder doesn't actually deal with 0 hit entries.
- So, we pack the 'sparse' hit list into a dense list, then unpack
- the lengths after the build */
- {
- int upper=0;
- long *lengthlist=_ogg_calloc(entries,sizeof(long));
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- if(b->c->lengthlist[i]>0)
- entryindex[upper++]=entryindex[i];
- else{
- if(entryindex[i]>1){
- fprintf(stderr,"\nINTERNAL ERROR; _best matched to unused entry\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* sanity check */
- if(upper != target){
- fprintf(stderr,"\nINTERNAL ERROR; packed the wrong number of entries\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- build_tree_from_lengths(upper,entryindex,lengthlist);
- upper=0;
- for(i=0;i<entries;i++){
- if(b->c->lengthlist[i]>0)
- b->c->lengthlist[i]=lengthlist[upper++];
- }
- }
- }
- /* we're done. write it out. */
- write_codebook(out,basename,b->c);
- fprintf(stderr,"\r \nDone.\n");
- return(0);
Modified: trunk/vorbis/vq/localcodebook.h
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/localcodebook.h 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/localcodebook.h 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -52,50 +52,9 @@
long *quantlist; /* map == 1: (int)(entries^(1/dim)) element column map
map == 2: list of dim*entries quantized entry vals
- /* encode helpers ********************************************************/
- struct encode_aux_nearestmatch *nearest_tree;
- struct encode_aux_threshmatch *thresh_tree;
- struct encode_aux_pigeonhole *pigeon_tree;
int allocedp;
} static_codebook;
-/* this structures an arbitrary trained book to quickly find the
- nearest cell match */
-typedef struct encode_aux_nearestmatch{
- /* pre-calculated partitioning tree */
- long *ptr0;
- long *ptr1;
- long *p; /* decision points (each is an entry) */
- long *q; /* decision points (each is an entry) */
- long aux; /* number of tree entries */
- long alloc;
-} encode_aux_nearestmatch;
-/* assumes a maptype of 1; encode side only, so that's OK */
-typedef struct encode_aux_threshmatch{
- float *quantthresh;
- long *quantmap;
- int quantvals;
- int threshvals;
-} encode_aux_threshmatch;
-typedef struct encode_aux_pigeonhole{
- float min;
- float del;
- int mapentries;
- int quantvals;
- long *pigeonmap;
- long fittotal;
- long *fitlist;
- long *fitmap;
- long *fitlength;
-} encode_aux_pigeonhole;
typedef struct codebook{
long dim; /* codebook dimensions (elements per vector) */
long entries; /* codebook entries */
@@ -114,6 +73,11 @@
int dec_firsttablen;
int dec_maxlength;
+ /* The current encoder uses only centered, integer-only lattice books. */
+ int quantvals;
+ int minval;
+ int delta;
} codebook;
extern void vorbis_staticbook_clear(static_codebook *b);
Modified: trunk/vorbis/vq/make_residue_books.pl
--- trunk/vorbis/vq/make_residue_books.pl 2010-03-09 18:45:14 UTC (rev 16958)
+++ trunk/vorbis/vq/make_residue_books.pl 2010-03-10 16:03:11 UTC (rev 16959)
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
- die "Couldn't open temp file temp$$.vql: $!" unless
- open(G,">temp$$.vql");
+ die "Couldn't open temp file $globalname$name.vql: $!" unless
+ open(G,">$globalname$name.vql");
print G "$count $dim 0 ";
print G "0\n$list\n";
@@ -124,16 +124,11 @@
- my $command="latticebuild temp$$.vql > $globalname$name.vqh";
+ my $command="latticebuild $globalname$name.vql > $globalname$name.vqh";
print ">>> $command\n";
die "Couldn't build latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
if syst($command);
- my $command="latticehint $globalname$name.vqh $thlist > temp$$.vqh";
- print ">>> $command\n";
- die "Couldn't pre-hint latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
- if syst($command);
if(-e $datafile){
@@ -143,33 +138,28 @@
- my $command="$restune temp$$.vqh $datafile 1 > $globalname$name.vqh";
+ my $command="$restune $globalname$name.vqh $datafile 1 > temp$$.vqh";
print ">>> $command\n";
die "Couldn't tune latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
if syst($command);
- my $command="$restune temp$$.vqh $datafile > $globalname$name.vqh";
+ my $command="$restune $globalname$name.vqh $datafile > temp$$.vqh";
print ">>> $command\n";
die "Couldn't tune latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
if syst($command);
- my $command="latticehint $globalname$name.vqh $thlist > temp$$.vqh";
+ my $command="mv temp$$.vqh $globalname$name.vqh";
print ">>> $command\n";
- die "Couldn't post-hint latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
+ die "Couldn't rename latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
if syst($command);
print "No matching training file; leaving this codebook untrained.\n";
- my $command="mv temp$$.vqh $globalname$name.vqh";
+ my $command="rm $globalname$name.vql";
print ">>> $command\n";
- die "Couldn't rename latticebook.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
- if syst($command);
- my $command="rm temp$$.vql";
- print ">>> $command\n";
die "Couldn't remove temp files.\n\tcommand:$command\n"
if syst($command);
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