[xiph-commits] r13868 - trunk/sushivision
xiphmont at svn.xiph.org
xiphmont at svn.xiph.org
Fri Sep 21 02:19:00 PDT 2007
Author: xiphmont
Date: 2007-09-21 02:19:00 -0700 (Fri, 21 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 13868
Nothing to see here.
Modified: trunk/sushivision/main.c
--- trunk/sushivision/main.c 2007-09-20 23:21:39 UTC (rev 13867)
+++ trunk/sushivision/main.c 2007-09-21 09:19:00 UTC (rev 13868)
@@ -39,41 +39,27 @@
#include "internal.h"
#include "sushi-gtkrc.h"
-// The locking model in sushivision is as simple as possible given the
-// computational and rendering concurrency.
// All API and GTK/GDK access is locked by a single recursive mutex
// installed into GDK.
// Worker threads exist to handle high latency tasks asynchronously.
-// Tasks fall into three categories: data computation, plane
-// rendering, and scale/legend rendering. The worker threads (with
-// one exception) never touch the main GDK mutex; any data protected
-// by the main mutex needed for a task is pulled out and encapsulated
-// when that task is set up from a GTK or API call. The one exception
-// is expose requests after rendering; in this case, the worker waits
-// until it can drop all locks (usually as the very last step), does
-// so, and then issues an expose request locked by GDK.
+// The worker threads (with one exception) never touch the main GDK
+// mutex; any data protected by the main mutex needed for a worker
+// task is pulled out and encapsulated when that task is set up from a
+// GTK or API call. The one exception to worker threads and the GDK
+// lock is expose requests after rendering; in this case, the worker
+// waits until it can drop all locks, does so, and then issues an
+// expose request locked by GDK.
-// All data objects that can be touched simultaneously by API/GTK/GDK
-// and the worker threads must also be locked. This includes the
-// global panel list, each panel, each plane within the panel (and
-// subunits of the planes), the plot widget's canvas buffer, and the
-// plot widget's other render access. Most access is guarded by
-// standard mutexes and synchronization serial numbers; however these
-// internal synchronization structures (which exist inside panels and
-// planes) must themselves be guarded against asynchronous destruction
-// while worker threads are 'inside' panels and planes. For this
-// reason, planes and the master plane list are also protected by rw
-// locks which are read-locked by the worker threads to signify 'in
-// use'.
+// All data object memory strutures that are used by the worker
+// threads and can be manipulated by API/GTK/GDK and the worker
+// threads re locked by r/w locks; any thread 'inside' the abstraction
+// read-locks the memory while it is in use. GDK/API access
+// write-locks this memory to manipulate it (allocation, deallocation,
+// structural mutation).
// lock acquisition order must move to the right:
-// GDK -> panel_list -> panel -> plane locks -> plot_main -> plot_data
-// Multiple panels (if needed) must be locked in order of list
-// Multiple planes (if needed) must be locked in order of list
-// Each plane type has an internal order for locking internal subunits
+// GDK -> panel_list -> panel locks -> plot_main -> plot_data
// mutex condm is only for protecting the worker condvar
static pthread_mutex_t worker_condm = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
@@ -132,6 +118,7 @@
return num;
+/// XXXXXX call wake_workers after any panel_call that returns STATUS_WORKING
static void *worker_thread(void *dummy){
/* set up temporary working space for function rendering; this saves
continuously recreating it in the loop below */
@@ -193,10 +180,10 @@
// nothing to do, wait
- if(!wake_pending)
+ while(!wake_pending)
- else
- wake_pending--;
+ wake_pending--;
Modified: trunk/sushivision/panel-2d.c
--- trunk/sushivision/panel-2d.c 2007-09-20 23:21:39 UTC (rev 13867)
+++ trunk/sushivision/panel-2d.c 2007-09-21 09:19:00 UTC (rev 13868)
@@ -32,31 +32,33 @@
#include <cairo-ft.h>
#include "internal.h"
-// panel.panel_m: rwlock, protects panel and plane heaps
-// panel.payload_m: mutex, protects panel request payloads
+// panel.panel_m: rwlock, protects all panel and plane heaps
+// panel.payload_m: mutex, protects panel/plane request payloads
// panel.status_m: mutex, protects status variables
// Plane data in the panels is protected as follows:
-// Modifications of pointers, heap allocations, etc are protected by
-// write-locking panel_m.
-// Both read and write access to the contents of plane.data and
-// plane.image are protected by read-locking panel_m; reads may happen
-// at any time, writes are checked only that they've not been superceded
-// by a later request. Writes are not locked against reads at all; a
-// read from inconsistent state will always be immediately replaced by
-// consistent data as a write operation also results in a flush after
-// it's finished.
+// Modifications of pointers, heap allocations, etc are protected by
+// write-locking panel_m.
+// Both read and write access to the contents of plane.data and
+// plane.image are protected by read-locking panel_m; reads may happen
+// at any time, writes are checked only that they've not been superceded
+// by a later request. Writes are not locked against reads at all; a
+// read from inconsistent state is temporary and cosmetic only. It will
+// always be immediately replaced by complete/correct data when the write
+// finishes and triggers a flush.
-// comp_serialno is used to verify process consistency forward from a
-// recompute request; anytime a thread is dispatched and drops its
-// status lock while performing a task with latency, it compares the
-// serialno that dispatched it to the current serialno when
-// rendezvousing with the panel state.
+// comp_serialno is used to to verify 'freshness' of operations; anytime a
+// thread needs to synchronize with panel/plane data before continuing
+// (read or write), it compares the serialno that dispatched it to the
+// current serialno. A mismatch immediately aborts the task in progress
-// map_serialno performs the same task with respect to remap requests
-// for a given plane.
+// map_serialno performs the same task with respect to remap requests
+// for a given plane.
-// lock order: panel_m -> status_m -> payload_m
+// lock order: panel_m -> status_m -> payload_m
// worker thread process order:
@@ -64,82 +66,219 @@
// > images resize
// > scale render
// > legend render
-// > join on images_resize
// > bg render
// > expose
-// > data realloc
-// > data yscale
-// > data xscale
+// > data resize
// > image map render (throttleable)
// > computation work
// > idle
+// proceed to later steps only if there's no work immediately
+// dispatchable from earlier steps.
// UI output comes first (UI is never dead, even briefly, and that
// includes graphs), however progressive UI work is purposely
// throttled.
-// any task/step that can shunt threads around itself while busy must
-// wake_workers() when complete to make sure that any threads that
-// were sleeping while waiting for available work go looking for work
-// again after implicit joins.
+// wake_workers() only explicitly needed when triggering tasks via
+// GDK/API; it is already called implicitly in the main loop whenever
+// a task step completes.
-// worker thread pseudocode for each panel:
-// > read lock panel
-// > lock status
-// > lock payload
-// > if panel.recompute_pending
-// > panel.recompute_pending = 0
-// > localize data to generate scales
-// > unlock payload
-// > ++panel.comp_serialno
-// > panel.image_resize = 1
-// > panel.data_resize = 1
-// > panel.rescale = 1
-// > panel.relegend = 1
-// > for each plane in panel:
-// > plane_recompute_setup(), eg:
-// > ++plane.map_serialno;
-// > plane.image_resize = 1
-// > plane.image_waiting = 1
-// > compute/save pending data/map scales
-// > unlock all
-// > return working
-// > if legend_pending
-// > panel.relegend = 1
-// > unlock payload
-// > local serialno = panel.comp_serialno
-// > if panel.image_resize
-// > scan from next_plane through entire list:
-// > ret = plane_resize()
-// > if ret == working [it did something]
-// > unlock all
-// > wake_workers
-// > return working
-// > if ret == busy or idle, keep scanning
-// > if all panels reported idle (which means resize complete)
-// > panel.image_resize = 0
-// > wake_workers
+#define STATUS_IDLE 0
+#define STATUS_BUSY 1
-// > if panel.relegend
-// > panel.relegend=0
-// > etc
+typedef struct {
+ int panel_w;
+ int panel_h;
+ char *x_legend;
+ char *y_legend;
+ int x_dim;
+ int y_dim;
+ int dims;
+ double *dim_lo;
+ double *dim_v;
+ double *dim_hi;
-// > if panel.rescale
-// > panel.rescale=0
-// > etc
+} recompute_payload_t;
+static void recompute_payload_free(recompute_payload_t *payload){
+// called from GDK/API; assumes GDK lock held
+static void recompute_payload_create(recompute_payload_t *payload){
+static int plane_loop(sv_panel_t *p, int *next,
+ int(*function)(_sv_plane_t *,
+ sv_panel_t *,
+ int serialno)){
+ int finishedflag=1;
+ int last = *next;
+ int i = last;
+ int serialno = p->serialno;
+ do{
+ int status = function(p->plane_list[i],p,serialno);
+ if(++i>=p->planes)i=0;
+ *next=i;
+ if(status == STATUS_WORKING) return STATUS_WORKING;
+ if(status != STATUS_IDLE) finishedflag=0;
+ }while(i!=last);
+ if(finishedflag)
+ return STATUS_IDLE;
+ return STATUS_BUSY;
+static int done_working(sv_panel_t *p){
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->status_m);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(p->panel_m);
+static int done_busy(sv_panel_t *p){
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->status_m);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(p->panel_m);
+ return STATUS_BUSY;
+static int done_idle(sv_panel_t *p){
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->status_m);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(p->panel_m);
+ return STATUS_IDLE;
+int _sv_panel_work(sv_panel_t *p){
+ int i,serialno,status;
+ pthread_rwlock_rdlock(p->panel_m);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(p->status_m);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(p->payload_m);
+ // recomute setup
+ if(p->recompute_pending){
+ recompute_payload_t *payload = p->recompute_payload;
+ p->recompute_pending=0;
+ p->recompute_payload=NULL;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->payload_m);
+ p->comp_serialno++;
+ p->image_resize=1;
+ p->data_resize=1;
+ p->rescale=1;
+ p->relegend=1;
+ p->bgrender=0;
+ p->image_next_plane=0;
+ for(i=0;i<p->planes;i++)
+ p->plane_list[i]->recompute_setup(p->plane_list[i], p, payload);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->status_m);
+ pthread_rwlock_unlock(p->panel_m);
+ recompute_payload_free(payload);
+ }
+ if(p->relegend_pending){
+ p->relegend=1;
+ p->relegend_pending=0;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(p->payload_m);
+ serialno = p->comp_serialno;
+ // image resize
+ if(p->image_resize){
+ status = plane_loop(p,&p->image_next_plane,plane_resize);
+ if(status == STATUS_WORKING) return done_working(p);
+ if(status == STATUS_IDLE){
+ p->image_resize = 0;
+ p->bgrender = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ // legend regeneration
+ if(p->relegend){
+ if(bg_legend(p) == STATUS_IDLE){
+ p->expose=1;
+ p->relegend=0;
+ }
+ return done_working(p);
+ }
+ // axis scale redraw
+ if(p->rescale){
+ if(bg_scale(p) == STATUS_IDLE){
+ p->expose=1;
+ p->rescale=0;
+ }
+ return done_working(p);
+ }
+ // need to join on image resizing before proceeding to background redraw
+ if(p->image_resize)
+ return done_busy(p);
+ // bg render
+ if(p->bgrender){
+ if(bg_render(p) == STATUS_IDLE){
+ p->expose=1;
+ p->bgrender=0;
+ }
+ return done_working(p);
+ }
+ // expose
+ if(p->expose &&
+ !p->relegend &&
+ !p->rescale &&
+ !p->bgrender){
+ // wait till all these ops are done
+ bg_expose(p);
+ return done_working(p);
+ }
+ // data resize
+ if(p->data_resize){
+ status = plane_loop(p,&p->data_next_plane,data_resize);
+ if(status == STATUS_WORKING) return done_working(p);
+ if(status == STATUS_IDLE) p->data_resize = 0;
+ }
+ // need to join on data resizing before proceeding to map/compute work
+ if(p->data_resize)
+ return done_busy(p);
+ // image map render
+ if(p->map_render){
+ status = plane_loop(p,&p->image_next_plane,map_work);
+ if(status == STATUS_WORKING) return done_working(p);
+ if(status == STATUS_IDLE) p->map_render = 0;
+ }
+ // computation work
+ status = plane_loop(p,&p->data_next_plane,compute);
+ if(status == STATUS_WORKING) return done_working(p);
+ return done_idle(p);
/* from API or GTK thread */
void _sv_panel_recompute(sv_panel_t *p){
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