[xiph-commits] r13770 - websites/theora.org

maikmerten at svn.xiph.org maikmerten at svn.xiph.org
Fri Sep 7 10:37:19 PDT 2007

Author: maikmerten
Date: 2007-09-07 10:37:19 -0700 (Fri, 07 Sep 2007)
New Revision: 13770

Replace old .html page content with redirects to the new content. In a 
proper setup the user agent should get redirected by HTTP redirects, 
this is just a fallback.

Modified: websites/theora.org/contact.html
--- websites/theora.org/contact.html	2007-09-07 10:05:37 UTC (rev 13769)
+++ websites/theora.org/contact.html	2007-09-07 17:37:19 UTC (rev 13770)
@@ -1,159 +1,10 @@
-   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<title>theora.org :: contact</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.theora.org/discuss/" />
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-                  </table>
-                </td>
-                <td valign="top" align="right"> 
-		  <p style="float: left; text-align: left;">
-		    <span style="font-weight: bold">Free Video Compression</span>
-		    <br>from <a href="http://www.xiph.org/">Xiph.org</a>
-		  </p>
-                  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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-                      <td class="title" align="right"> 
-			theora.org
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-                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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-                            <!-- Menu (HINT: Each item is inside a <td>.)-->
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="http://www.theora.org/">News</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="theorafaq.html">FAQ</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="lists.html">Discuss</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="download.html">Download</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="torrents/">Torrents</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="svn.html">SVN</a></td>
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-                      <td> 
-<div class="nav">
-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
-<div style="padding: 0em 0em 0em 0.5em; margin: 1em;">
-<form name="_xclick" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
- <input type="hidden" name="business" value="donate at xiph.org">
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- <input type="image" src="http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" border="0" name="submit" alt="Make a donation via PayPal">
-<div class="content">
-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-<h3>[ Contact Information For The Modern Theora Enthusiast ]</h3>
-There are several ways to obtain more information on Theora.
-The best way to reach the Theora developers and other users is though 
-one of the public venues.
-Please see the <a href="lists.html">Discuss</a> page for appropriate links.
-If you have a private concern that really can't be expressed in the 
-public fora, feel free to email one of the developers privately, or 
-contact the Xiph.org Foundation itself.
-                        <!-- Close Content -->
-                      </td>
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-                      <td class="bl" bgcolor="#777777" nowrap> 
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-                        <!-- CC link here? -->
-			Support free and open digital media! 
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-      </table>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
+<p>You are being transferred to <a href="http://www.theora.org/discuss/">http://www.theora.org/discuss/</a></p>

Modified: websites/theora.org/download.html
--- websites/theora.org/download.html	2007-09-07 10:05:37 UTC (rev 13769)
+++ websites/theora.org/download.html	2007-09-07 17:37:19 UTC (rev 13770)
@@ -1,232 +1,10 @@
-   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<title>theora.org :: downloads</title>
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-<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.theora.org/downloads/" />
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-                      <td width="50" height="50" bgcolor="#444466" class="tl">&nbsp; 
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-                      <td valign="bottom">&nbsp; </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-                <td valign="top" align="right"> 
-		  <p style="float: left; text-align: left;">
-		    <span style="font-weight: bold">Free Video Compression</span>
-		    <br>from <a href="http://www.xiph.org/">Xiph.org</a>
-		  </p>
-                  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td class="title" align="right"> 
-			theora.org
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-                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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-                            <!-- Menu (HINT: Each item is inside a <td>.)-->
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="http://www.theora.org/">News</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="theorafaq.html">FAQ</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="lists.html">Discuss</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="download.html">Download</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="torrents/">Torrents</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="svn.html">SVN</a></td>
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-        <tr> 
-          <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> 
-            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-              <tr> 
-                <td valign="top"> 
-                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td> 
-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-<div class="nav">
-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
-<div class="nav" style="padding: 0em 0em 0em 0.5em; margin: 1em;">
-<form name="_xclick" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
- <input type="hidden" name="business" value="donate at xiph.org">
- <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="theora donation">
- <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
- <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10.00">
- <input type="image" src="http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" name="submit" alt="Make a donation via PayPal">
-<div class="content">
-<h3>Source Code</h3>		
-<p>Currently we only provide source code for the theora reference 
-implementation. There are no official binaries.</p>
-<p>The latest release is <em>1.0 alpha 7</em>. Despite being 
-alpha, this release is quite stable and suitable for real use. The api 
-is subject to revision, but as with the alpha 3 release, the files the 
-encoder produces will always be supported.
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.bz2">libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.bz2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.zip">libtheora-1.0alpha7.zip</a></li>
-To compile this you will also need the latest versions of the ogg and 
-vorbis libraries.
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz</a></li>
-<p>Older releases are available
- <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/">here</a>.
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a> (HTML)</li>
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6.pdf">libtheora API reference</a> (PDF)</li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Theora I Format Specification</a> (PDF)</li>
-Quite a number of third party applications support theora.
-If you just want to try out the codec, these are the way to
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://player.helixcommunity.org/">Helix Player</a> / <a href="http://www.realplayer.com">Real Player 10</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">Directshow filters</a></li>
-<li><em>someone needs to write a quicktime plugin</em></li>
-                        <!-- Close Content -->
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
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-                  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td class="bl" bgcolor="#777777" nowrap> 
-                        <!-- Copyright footer -->
-                        <!-- CC link here? -->
-			Support free and open digital media! 
-                        <!-- Close Copyright -->
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-          </td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-<p class="xiphtag">
-Theora is a project of the
-<img src="http://xiph.org/white-xifish.png" alt="[xiph.org logo]"
-     align="middle">
-Xiph.org Foundation.
+<p>You are being transferred to <a href="http://www.theora.org/downloads/">http://www.theora.org/downloads/</a></p>

Modified: websites/theora.org/index.html
--- websites/theora.org/index.html	2007-09-07 10:05:37 UTC (rev 13769)
+++ websites/theora.org/index.html	2007-09-07 17:37:19 UTC (rev 13770)
@@ -1,1097 +1,10 @@
-   "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
-<title>theora.org :: main &mdash; Theora, video for everyone</title>
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-<style type="text/css">
-	@import url(style.css);
+<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.theora.org" />
-<body bgcolor="#666699" text="#000000">
-<table width="700" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center">
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-                  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td width="50" height="50" bgcolor="#444466" class="tl">&nbsp; 
-                      </td>
-                      <td align="right" valign="top"> 
-                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                          <tr> 
-                            <td bgcolor="#9898BA" width="25" height="25" class="tl">&nbsp;</td>
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-                    <tr> 
-                      <td valign="bottom"> 
-                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                          <tr> 
-                            <td bgcolor="#9898BA" width="25" height="25" class="tl">&nbsp;</td>
-                          </tr>
-                        </table>
-                      </td>
-                      <td valign="bottom">&nbsp; </td>
-                    </tr>
-                  </table>
-                </td>
-                <td valign="top" align="right"> 
-		  <p style="float: left; text-align: left;">
-		    <span style="font-weight: bold">Free Video Compression</span>
-		    <br>from the <a href="http://www.xiph.org/">Xiph.Org Foundation</a>
-		  </p>
-                  <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td class="title" align="right"> 
-			theora.org
-                      </td>
-                    </tr>
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td align="right"> 
-                        <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-                          <tr> 
-                            <!-- Menu (HINT: Each item is inside a <td>.)-->
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="http://www.theora.org/">News</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="theorafaq.html">FAQ</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="lists.html">Discuss</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="download.html">Download</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="torrents/">Torrents</a></td>
-                            <td class="menu"><a href="svn.html">SVN</a></td>
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-        </tr>
-        <tr> 
-          <td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"> 
-            <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
-              <tr> 
-                <td valign="top"> 
-                  <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10">
-                    <tr> 
-                      <td> 
-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-<div class="nav">
-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.3.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.3</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.2.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.2</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<!-- official site is down!
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/oggdsf/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://share.sh.cvut.cz/avc/Theora_demos/">CTU Prague Archive</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://jroar.jcraft.com:8800/test_theora.m3u">JRoar stream</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://v2v.cc/">V2V network</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.editingarchive.com/eatv/">EATV</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
-<div class="nav" style="padding: 0em 0em 0em 0.5em; margin: 1em;">
-<form name="_xclick" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
- <input type="hidden" name="business" value="donate at xiph.org">
- <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="theora donation">
- <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
- <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10.00">
- <input type="image" src="http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif" name="submit" alt="Make a donation via PayPal">
-<div class="content">	
-<h3>[ 2007 June 17 - Debconf 7 webcasts ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://debconf7.debconf.org/">DebConf(7)</a> is happening 
-this week, with <a href="http://streams.video.debconf.org:8000/">live 
-streams</a> available. Archives will be <a href="http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2007/debconf7/">posted</a> 
-<p>They have an <a 
-setup</a> this year, testing several new pieces of software, including 
-<a href="http://alioth.debian.org/projects/dvswitch/">dvswitch</a> for 
-software mixing, <a href="http://pentabarf.org/">Pentbarf</a> 
-integration for pulling metadata from the rest conference site, and 
-CMMLbot for integration of the live irc commentary.</p>
-<p>And of course, there are a great number of <a 
-about the Debian free software distribution, and open source in general. Check 
-it out.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 June 11 - Jukola 2007 in Theora ]</h3>
-<p>A large <a 
-competiton, <a href="http://www.jukola2007.net/">Jukola 2007</a>,
-is planning to webcast their event next week in Theora!</p>
-<p>It should be a large event, with 10-15k viewers expected. Server-side 
-support is provided by <a href="http://www.kepit.fi/">Kepit Streaming 
-Systems</a>. Way to go guys.</p>
-<p>A link should be available on the <a 
-href="http://www.jukola2007.net/">front page</a> when the stream is live 
-(2007 June 16-17). More information about the webcast is 
-<a href="http://www.jukola2007.net/virkia/jukola.nsf/sp?Open&cid=content445C0C">available 
-in Finnish</a>.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 June 7 - HTML5 video now! ]</h3>
-<p>The folks at <a href="http://metavid.org/">Metavid</a> are continuing
-to prove their worth. Michael Dale has updated his mv_embed script to 
-<em>dynamically rewrite</em> its host web page to use whatever support
-or Ogg video is available from the browser.</p>
-<p>That means you can just use, now, the 
-<a href="http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-video.html#video">HTML5 &lt;video&gt; tag</a>
-to embed Theora in your webpage, and simply by including the javascript,
-have it work on browsers which do not yet support it.</p>
-<p>You can <a href="http://metavid.ucsc.edu/blog/2007/06/07/html5-video-the-future-is-now/">read about the details</a> on the Metavid <a href="http://metavid.ucsc.edu/blog">blog</a>.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 June 5 - Theora Cookbook ]</h3>
-<p>There's a <a href="http://en.flossmanuals.net/theoracookbook">Theora 
-Cookbook</a> with some helpful HOWTOs up at <a 
-href="http://flossmanuals.net/">FLOSS Manuals</a>.</p>
-<p>Thanks to Adam Hyde for making this nice resource available.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 March 20 - Linux Audio Conference ]</h3>
-<p>The Linux Audio Conference takes place this week 22-25 March, 2007.  
-As in past
-years LAC2007 will be streamed live in Vorbis and Theora via 
-Icecast. If you would like to watch or listen to the streams please check 
-out the conference wiki streaming page:
-<a href="http://www.medienwissenschaft.hu-berlin.de/lawici/index.php/Live_Streaming">
-<p>Information on the conference itself, including talks, abstracts, 
-schedule and procedings: 
-<a href="http://www.kgw.tu-berlin.de/~lac2007/">
-<h3>[ 2007 March 6 - Native Theora support in Opera? ]</h3>
-<p>One of the Opera developers <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/56445403@N00/406571288/">apparently</a> 
-<a href="http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2007/03/opera_visits_wi.html">native</a> Theora+Vorbis playback in their browser. Very cool! If we can get free 
-video formats implemented as the baseline for web video, we'll have 
-taken a major step away from the current morass of competing, 
-incompatible, proprietary media on the web.</p>
-<p>This <a href="http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-February/009702.html">follows 
-up</a> on a <a href="http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-March/009789.html">discussion</a> 
-on the What WG mailing list.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 February 28 - LCA 2007 video online ]</h3>
-<p>Just a heads up that video from all the talks at <a 
-href="http://lca2007.linux.org.au/">LCA 2007</a> has now been posted,
-in Theora format, of course.</p>
-<p>A lot of interesting talks here. They're all linked from the 
-<a href="http://lca2007.linux.org.au/Programme">programme page</a>.
-<h3>[ 2007 February 3 - Metavid theora wrapper ]</h3>
-<p>Michael Dale of the <a href="http://metavid.ucsc.edu/">metavid</a> 
-project sent us a pointer to a <a 
-packaged version of their <a href="http://metavid.ucsc.edu/wiki/index.php/Mv_embed">cortado 
-embedding</a> scripts.</p>
-<p>See the metavid blog <a href="http://metavid.ucsc.edu/blog/2007/02/03/ogg-theora-in-your-webpage/">for 
-more information</a>. Thanks, Michael!</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 January 29 - ITheora php wrapper for cortado ]</h3>
-<p>Project contributor ZikZak has posted 
-<a href="http://menguy.aymeric.free.fr/theora/">ITheora</a>, 
-a GPL php wrapper to skin the 
-<a href="http://www.flumotion.net/cortado/">cortado</a> 
-java player. In addition to 
-making it pretty, it adds a few nice buttons like play/stop, download, 
-and so on. Instructions are in French, but the code package contains 
-everything you need to set it up.</p>
-<p>This makes embedding theora in webpages much nicer.</p>
-<h3>[ 2007 January 28 - Creative Commons talk ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://romal.de/">Robert Albrecht</a> 
-<a href="http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/theora/2007-January/001388.html">wrote</a> 
-to say he has posted 
-<a href="http://www.archive.org/download/Robert_M.Albrecht_Einfuehrung_in_CreativeCommons/romalcc.OGG">video</a> 
-<a href="http://www.pruefungsausschuss.de/www.romal.de/Creative%20Commons.pdf">slides</a> 
-of his introduction to the <a href="http://creativecommons.org">creative 
-commons</a> movement and licenses. (In German)</p>
-<p>Thanks Robert!</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 December 28 - 23C3 streams in Theora ]</h3>
-<p>Helmut Pozimski reports that the 
-<a href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Overview">23rd Chaos 
-Communication Conference</a> is now <a 
-href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Streams">streaming their 
-panels</a> in <a href="http://events.ccc.de/congress/2006/Streams#OGG">Theora</a> 
-and Vorbis audio only</p>
-<p><strong>Update:</strong> Unofficial <a href="http://blogage.de/mirror/ogg/">archives of the talks</a> are 
-<h3>[ 2006 December 20 - twibright vncrec outputs YUV4MPEG ]</h3>
-<p>Clock has hacked <a href="http://www.sodan.org/~penny/vncrec/">vncrec</a>
-To output the YUV4MPEG format, useful for feeding to the video encoders, 
-including <a href="http://v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a> 
-and the libtheora encoder_example.</p>
-<p>A release with the modification is <a href="http://ronja.twibright.com/utils/vncrec/">available here</a>.</p>
-<p>Thanks for this, clock!</a>
-<h3>[ 2006 December 1 - Theora on TI DM642 DSP ]</h3>
-<p>This is actually old news, but in February 
-Cox</a> got SD theora decode working in realtime on an TI <a 
-<p> Way to go Adrian!</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 November 10 - Theora video on Dell.com ]</h3>
-<p>The Linux section of Dell Computer's <a href="http://www.direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/category/1021.aspx">collective 
-blog</a> includes Theora alternatives to their apparently standard 
-wmv vlog entries. Well done, Dell, for realizing no one can watch 
-<p>Recent examples include <a 
-McLeod advertising their clusters</a> and <a 
-href="http://linux.dell.com/vlogs/MSD_ORACLE.vlog_2.ogg">Michael Dell's 
-Keynote</a> at Oracle OpenWorld.</p>
-<p>Now, if they'd just make it the default link...</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 October 8 - Democracy shipping XiphQT ]</h3>
-<p>The MacOS version of the excellent <a href="http://www.getdemocracy.com/">Democracy</a>
-Internet TV platform now ships with and installs to <a href="http://xiph.org/quicktime/">XiphQT</a> components. This means that if you've installed Democracy, you can play Vorbis and Theora in other Quicktime-based applications!</p>
-<p>Way to support open media!</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 October 3 - EATV switches to streaming theora ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://www.editingarchive.com/community/">Archive 
-Entertainment</a> has switched their 
-<a href="http://www.editingarchive.com/eatv">EATV streaming video</a>
-feed to <a href="http://icecast.org/">Icecast</a> and Theora! They 
-say the switch to open technology has been very successful for them.</p>
-<p>Great news. Check out their 
-<a href="http://www.editingarchive.com/eatv/">streams</a> or read more
-<a href="http://www.editingarchive.com/press/eatv.php">here</a>.</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 September 27 - International Free Software Forum video ]</h3>
-<p>People from <a href="http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/7.0/www/">International 
-Free Software Forum</a> (the largest brazilian 
-event about FLOSS) have done it two times in a row. They've
-<a href="http://torrents.softwarelivre.org/">put online</a> 
-the whole video coverage for this year's event (also online are the 
-videos from last year).</p>
-<p>It's almost 300 hours in Theora. It's a shame there's no subtitles, 
-for most of the lectures are not in English...the English ones are really 
-good, though.</p>
-<p>Also <a 
-to digg</a>.</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 June 20 - libtheora 1.0alpha7 release ]</h3>
-<p>There's a new release of the libtheora reference implementation.</p>
-<p>This release contains build fixes from the alpha6 release. There are
-no new features. The new MMX asm is enabled by default, and a problem 
-with that same code on SELinux machines has been fixed.</p>
-  <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.bz2">libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.bz2</a><br>
-  <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz</a><br>
-  <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.zip">libtheora-1.0alpha7.zip</a>
-<h3>[ 2006 May 31 - Cinelerra supports distributed theora encoding ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://cinelerra.org/">Cinelerra</a> is a well known 
-nonlinear video editor with support for renderfarms, enabiling use of 
-distributed cpu power to do faster rendering.</p>
-<p>A year after getting import and export support for theora, 
-Cinelerra now has distributed theora encoding support, which makes 
-theora content creation much faster.</p>
-<p><em>Thanks to Andraz Tori for this.</em></p>
-<h3>[ 2006 May 30 - libtheora 1.0alpha6 release ]</h3>
-<p>We're pleased to announce a new release of the libtheora reference 
-implemenation. This is an incremental update over alpha 5, consisting
-primarily of bug fixes and a merge of the encoder optimizations from the 
-theora-mmx branch.</p>
-    <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha6.tar.bz2">libtheora-1.0alpha6.tar.bz2<a/><br>
-    <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha6.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha6.tar.gz</a><br>
-    <a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha6.zip">libtheora-1.0alpha6.zip</a>
-<p><strong>Changes since the 1.0 alpha 5 release:</strong>
-<li>Merge theora-mmx simd acceleration (x86_32 and x86_64)</li>
-<li>Major RTP payload specification update</li>
-<li>Minor format specification updates</li>
-<li>Fix some spurious calls to free() instead of _ogg_free()</li>
-<li>Fix invalid array indexing in PixelLineSearch()</li>
-<li>Improve robustness against invalid input</li>
-<li>General warning cleanup</li>
-<li>The offset_y member now means what every application thought it meant
-   (offset from the top). This will mean some old files (those with a
-   non-centered image created with a buggy encoder) will display 
-   differently.</li>
-<p>Thanks to everyone who contributed!</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 March 25 - Live installfest streams ]</h3>
-<p>The 2006 FLISOL (Festival de Instalacion de Software Libre en 
-Latin America) is webcasting <a 
-href="http://giss.hackitectura.net/flisol/">live streams</a> from
-today's event. See <a 
-and <a 
-for more information.</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 March 24 - Malagasy TV in Theora ]</h3>
-<p>Browsing the Icecast <a href="http://dir.xiph.org/">stream 
-directory</a> today I noticed <a 
-href="http://telegasy.info/">Telegasy</a> has an online Malagasy
-language <a 
-in Theora. Very cool.</p>
-<h3>[ 2006 January 13 - YSTV webcast in Theora ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://ystv.york.ac.uk/">York Student Television</a> is now 
-available online in Theora, both as a live stream and downloads of 
-past shows. <a href="http://ystv.york.ac.uk/watch/">Take a look</a> or
-<a href="http://ystv.york.ac.uk/streamlaunch/pressrelease.php">read</a> 
-about how they're using open source technology to distribute their 
-content in open formats.</p>
-<p>Way to go, YSTV, this is great to see!</p>
-<p>Note that the programs are also generally under a <a 
-href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0">CC</a> license 
-with a wierd additional advance notification requirement. We're not sure 
-how exactly that's intended to work...</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 August 20 - libtheora 1.0 alpha 5 release ]</h3>
-<p>We're pleased to announce a new release of the libtheora reference
-implemenation. This is an incremental update over alpha 4, to draw
-a line under recent work before we start adding optimization work.
-<p>There are two important bugfixes as well, so we recommend upgrading
-to everyone. This release is source and binary compatible with 
-1.0 alpha 4.</p>
-<a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha5.tar.bz2">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha5.tar.bz2
-</a><br><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha5.tar.gz">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha5.tar.gz
-</a><br><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha5.zip">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha5.zip
-<p>Changes since the 1.0 alpha 4 release:
- <li>Fixed bitrate management bugs that caused popping and encode
-   errors.</li>
- <li>Fixed a crash problem with the theora_state internals not
-   being intialized properly.</li>
- <li>new theora_granule_shift() utility function</li>
- <li>dump_video example now makes YUV4MPEG files by default, so
-   the results can be fed back to encoder_example and similar
-   tools. The old behavior is restored with the '-r' switch.</li>
- <li>./configure now prints a summary</li>
- <li>simple unit test of the comment api under 'make check'</li>
- <li>misc code cleanup, warning and leak fixes</li>
-<p>Thanks to everyone who contributed!</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 June 5 - Cinelerra edits Theora ]</h3>
-<p>The <a href="http://cinelerra.org">Cinelerra</a> video editor
-which has supported encoding to theora for some time, recently got
-decode support as well. This means you can edit theora video clips
-in Cinelerra!</p>
-<p>Thanks to Andraz for adding this new feature.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 May 29 - Live streams of Guadec talks ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://fluendo.com/">Fluendo</a> is again streaming
-all the talks from the <a href="http://2005.guadec.org">Guadec 
-conference</a> this year in Theora format.</p>
-<p>Live <a href="http://stream.fluendo.com/guadec/">streams are 
-available</a> and will be posted to the 
-<a href="http://stream.fluendo.com/archive/6uadec/">archive</a> 
-as they are available.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 May 23 - systm episodes in Theora format ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://www.kevinrose.com/">Kevin Rose</a> of <a 
-href="http://www.g4tv.com/screensavers/index.html">The Screen Savers</a> 
-and G4 tech tv, is doing <a href="http://systm.org/">a new show</a> for 
-direct internet distribution.
-The first episode is up and available in a number of formats, including 
-<p>Here is a <a 
-link</a> to the large format 
-<h3>[ 2005 May 14 - Cinelerra adds export support for Theora ]</h3>
-<p>The latest CVS version of <a href="http://cinelerra.org/">Cinelerra</a>
-non-linear edit and compositing tool for Linux supports exporting
-video in Theora format.</p>
-<p>See <a href="http://cvs.cinelerra.org">cvs.cinelerra.org</a> to
-try out the code.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 Apr 23 - Elphel Theora camera in Xcell magazine ]</h3>
-<p>Andrey Filippov has an 
-<a href="http://xilinx.com/publications/xcellonline/xcell_53/xc_video53.htm">article</a> 
-on his FPGA Theora encoder in <a 
-href="http://xilinx.com/publications/xcellonline/">Xcell Journal</a> 
-this month. While the earlier <a 
-href="http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT3888835064.html">article at LinuxDevices</a> 
-focussed on the software, this one covers in more detail the hardware 
-and use of the FPGA to achieve the elphel camera's remarkable encoding
-<p>Andrey and other hackers will be demonstrating the cameras at the <a 
-href="http://www.opensource-forum.ru/">Open Source Forum</a> in Moscow
-next weekend.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 Apr 17 - Theora decoder ported to C# ]</h3>
-<p><a href="http://www.ogre3d.org/">Ogre</a> developer pjcast has a C# 
-port of the Theora decoder,
-based primarily on the <a href="http://www.jcraft.com/jorbis/">JOrbis</a> 
-and <a href="http://www.flumotion.net/jar/cortado/">Cortado</a> java 
-<p>He reports both video and sound are working, and performance is 
-pretty good. The decoder components should be usable under any of
-the C# frameworks, but the example playback application is still
-a bit rough and not portable outside MS Windows.</p>
-<p>A <a href="http://www.wreckedgames.com/ogg.zip">development 
-snapshot</a> is available for those who would like to
-try out the code.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 Mar 24 - Fedora Conference Video ]</h3>
-<p>Video from the <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/fudcon/">Fedora 
-Users & Develper Conference</a> last month in Boston is up in Theora 
-format. The files <a href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDConVideos">are 
-available here</a>, or you can get a complete torrents of the 
-<a href="http://torrent.linux.duke.edu/FUDCon-devel-videos.torrent">Developer</a> 
-and <a href="http://torrent.linux.duke.edu/FUDCon-user-videos.torrent">User</a> 
-tracks. Versions with only Vorbis audio are also linked.</p>
-<p>It's great to see stuff like this going up.</p>
-<p><strong>Update</strong> as of 20050405, the direct file links no 
-longer work, but the torrent is still available.</p>
-<p>In related news, <a href="http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/">Seth 
-Nickell</a> has video of the experimental 
-<a href="http://cvs.gnome.org/viewcvs/luminocity/">Luminocity</a> OpenGL 
-compositing engine and window manager in Theora. <a 
-href="http://www.gnome.org/~seth/blog/xshots">Video screenshots!</a> 
-Quite cool.</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 Mar 23 - Elphel FPGA camera encodes Theora ]</h3>
-Andrey Filippov <a 
-href="http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT3888835064.html">has an 
-article</a> today on <a 
-href="http://www.linuxdevices.com/">LinuxDevices</a> describing his open 
-source hardware theora encoder, embedded in the reconfigurable network 
-camera he designed, which is also open source. Now this is what 
-computing should be like!</p>
-<h3>[ 2005 Mar 22 - JRoar streaming server ]</h3>
-The <a href="http://www.jcraft.com/jroar/">JRoar</a> streaming server
-now supports Theora. Has for a while actually, but then have a
-nice set of <a href="http://jroar.jcraft.com:8800/">test streams</a>
-JRoar is a pure Java Ogg streaming server from the folks at <a 
-href="http://www.jcraft.com/">JCraft</a>. I can serve static files,
-mirror external streams, or serve a source stream from a number of 
-clients. It can also serve the 
-<a href="http://www.jcraft.com/jorbis/">JOrbis</a> Vorbis player 
-directly, for a pure-url playback experience.
-Thanks to the JRoar team for putting up such a nice demo of theora.
-<h3>[ 2005 Jan 21 - Katiuska 0.7 for KDE released ]</h3>
-Katiuska can now rip dvds by simply selecting subtitle and
-audio language + audio and video quality. Katiuska
-also allows you to transcode any video file to Theora.
-KDE with kommander1.1development2 <br>
-mplayer <br>
-Get it here: <br>
-<a href="http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17831">http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17831</a>
-<h3>[ 2005 Jan 13 - Thoggen 0.2 released ]</h3>
-Thoggen is a DVD backup utility ('DVD ripper') for Linux, based on Gtk+ and 
-GStreamer. It creates Theora video files and features an extremely easy 
-and intuitively to use interface. Thoggen supports picture cropping and 
-Get Thoggen 0.2 from: <br>
-<a href="http://thoggen.net/download/">http://thoggen.net/download/</a>
-<h3>[ 2005 Jan 3 - GeeXBox live CD supports theora playback ]</h3>
-The <a href="http://geexbox.org/">GeeXboX</a> bootable CD media 
-player/linux distribution now supports Theora playback. Thanks guys!
-<h3>[ 2004 Dec 24 - Cortado 0.1.0 released ]</h3>		
-Fluendo announces the <a href="http://www.flumotion.net/src/cortado/cortado-0.1.0.tar.gz">first public release of Cortado</a>, a java-based media player applet.
-Since it's a first release, building it might still be rough around the edges, 
-but should be possible using at least Jikes with GCJ classpath libraries, or the Sun compiler. 
-You can also download <a href="http://www.flumotion.net/jar/cortado/">built .jar files</a> of this release.
-Visit <a href="http://mirror.fluendo.com/">Fluendo zoo</a> to have a look at cortado in action.<br />
-Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from everyone at Fluendo !
-<h3>[ 2004 Dec 15 - libtheora 1.0 alpha 4 release ]</h3>
-<p>We're pleased to announce a new release of the libtheora reference
-implemenation. This is an incremental update over alpha 3, in support
-of <a href="http://icecast.org/">Icecast's</a> use of some new utility
-calls to provide theora streaming support.</p>
-<a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha4.tar.bz2">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha4.tar.bz2
-</a><br><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha4.tar.gz">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha4.tar.gz
-</a><br><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha4.zip">
-  libtheora-1.0alpha4.zip
-<p>Changes since the alpha3 release:
- <li>first draft of the Theora I Format Specification</li>
- <li>API documentation generated from theora.h with Doxygen</li>
- <li>fix a double-update bug in the motion analysis</li>
- <li>apply the loop filter before filling motion vector border
-   in the reference frame</li>
- <li>new utility functions:
-   <tt>theora_packet_isheader(),</tt>
-   <tt>theora_packet_iskeyframe()</tt>, and
-   <tt>theora_granule_frame()</tt></li>
- <li>optional support for building without floating point</li>
- <li>optional support for building without encode support</li>
- <li>various build and packaging fixes</li>
- <li>pkg-config support</li>
- <li>SymbianOS build support</li>
-<p>We still plan to make incompatible api changes before the first beta 
-release, but this new alpha provides a stable base including all the 
-work that has happened up to those changes.</p>
-<p>Thanks to everyone who contributed!</p>
-<h3>[ 2004 Dec 11 - Theora support in LiVES ]</h3>
-<p>Theora is now fully supported in LiVES is a Video Editing System (LiVES), as of version 0.9.1.
-If you are interested in having a nice, user friendly interface for 
-testing out theora, then download LiVES and try it.<br> 
-<a href="http://lives.sourceforge.net"> (http://lives.sourceforge.net)</a></p>
-<p>The encoder plugin for theora is written in Python and can be found here:
-<a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/lives/lives-plugins/marcos-encoders/theora_encoder.py"> http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/lives/lives-plugins/marcos-encoders/theora_encoder.py</a></p>
-<h3>[ 2004 Dec 6 - Fluendo funds RTP streaming of Theora and Vorbis ]</h3>
-<p>Streaming media startup <a href="http://www.fluendo.com/">Fluendo.com</a>
-announced today they will be funding a spec and reference implementation
-for encapsulation of Theora video and Vorbis audio over the RTP streaming
-protocol, important for multicast, digital broadcast, and conferencing
-<p>A <a href="http://www.fluendo.com/press/releases/PR-2004-03.html">press 
-release</a> was issued this morning.</p>
-<p>While HTTP streaming of Ogg-encapsulated multimedia has been supported
-for most of the history of our free codecs, RTP support is an oft-requested
-feature that we've never had a good solution for. We're very happy to 
-see Fluendo driving this new work.</p>
-<p>Phil Kerr will be managing the developement of the new drafts. The 
-development process is open, with discussion taking place in the new
-<a href="http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/xiph-rtp">xiph-rtp</a>
-mailing list. Please join if you're interested in these issues.
-<h3>[ 2004 Nov 21 - Theora encoder, Katiuska 0.6.1, released ]</h3>
-<p>Katiuska is a theora encoder frontend that runs on KDE. It uses ffmpeg2theora, mencoder, 
-the encoder_example that comes with the theora libs and a little gpl bash script.   It can 
-encode mostly any kind of video that ffmpeg and mencoder can (avi, mpeg4 and 2, quicktime etc).</p>
-<p>On a KDE system, first install libtheora (see navigation links to the left).</p>
-<p>Make sure Kommander is installed: <br>
-<a href="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/kommander/kommander-executor-1.1devel2.tar.bz2?download">
-<p>Then download Katiuska, and install it by unpacking it, change to the katiuska directory, use "su" to 
-login as root, and then enter the command "./setup.sh".  Katiuska can be downloaded from: <br>
-<a href="http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17831">http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=17831</a>
-<h3>[ 2004 Nov 20 - Windows installer for RealPlayer plugins ]</h3>
-<p>A Windows installer for version 0.5 of the Helix Theora & 
-Vorbis plugins for RealPlayer 10/10.5 and RealOne Player has been released. There are no code
-changes from the 0.5 zip file that was posted earlier. This just replaces the
-zip file with an installer. You can get the installer at:</p>
-<a href="https://helixcommunity.org/download.php/713/xiphplins_win32_0_5.exe">
-<h3>[ 2004 Nov 11 - Flumotion streaming media server updated ]</h3>
-<p>Flumotion 0.1.3, <a href="http://www.fluendo.com/">Fluendo</a>'s 
-streaming media server based on Theora, was 
-released today.</p>
-<p>It is available from <a 
-<p>Packages for FC3 are available from the GStreamer repository.</p>
-<p><i>This release features a lot of end-user polishing 
-based on the feedback from our brave testers.  If something didn't work 
-in a previous release, please try this one and give us some 
-<h3>[ 2004 Oct 30 - new Theora and Vorbis plugins for RealPlayer 10 ]</h3>
-<p>New versions of the Helix Theora and Vorbis plugins are now available for 
-RealPlayer 10.  The major feature of this release is adding chaining support.</p>
-The new plugins can be downloaded at: <br>
-<a href="https://helixcommunity.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7&release_id=361"> 
-<h3>[ 2004 Oct 29 - Kino 0.7.4 exports in Theora format ]</h3>
-<p>Kino, an actively developed non-linear video editing program for Linux, now supports the export of video in 
-Theora format.</p>
-The Kino website is at: <a href="http://kino.schirmacher.de/">http://kino.schirmacher.de/</a>
-<h3>[ 2004 Oct 20 - Flumotion streaming media server ]</h3>
-<p>The first release for public consumption of Fluendo's Flumotion streaming media server 
-is available.</p>
-<p>Yes, there will be bugs.  Feel free to report them.  But there are also
-lots of cool features, for which Fluendo owes a debt of gratitude to both the
-GStreamer and Twisted developers.</p>
-The Fluendo website is at: <a href="http://www.fluendo.com">http://www.fluendo.com</a> <br>
-The development site is at <a href="https://core.fluendo.com/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi"> 
-https://core.fluendo.com/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi</a> <br>
-The tarball is at: <a href="http://www.fluendo.com/downloads/flumotion-0.1.0.tar.bz2"> 
-<h3>[ 2004 Sept 30 - Fluendo test stream ]</h3>
-<p>Fluendo has posted a stable test stream for those wanting to try
-theora's network aspect. It's mostly just a webcam of their office,
-and often rather dull at night (or when the power is out) but it's nice 
-to have something that's generally available for testing. Thanks, 
-<p>The stream url is
-or click <a href="fluendo-theoratest.pls">here</a> to open the stream in 
-your player application.
-<h3>[ 2004 Sept 28 - v2v posts theora content ]</h3>
-<p>Florian Schneider has posted video from the <a 
-href="http://neuro.kein.org/">neuro</a> conference this past February in 
-Munich, all in theora format. This includes a <a 
-discussion</a> with Enno Patalas, revered film preservationist; Brian 
-Holmes; Sebastian L&uuml;tgert; and Ralph Giles, one of the theora 
-developers. General documentation of the conference and its other 
-sessions is available <a 
-<p>Florian has also posted versions of a programme he produced for the 
-German French tv station arte. Torrents for <a 
-and <a 
-are available.</p>
-<h3>[ 2004  Sept 11 - interview with Fluendo CEO, Julien Moutte ]</h3>
-<p>OSNews has an in inteview with Julien Moutte discussing  upcoming 
-products and services based 
-on Theora, including a java version of the Theora client that 
-will allow viewing of Theora format video inside web browsing windows. <br>
-<a href="http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8218">http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8218</a>
-<h3>[ 2004 Aug 28 - kfile_theora 0.2 announced ]</h3>
-<p>kfile_theora is a KDE kfile plugin that will display infos about Theora video files in konqueror & meta data dialog.<br>
- Currently gives info about size, length, quality and some audio settings.<br>
- Requires libogg, libvorbis and libtheora.
- </p>
- <p>For more information, please go to:<br>
- <a href="http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=15553">http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=15553</a>
- </p> 
-<h3>[ 2004 Aug 25 - Richard Stallman on software patents ]</h3>
-<p>Videos in Theora format of Richard Stallman of 
-FSF + Christian Engstr&ouml;m and Marco Schulze of FFII visiting the 
-Estonian Information Technology College, and 
-talking about the danger of patenting software have been put on the net.</p>
-<p>General info:<br>
-<a href="http://kwiki.ffii.org/Tallinn040722En">http://kwiki.ffii.org/Tallinn040722En</a><br>
-<a href="http://www.itcollege.ee/koostoo/avalikudloengudarhiiv.php">http://www.itcollege.ee/koostoo/avalikudloengudarhiiv.php</a></p>
-<p>Videos themselves:<br>
-<a href="http://www.itcollege.ee/dl/OGG/avaloeng10_1.ogg">http://www.itcollege.ee/dl/OGG/avaloeng10_1.ogg</a><br />
-<a href="http://www.itcollege.ee/dl/OGG/avaloeng10_2.ogg">http://www.itcollege.ee/dl/OGG/avaloeng10_2.ogg</a></p>
-<a href="http://www.nightlabs.de/anti_swpat/BalticTour/040722/avaloeng10_1.ogg">http://www.nightlabs.de/anti_swpat/BalticTour/040722/avaloeng10_1.ogg</a><br>
-<a href="http://www.nightlabs.de/anti_swpat/BalticTour/040722/avaloeng10_2.ogg">http://www.nightlabs.de/anti_swpat/BalticTour/040722/avaloeng10_2.ogg</a></p>
-<p>Videos are encoded as described in ogg-theora-microhowto.  They are half of the original size, and qualities are Vorbis: 2/10 and Theora: 4/10.</p>
-<h3>[ 2004 Aug 21 -   aKademy broadcast in theora ]</h3>
-<p>Streaming startup <a href="http://fluendo.com/">fluendo.com</a> is doing it again.<br />
-This time live from the <a href="http://conference2004.kde.org/">KDE World summit</a> in Ludwigsburg, Germany.
-<p>During the conference, the live streams are available from <a href="http://streamingserver.akademy.kde.org/">http://streamingserver.akademy.kde.org/</a> along with viewer suggestions.<br />
-Archives are available at <a href="http://ktown.kde.org/akademy/">http://ktown.kde.org/akademy/</a>
-<h3>[ 2004 Jun 29 - Guadec broadcast in theora ]</h3>
-<p>Streaming startup <a href="http://fluendo.com/">fluendo.com</a> has 
-been demonstrating their encoding and server application at <a 
-href="http://guadec.org/">GUADEC</a> this year, broadcasting the 
-presentations <strong>live in theora</strong>. This is a great 
-demonstration of open media technology. Congratulations to fluendo and a 
-big thanks to everyone who made this possible!</p>
-<p>During the conference, the live streams are available from 
-<a href="http://stream1.hia.no/">http://stream1.hia.no/</a> along with 
-viewer suggestions. Archives are available at the same url if you
-missed something.</p>
-<p>What a change a year makes. Last year, we were very sad to see <a 
-href="2003.guadec.org">GU4DEC 2003</a> broadcasting the talks in 
-the proprietary RealVideo format. Now, not only are the talks in a free 
-video format, but you can <a 
-RealPlayer</a> to watch them!</p>
-<h3>[ 2004 Jun 15 - Creative Commons videos ]</h3>
-In honor of our slashdotting, we've made torrents available for
-<a href="torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">small</a> and
-<a href="torrents/cc-theora-large.torrent">large</a> versions of
-the top three winning promotion videos for the <a href="http://creativecommons.org/">Creative
-Commons</a> licenses, encoded in theora. Free content in a free format.
-We also have a feature film, <a href="http://fourthwall.creativecommons.org/">David Ball's</a>
-edgy relationship drama <a
-You can download both <a href="torrents/Honey-small.torrent">small</a> and
-<a href="torrents/Honey-large.torrent">large</a> versions via bittorrent.
-These are distributed under an <a
-Share and enjoy!
-<h3>[ 2004 Jun 1 - Theora I bitstream freeze ]</h3>
-Big news. The Theora I bitstream format is now frozen! This means it's safe
-to start distributing videos in the theora format.
-<em>Files produced by the alpha 3 reference encoder will be supported by
-all future decoders</em>.
-Beta 1 was going to be the official freeze point, but was delayed by 
-continuing work on the draft specification document; however
-we have reviewed enough of the design in writing the spec that we no
-longer need to reserve the right to make corrections to
-the encoder behavior.
-So go ahead, there's no reason to delay adopting a free alternative any more!
-<h3>[ 2004 Mar 20 - Theora alpha 3 release ]</h3>
-We're pleased to announce the alpha 3 release of the theora reference
-<a href="http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.tar.bz2">
-    http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.tar.bz2
-</a><br><a href="http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.tar.gz">
-    http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.tar.gz
-</a><br><a href="http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.zip">
-    http://theora.org/files/libtheora-1.0alpha3.zip</a>
-The main differences over alpha 2:
-<li>    The encoded image has been flipped to match the sense used in VP3,
-    with the origin at the lower left. This allows lossless transcoding
-    of VP3 content.
-<li>    The decoder data tables included in the bitstream header are more
-    complete and have more scope for future encoder improvements.
-<li>    Some experimental tools are available in the win32 directory,
-    including a transcoder for avi vp3 files.
-We hope there were be no more incompatible bitstream changes, but as
-with previous alpha releases we make no promises that the format will
-not change again.
-Experimental playback support is now available (separately) for
-Helix/Realplayer 10, Xine and mplayer; you might look at those if you
-want a more full-featured player. Be sure to use an alpha-3 compatible
-<h3>[ 2004 Mar 20 - source now in subversion ]</h3>
-We've switched our version control system to <a 
-from cvs, along with all the other Xiph.Org Foundation projects.
-Please make a fresh checkout if you're following the
-development tree:</p>
-<tt>svn checkout http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora</tt>
-as cvs is no longer updated. You can also mount the
-dav url directly on your desktop for read-only access.
-See our <a href="svn.html">instruction page</a> for details.
-You can find more information about this great new tool at
-<a href="http://svnbook.red-bean.com/">definitive reference book's</a>
-<h3>[ 2004 Jan 26 - status update ]</h3>
-There hasn't been much progress of late. Derf has been working on a new encoder, and in doing so
-came up with some suggested bitstreams changes to increase the scope for future encoder
-improvements. These will be integrated into the reference encoder and released as 'alpha 3' for
-The main hold-up for the beta release is still a draft spec. Everyone's waiting for this because
-it means the format will be frozen and encoded files will be supported by future versions of the
-reference implementation. So if you want to help things along pull out the code and help with the
-documentation, or donate something to help pay for the work.
-<div align="center"> <form name="_xclick" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"
-<input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick">
-<input type="hidden" name="business" value="donate at xiph.org">
-<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="theora donation">
-<input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="USD">
-<input type="hidden" name="amount" value="10.00">
-<input type="image" src="http://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/x-click-but04.gif"
-name="submit" alt="Make a donation via PayPal">
-<h3>[ June 9, 2003 - Theora alpha 2 release ]</h3>
-The libtheora reference implementation has reached its 'alpha 2' milestone.
-A lot of bugs have been fixed and new features added, including all the
-planned changes to the bitsteams format.</p>
-This is more of an internal milestone than a public release, but we are
-making a <a href="/files/libtheora-1.0alpha2.tar.gz">source tarball</a> available
-for convenience. Nevertheless we recommend using the <a href="svn.html">svn</a> version if possible. This release also requires svn libogg and libvorbis to compile; you might try the <a href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/download/vorbis_nightly_svn.tgz">svn nightly tarball</a> if you don't
-already have these checked out. You will need to build and install the 'ogg' and 'vorbis' modules.
-<h3>[ May 8, 2003 - VP3 Legacy Codec binaries ]</h3>
-Mauricio Piacentini has been maintaining the original VP32 sources upon which theora is
-based. He's pooling his efforts with Xiph a bit and has decided to keep his work in xiph.org
-svn, in the 'vp32' module where the code was originally released. We hope this will help
-concentrate efforts related to theora and bring additional focus to both projects.
-He is also making his binary builds for Quicktime 6 and Video for Windows available on
-this site. Please visit the <a href="http://people.xiph.org/~mauricio/">legacy VP3 page</a>
-for file links and complete information.
-<h3>[ May 7, 2003 - Status update ]</h3>
-Things have been slow for some time, so we just wanted to say what's been happening. 
-Monty's been busy with unrelated contract work since finishing the zero-copy libogg,
-and no one has stepped up to act as maintainer in the meantime. We've been working
-on a <a href="http://wiki.xiph.org/TheoraTodo">wiki todo</a> for theora and for
-<a href="http://wiki.xiph.org/">xiph generally</a>. So feel free to look (and contribute)
-<p><b>[ January 13th, 2003 - Test Suite ]</b></p>
-We've posted a <a href="http://www.theora.org/test/test.zip">test suite</a> for your encoding pleasure.
-Feel free to post comments and questions to the Theora
-<a href="http://www.theora.org/lists.html">mailing lists.</a>
-<b>[ December 16th, 2002 - Robot Roll Call ]</b><br>
-The first part of Theora Alpha Two, the delicious Video Layer FAQ is now 
-available on the <a href="http://www.theora.org/theorafaq.html">FAQ</a> 
-page, written by Dan Miller. The second part is libogg hacking, the 
-results of which will be posted just a little after December 27th. Alpha 
-Two is really more of an informational release than a big downloadable 
-install-fest, so don't fire up the testbeds just yet.
-Welcome to theora.org, the official website for Theora, a video
-codec and integration project maintained and supported by the <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org">Xiph.Org Foundation</a> for the benefit of
-all humankind.
-What is Theora? Theora will be a video codec that builds upon On2's VP3 
-codec. While <a href="http://www.vorbis.com">Vorbis</a> has reached 
-1.0, Theora is currently being integrated into the Ogg multimedia framework, as well as being optimized 
-from the VP3 codebase at its heart.  
-Theora will be released in June of 2003, with three major milestones, the 
-first being released today, September 25th, 2002. Today's piece is 
-available for download in the 'theora' module of the Xiph.Org Foundation<a 
-href="http://www.theora.org/svn.html">SVN</a> repository, as 
-well as a UNIX tarball available <a 
-There's a lot of useful information under the hood, so please have a
-look around by using the navigation links at the top of the page. If
-there's anything you think that we need on this page, please <a
-href="http://www.theora.org/contact.html">contact us</a> and let us
-know what you'd like to
-For the legal terms on the usage of the VP3 codec, please check out the
-<a href="http://www.theora.org/svn.html">SVN</a> page. If you would like 
-to help sponsor the development of Theora and other open technologies from
-the Xiph.Org Foundation, please consider a donation! More information is 
-available at <a 
-href="http://www.xiph.org/donate/">this link</a>.
-Thanks for stopping by, and happy hacking!
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-Theora is a project of the
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-Xiph.Org Foundation.
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-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-                        <b>[ December 16th, 2002 - Robot Roll Call ]</b><br>
-The first part of Theora Alpha Two, the delicious Video Layer FAQ is now 
-available on the <a href="http://www.theora.org/theorafaq.html">FAQ</a> 
-page, written by Dan Miller. The second part is libogg hacking, the 
-results of which will be posted just a little after December 27th. Alpha 
-Two is really more of an informational release than a big downloadable 
-install-fest, so don't fire up the testbeds just yet.
-Welcome to theora.org, the official website for Ogg Theora, a video
-codec and integration project maintained and supported by the <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org">Xiph.org Foundation</a> for the benefit of
-all humankind.
-What is Theora? Theora will be a video codec that builds upon On2's VP3 
-codec. While <a href="http://www.vorbis.com">Ogg Vorbis</a> has reached 
-1.0, Theora is currently being integrated into the Ogg multimedia framework, as well as being optimized 
-from the VP3 codebase at its heart.  
-Theora will be released in June of 2003, with three major milestones, the 
-first being released today, September 25th, 2002. Today's piece is 
-available for download in the 'theora' module of the Xiph.org <a 
-href="http://www.theora.org/cvs.html">CVS</a> repository, as 
-well as a UNIX tarball available <a 
-There's a lot of useful information under the hood, so please have a
-look around by using the navigation links at the top of the page. If
-there's anything you think that we need on this page, please <a
-href="http://www.theora.org/contact.html">contact us</a> and let us
-know what you'd like to
-For the legal terms on the usage of the VP3 codec, please check out the
-<a href="http://www.theora.org/cvs.html">CVS</a> page. If you would like 
-to help sponsor the development of Theora and other open technologies from
-the Xiph.org Foundation, please consider a donation! More information is 
-available at <a 
-href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/donate.html">this link</a>.
-Thanks for stopping by, and happy hacking!
-<a href="mailto:emmett at xiph.org">Emmett Plant</a>
-<br>CEO, <a href="http://www.xiph.org">Xiph.org Foundation</a>
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-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
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-<h3>[ Theora Mailing Lists ]</h3>
-There are three mailing lists maintained for the Theora project.
-This is the best place to ask questions, contact the developers
-or other users, or otherwise discuss the Theora video codec.
-<dt><b>theora at xiph.org</b>
-  [ <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/theora/">archive</a>
-  | <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/theora">subscribe</a> ]
-The Theora list is for user discussion relating to the Theora project.
-<dt><b>theora-dev at xiph.org</b>
-  [ <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/theora-dev/">archive</a>
-  | <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/theora-dev">subscribe</a> ]
-The Theora-dev list is for discussion and coordination amongst Theora
-development team members.
-<dt><b>theora-codecs at xiph.org</b>
-  [ <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/theora-codecs/">archive</a>
-  | <a href="http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/theora-codecs">subscribe</a> ]
-The theora-codecs list is for discussion and maintenance of Theora and
-legacy VP3 codecs in Windows and Quicktime formats.
-<a href="http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/">List
-Archives for all Xiph.org projects including Theora</a>
-<a href="http://lists.xiph.org/mailman/listinfo/">Subscription
-information for all Xiph.org projects including Theora</a>
-<h3>[ IRC ]</h3>
-There's also an active <a href="http://irchelp.org/">IRC</a> 
-channel for Theora.
-Join <strong>#theora</strong> on 
-<a href="http://freenode.net/">irc.freenode.net</a>.
-<h3>[ Wiki ]</h3>
-You can also document concerns, applications, howto instructions,
-usage, support or anything else related to theora in the 
-<a href="http://wiki.xiph.org/Theora">Xiph.org Wiki</a>. We find this a
-good resource for documenting the outcomes of discussions and keeping
-track of various projects, and anyone can help edit the pages!
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-		  <p style="float: left; text-align: left;">
-		    <span style="font-weight: bold">Free Video Compression</span>
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-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
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-<b>[ VP3 Legal Terms ]</b>
-<i>On2 represents and warrants that it shall not assert any rights
-relating to infringement of On2's registered patents, nor initiate any
-litigation asserting such rights, against any person who, or entity
-which utilizes the On2 VP3 Codec Software, including any use,
-distribution, and sale of said Software; which make changes,
-modifications, and improvements in said Software; and to use,
-distribute, and sell said changes as well as applications for other
-fields of use.</i>
-                        <b>[ Theora SVN ]</b><br>
-			<br>Xiph.org development projects are available to the public through read-only
-			Subversion (SVN) access.
-			<br>
-			<p><b>Accessing SVN at Xiph.org</b>
-			<p>Access to Xiph.org can be handled basically two ways:
-                        <p>
-			<b>Using the SVN client</b><p>
-			Once you've installed the Subversion client, just type</p>
-            <pre>svn co http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora</pre>
-            <p>to check out the Theora codebase.</p>
-            <p>
-			Once you've got the repository checked out, you no longer need to
-            specify this full path; the repository location is stored with the
-            checkout. <tt>svn update </tt> will sync your local
-			copy with the repository. See the SVN manual for additional
-			information on how to use SVN.
-            </p>
-			<p><b>Using the web interface</b></p>
-            <p>
-            Subversion uses HTTP (and WebDAV) as the protocol, so you can just
-            use a normal web browser to browse around the repository. This can be
-            useful for looking at a few files, if you don't want to check out the
-            entire module.</p>
-            <p> To do this, just point your web browser at 
-            <tt>http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/theora</tt></p>
-			<p>The source for the legacy VP3 codec for Quicktime and Video for Windows
-			can be obtained by changing the <tt>theora</tt> module name in the 
-			lines above to <tt>vp32</tt>, as in '<tt>svn co http://svn.xiph.org/trunk/vp32</tt>'.
-			<br><p><br>
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-		    <span style="font-weight: bold">Free Video Compression</span>
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-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha7.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha7</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha6/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
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-<div class="content">
-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-<h1 class="headline">Theora FAQ</h1>
-<a href="#what"><b>What is Theora</b></a>
-	<li><a href="#10">What is Theora?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#11">Why use Theora?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#12">What other video formats will Theora compete with?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#13">What is Ogg? What is Vorbis? What is xiph.org?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#14">What is the license for Theora?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#15">Why the name 'Theora?'</a></li>
-<a href="#VP3"><b>Theora and VP3</b></a>
-	<li><a href="#20">Is the Theora bitstream identical to VP3? </a></li>
-	<li><a href="#21">What can Theora do that VP3 couldn't do? </a></li>
-	<li><a href="#22">How will I transition my old VP3 files to the new format?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#23">Can I convert Ogg Theora files into VP3?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#24">Isn't VP3 a patented technology? </a></li>
-	<li><a href="#25">What if Xiph.org and On2 decide to break off their agreement? </a></li>
-<a href="#development"><b>Development</b></a>
-	<li><a href="#30">When will it all be finished? Can I use it right now?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#31">What is an Alpha Release?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#32">What is Tarkin? </a></li>
-	<li><a href="#33">How can I help with development?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#34"> How will Ogg Theora interoperate with [insert your favorite media architecture]?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#35">How can I donate to these amazing projects?</a></li>
-<a href="#working"><b>Using Theora</b></a>
-	<li><a href="#40">What players currently support Theora?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#41">How can I encode videos to Theora?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#42">Is there any way to use Theora on Microsoft Windows at this point?</a></li>
-<a href="#misc"><b>Misc and Credits</b></a>
-	<li><a href="#50">Who's in charge of Theora development?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#51">Who designed this website? </a></li>
-	<li><a href="#52">Who is the webmaster of this site?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#53">Who maintains The Glorious Theora FAQ?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#54">When was this FAQ last updated?</a></li>
-<a name="what"></a><b>What is Theora</b>
-<a name="10"></a>
-<b>Q. What is Theora?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Theora is an <b>open</b> video codec being developed by the Xiph.org 
-Foundation as part of their Ogg project (It is a project that aims to
-integrate On2's <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VP3">VP3</a> 
-video codec, Ogg <a href="http://www.vorbis.com/">Vorbis</a> audio codec 
-and Ogg multimedia container formats into a multimedia solution that can 
-compete with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPEG-4">MPEG-4</a> format).
-<br> Theora is derived directly 
-from On2's VP3 codec; currently the two are nearly identical, varying 
-only in framing headers, but Theora will diverge and improve from 
-the main VP3 development lineage as time progresses. 
-<a name="11"></a>
-<b>Q. Why use Theora?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-It's open and free. Do you need more reasons?
-<a name="12"></a>
-<b>Q. What other video formats will Theora compete with?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-  Theora is targeted at competing with MPEG-4 (e.g., XviD and DivX), 
-RealVideo, Windows Media Video, and similar lower-bitrate video 
-compression schemes.
-<a name="13"></a>
-<b>Q. What is Ogg? What is Vorbis? What is xiph.org?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- <a href="http://www.vorbis.com/">Vorbis</a> is an audio codec, 
-Theora is a video codec. Ogg is the transport layer that both are stored in, 
-so a video file will be Theora-encoded data inside an Ogg file, while audio 
-is normally Vorbis-encoded data inside an ogg file. 
- The <a href="http://www.xiph.org/">Xiph.org</a> Foundation is a 
-Delaware non-profit company devoted to producing, maintaining and 
-supporting an open multimedia platform. 
-<a name="14"></a>
-<b>Q. What is the license for Theora?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Theora (and all associated technologies released by the Xiph.org
-Foundation) is released to the public via a BSD-style license. It is
-completely free for commercial or noncommercial use. That means that
-commercial developers may independently write Theora software which is
-compatible with the specification for no charge and without restrictions of
-any kind. 
-<a name="15"></a>
-<b>Q. Why the name 'Theora?'</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Like other Xiph.org Foundation codec projects such as Vorbis or Tarkin,
-Theora is named after a fictional character. Theora Jones was the name of
-Edison Carter's 'controller' on the television series Max Headroom. She was
-played by Amanda Pays.  
-<a name="VP3"></a>
-<b>Theora and VP3 </b>
-<a name="20"></a>
-<b>Q. Is the Theora bitstream identical to VP3?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-  Yes and No. Theora is a superset of VP3, so VP3 streams (with minor
-syntactic modifications) can be made into Theora streams without
-recompression (but not vice versa).
- Theora will be almost entirely based upon the VP3 codec designed by On2.
-However, Theora video data will be delivered inside of the Ogg container
-format (with Vorbis for audio), so Ogg Theora files will not be the same as
-VP3 files. There also may be quite a few performance advantages to using
-Theora when 1.0 is complete; While our focus is integration, there will
-certainly be a lot of optimization involved, as well. 
-<a name="21"></a>
-<b>Q. What can Theora do that VP3 couldn't do?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- The major change from VP3 to Theora is architectural. VP3, like most
-codecs of today, makes certain assumptions about the nature of the material
-it compresses. These assumptions take the form of fixed sets of numeric
-values, such as quantization matrices, which control how different
-frequency components of the signal are handled, and token frequency tables,
-which control the efficiency of post-transform lossless coding. In Theora,
-we have leveraged the intrinsic flexibility of the Ogg multimedia framework
-to allow the encoder to modify these values appropriately for the material.
-This simple, powerful approach has already been proven effective in Vorbis,
-and will allow for a longer cycle of encoder optimization without requiring
-client-side updates. 
-<a name="22"></a>
-<b>Q. How will I transition my old VP3 files to the new format?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- Because Theora is a 'superset' of VP3, tools can easily be created that
-will allow VP3 files to be losslessly transcoded into Ogg Theora format
-with no loss in quality. 
-<a name="23"></a>
-<b>Q. Can I convert Ogg Theora files into VP3?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- Why would you want to do something like that? Are you nuts? 
-<a name="24"></a>
-<b>Q. Isn't VP3 a patented technology?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- Yes, some portions of the VP3 codec are covered by patents. However, the
-Xiph.org Foundation has negotiated an irrevocable free license to the VP3
-codec for any purpose imaginable on behalf of the public. It is legal to
-use VP3 in any way you see fit (unless, of course, you're doing something
-illegal with it in your particular jurisdiction). You are free to download
-VP3, use it free of charge, implement it in a for-sale product, implement
-it in a free product, make changes to the source and distribute those
-changes, or print the source code out and wallpaper your spare room with
-For more information, check the VP3 Legal Terms on the SVN page
-<a name="25"></a>
-<b>Q. What if Xiph.org and On2 decide to break off their agreement?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- Because Theora is an Open Source project, the source code will continue to
-be available and development will continue. Users will still be protected
-from the On2 patents. 
-<a name="development"></a>
-<b>Development </b>
-<a name="30"></a>
-<b>Q. When will it all be finished? Can I use it right now?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-The bitstream format is frozen since the release of Theora alpha 3. So, files produced by 
-the alpha 3 reference encoder will be supported by all future decoders. This means
-you can safely use Theora to encode your content right now.
-<a name="31"></a>
-<b>Q. What is an Alpha Release?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Typically when software is created at a software company, it goes through a number of stages 
-before it's released out to the world. You've probably heard of 'beta-testing' before. That's 
-when people take code that has been deemed 'not quite ready' and are testing it out so that 
-the authors can fix bugs where necessary. 
-'Alpha' code usually is strictly for internal development only, which is to say, 'No one sees this code, 
-it's not even close to being done yet.' At the Xiph.org Foundation, we release everything we do 
-so that people can help us move the codebase forward by reporting bugs and submitting patches. 
-We encourage and depend on the open-source developer community to get
-involved early. We release Alpha builds to give people a chance
-to see what's cooking, and perhaps to add some ingredients of their own. If
-you think you have the right stuff, please join the party at
-<a href="http://www.Theora.org/lists">www.Theora.org/lists</a>. 
-While Theora is labelled alpha/beta it has been in production use in many systems for over 3 years and is completely safe to adopt.
-<a name="32"></a>
-<b>Q. What is Tarkin?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Tarkin is essentially a proof-of-concept wavelet-based codec. Its
-experimental nature means it will not be ready for general use for some
-time. VP3 is a high-quality codec that can meet today's video needs now, so
-Xiph.org will be focusing its efforts on Theora for the near future. 
-<a name="33"></a>
-<b>Q. How can I help with development?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Head on over to the <a href="http://www.Theora.org/svn.html">SVN</a>
- page to grab the codebase, and hack away! Post your contributions online,
- and tell us about it on the <a href="http://www.Theora.org/lists.html">Theora-dev
-</a> mailing list. 
-<a name="34"></a>
-<b>Q. How will Ogg Theora interoperate with [insert your favorite media architecture]?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- As the Ogg Vorbis format has gained acceptance, components have become
-available to play Ogg files on practically all of the major media players.
-We expect a similar if not superior level of support for Ogg Theora.
-Developers wanted! (if you're interested, sign up for the
-Theora-codecs at xiph.org mailing list).  
-<a name="35"></a>
-<b>Q. How can I donate to these amazing projects?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- Wow, thanks! You can find more information on donating to the Xiph.org
-Foundation by following <a href="http://www.xiph.org/donate/">
-this link</a>! Thanks in advance! 
-<a name="working"></a>
-<b>Using Theora </b>
-<a name="40"></a>
-<b>Q. What players currently support Theora?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Major players like <a href="http://www.mplayerhq.hu/">mplayer</a>,
-<a href="http://www.xinehq.de/">xine</a>, <a
-href="http://www.helixcommunity.org">helix player</a> and <a
-href="http://www.videolan.org/">VideoLAN</a> supports Theora. 
-Directshow <a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">filters</a>
-are also available for use on Windows platform.
-<a name="41"></a>
-<b>Q. How can I encode videos to Theora?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-<p>Have a look at <a
-ogg-theora-microhowto</a> and <a href="http://www.annodex.net/anx_theora.html">transcode
-</a>quicktime mov files to Theora files under Linux.
-You can use libogg, to wrap theora video with vorbis audio in Ogg
-<p>A user-friendly way to convert .dv and .avi format video into Ogg Theora format is 
-with ffmpeg2theora.  It can be found at: <a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/"> 
-<p>A way to both stream and encode theora format video is with videolan (VLC).  <br>
-Example for streaming the video4linux device in ogg theora/vorbis: 
-<p>vlc v4l:/dev/video:input=3:norm=pal:size=384x288 --sout  \ <br>
-<p>Or, replace "v4l:/dev/video:input=3:norm=pal:size=384x288" with a filename if 
-you want to transcode.
-For more on the vlc syntax, see: <br>
-<a href="http://videolan.org/doc/videolan-howto/en/ch09.html">http://videolan.org/doc/videolan-howto/en/ch09.html</a>
-<a name="42"></a>
-<b>Q. Is there any way to use Theora on Microsoft Windows at this point?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-Yes, you can use your Theora files on windows using <a
-href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">Directshow filters</a>. <a 
-href="http://ffdshow.sourceforge.net/">FFdshow</a> also has support for Theora. You 
-can also try <a href="http://www.videolan.org/">vlc</a>, realplayer <a 
-Theora plugins</a> or <a href="http://www.mplayerhq.hu/">mplayer for windows</a>.
-<a name="misc"></a>
-<b>Misc and Credits </b>
-<a name="50"></a>
-<b>Q. Who's in charge of Theora development?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-The Xiph.org Foundation is the primary developer of Theora, but this is
-mainly an integration issue. The VP3 codec that serves as the base of
-Theora was written by a company called <a href="http://www.on2.com">On2 Technologies</a>. Xiph.org will be
-responsible for all aspects of the development. On2 will provide both
-monetary and technical support to Xiph.org throughout the project. On2 is
-also providing the source code of their implementation of the VP3 codec as
-well as some of their video tools.  
-<a name="51"></a>
-<b>Q. Who designed this website?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
-This website is based on a design called 'Nutrition,' available for public
-download from <a href="http://www.oswd.org/">Open Source Web Design</a>. 
-The original author is known by the nickname of 'BrAInDeD-'.  
-<a name="52"></a>
-<b>Q. Who is the webmaster of this site?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- That would be <a href="mailto:manuel at xiph.org">Manuel Lora</a>, the greatest webmaster 
-on the face of the planet. 
-<a name="53"></a>
-<b>Q. Who maintains The Glorious Theora FAQ?</b><br>
-<div class="txt">
- No one person at the moment. Send changes to the list if it needs them. It
-was originally written by Emmett Plant and Dan Miller. his FAQ wouldn't be
-here at all without the work of Slammin' Stan Seibert, to whom we are
-eternally grateful. 
-<a name="54"></a>
-<b>Q. When was this FAQ last updated?</b><br>
- August 6th, 2007 by Maik Merten. 
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-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-<b>[ The Glorious Theora FAQ - Alpha Two Update ]</b><br>
-There's more delicious Theora on the way, the first part of which is the 
-newest addition here, the Theora Video Layer FAQ, written by your pal and 
-mine, Dan Miller. --Ed
-<b>[ Dan's Glorious Theora Video Layer FAQ ]</b>
-<b>Q: Is the Theora bitstream identical to VP3?</b>
-A: Yes and No.  Theora is a superset of VP3, so VP3 streams (with minor 
-syntactic modifications) can be made into Theora streams without 
-recompression (but not vice versa)
-<b>Q: What can Theora do that VP3 couldn't do?</b>
-A: The major change from VP3 to Theora is architectural.  VP3, like most 
-codecs of today, makes certain assumptions about the nature of the 
-material it compresses.  These assumptions take the form of fixed sets of 
-numeric values, such as quantization matrices, which control how different 
-frequency components of the signal are handled, and token frequency 
-tables, which control the efficiency of post-transform lossless coding.  
-In Theora, we have leveraged the intrinsic flexibility of the Ogg 
-multimedia framework to allow the encoder to modify these values 
-appropriately for the material.  This simple, powerful approach has 
-already been proven effective in Vorbis, and will allow for a longer cycle 
-of encoder optimization without requiring client-side updates.
-<b>Q: How will I transition my old VP3 files to the new format?</b>
-A: Because Theora is a 'superset' of VP3, tools can easily be created that 
-will allow VP3 files to be losslessly transcoded into Ogg Theora format 
-with no loss in quality.
-<b>Q: Can I convert Ogg Theora files into VP3?</b>
-A: Why would you want to do something stupid like that?  Are you nuts?
-<b>Q: How will Ogg Theora interoperate with [insert your favorite media 
-A: As the Ogg Vorbis format has gained acceptance, components have become 
-available to play Ogg files on practically all of the major media players.  
-We expect a similar if not superior level of support for Ogg Theora.  
-Developers wanted! (if you're interested, sign up for the 
-theora-codecs at xiph.org mailing list).
-<b>Q: This is great.  When will it all be finished so I can use it right 
-now, like this minute?  Please?</b>
-A: Ogg Theora was scheduled to go Beta (that means the bitstream is locked 
-down, and all features are represented) in March of 2003. Obviously, that's
-slipped. Alpha 2 is 
-going to be released shortly; but please remember that until Beta, there 
-is no promise that files you encode will be supported in the final release.
-<b>Q: So who cares about a new Alpha release?</b>
-A: We encourage and depend on the open-source developer community to get 
-involved early.  We release Alpha builds to give these hearty souls a 
-chance to see what's cooking, and perhaps to add some ingredients of their 
-own.  If you think you have the right stuff, please join the party at 
-<b>[ The Glorious Theora FAQ - Supplemental ]</b><br>
-Hoo-boy, ever since the release of Theora Alpha One, we've gotten a lot of 
-really great response, and we've got some more Frequently Asked Questions. 
-For right now, we're going to leave the most time-relevant questions up 
-here at the top of the FAQ page, and we'll sort them into the main 
-document as needed at a later time. Let's get started!
-<b>Q: What is an Alpha Release?</b>
-A: Typically when software is created at a software company, it goes 
-through a number of stages before it's released out to the world. You've 
-probably heard of 'beta-testing' before. That's when people take code that 
-has been deemed 'not quite ready' and are testing it out so that the 
-authors can fix bugs where necessary.
-'Alpha' code is strictly for internal development <i>only</i>, which is to 
-say, 'No one sees this code, it's not even close to being done yet.' At 
-the Xiph.org Foundation, we release everything we do so that people can 
-help us move the codebase forward by reporting bugs and submitting 
-patches. So, even 'Alpha' code needs to get out to the world.
-<b>Q: Is Theora Final?</b>
-A: Nope. When it is, we'll let you know.
-<b>Q: Is there any way to use Theora on Microsoft Windows at this 
-A: No. This is very early code, and we prefer Linux as our development 
-platform. It would be unwise (and it would give the wrong impression) to 
-package up the alpha code and port it to Windows, or anything other than 
-our development platform. It's just too early.
-<b>Q: Can I use Theora to encode stuff right now?</b>
-A: Yes, but we strongly, <b>strongly</b> recommend against it, for 
-<i>anything</i> but test-cases. This is not a full release in any sense of 
-the word, it is simply a milestone, and if you start encoding things right 
-away, there's a really good chance that it will break when you try to play 
-it with tools we release when the final version is released.
-And Now, On To The Rest:
-                        <b>[ The Glorious Theora FAQ ]</b><br>
-<b>Q: What is Theora?</b>
-A: Theora is Xiph.Org's first publicly released video codec, intended
-for use within the Ogg's project's Ogg multimedia streaming system.
-Theora is derived directly from On2's VP3 codec; Currently the two are
-nearly identical, varying only in framing headers, but Theora will
-diverge and improve from the main VP3 development lineage as time
-<b>Q: Who's in charge of Theora 
-development?</b> <p>
-A: The Xiph.org Foundation is the primary developer of Theora, but this
-is mainly an integration issue. The vp3 codec that serves as the base  of 
-Theora was written by a company called <a href="http://www.on2.com">On2 
-Technologies</a>. Xiph.org 
-will be 
-responsible for all aspects of the development. On2 will provide
-both monetary and technical support to Xiph.org throughout the project. On2
-is also providing the source code of their implementation of the VP3 codec
-as well as some of their video tools.
-<b>Q: Isn't vp3 a patented technology?</b>
-A: Yes, some portions of the vp3 codec are covered by patents. However,
-the Xiph.org Foundation has negotiated an irrevocable free license to
-the vp3 codec for any purpose imaginable on behalf of the public. It is
-legal to use vp3 in any way you see fit (unless, of course, you're doing
-something illegal with it in your particular jurisdiction). You are free
-to download vp3, use it free of charge, implement it in a for-sale
-product, implement it in a free product, make changes to the
-source and distribute those changes, or print the source code out and
-wallpaper your spare room with it.
-For more information, check the VP3 Legal Terms on the <a
-href="http://www.theora.org/svn.html">SVN</a> page.
-<b>Q: What is the license for Theora?</b>
-A: Theora (and all associated technologies released by the Xiph.org
-Foundation) is released to the public via a BSD-style license. It is
-completely free for commercial or noncommercial use. That means that
-commercial developers may independently write Theora software which is
-compatible with the specification for no charge and without restrictions of
-any kind.
-<b>Q: What other video formats will Theora compete with?</b>
-A: Given the quality and relatively low bitrate of Theora, it will be mostly
-competing with MPEG-4/DivX, Real, Windows Media, and other similar formats.
-<b>Q: Is Theora identical to On2's VP3?</b>
-A: Theora will be almost entirely based upon the VP3 codec designed by On2.
-However, Theora video data will be delivered inside of the Ogg container
-format (with Vorbis for audio), so Ogg Theora files will not be the same
-as VP3 files. There also may be quite a few performance advantages to 
-using Theora when 1.0 is complete; While our focus is integration, there 
-will certainly be a lot of optimization involved, as well.
-<b>Q: What if Xiph.org and On2 decide to break off their agreement?</b>
-A: Because Theora is an Open Source project, the source code will continue to
-be available and development will continue. Users will still be protected
-from the On2 patents.
-<b>Q: What about Tarkin?</b>
-A: Tarkin is essentially a proof-of-concept wavelet-based codec. Its
-experimental nature means it will not be ready for general use for some
-time. VP3 is a high-quality codec that can meet today's video needs now, so
-Xiph.org will be focusing its efforts on Theora for the near future.
-<b>Q: When will Theora be done?</b>
-A: We nominally expect to be finished by the end of 2003. VP3 is a very mature
-video codec, so most of our effort is going into the Theora project.
-<b>Q: Why the name 'Theora?'</b>
-A: Like other Xiph.org Foundation codec projects such as Vorbis or
-Tarkin, Theora is named after a fictional character. Theora Jones was the
-name of Edison Carter's 'controller' on the television series Max
-Headroom. She was played by Amanda Pays.
-<b>Q: How can I help with development?</b>
-A: Head on over to the <a href="http://www.theora.org/svn.html">SVN</a>
-page to grab the codebase, and hack away! Post your contributions
-online, and tell us about it on the <a
-href="http://www.theora.org/lists.html">theora-dev</a> mailing list.
-<b>Q: Who designed this website?</b>
-A: This website is based on a design called 'Nutrition,' available for
-public download from <a href="http://www.oswd.org">Open Source Web
-Design</a>. The original author is known by the nickname of 'BrAInDeD-'.
-<b>Q: Who is the webmaster of this site?</b>
-A: That would be <a href="mailto:manuel at xiph.org">Manuel Lora</a>, the
-greatest webmaster on the face of the planet.
-<b>Q: Who maintains The Glorious Theora FAQ?</b>
-A: No one person at the moment. Send changes to the list if it needs them.
-It was originally written by Emmett Plant and Dan Miller.
-This FAQ wouldn't be here at all without
-the work of Slammin' Stan Seibert, to whom we are eternally grateful.
-<b>Q: Okay, what the heck is the Xiph.org Foundation?</b>
-A: The Xiph.org Foundation is a Delaware non-profit company devoted to
-producing, maintaining and supporting an open multimedia platform. Check
-out the Foundation's website at <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org">http://www.xiph.org</a>. You'll be glad you
-<b>Q: You guys are so great! How can I donate to these amazing
-A: Wow, thanks! You can find more information on donating to the Xiph.org 
-Foundation by
-following <a href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/donate.html"> 
-this link</a>! Thanks in advance!
-<b>Q: What music was listened to when this FAQ was first being
-written, back on June 8th?</b>
-A: What a strange question. Emmett was listening to No Doubt's 'Rock
-Steady' album and Pink's 'Missundazstood,' and Manuel was
-listening to 'Who's Next,' by The Who.
-<b>Q: When was this FAQ last updated?</b>
-A: May 7, 2003. From London of all places.
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-<b>[ Theora Developer Mailing list ]</b><p>
-The theora-dev at xiph.org mailing list is intended for Ogg Theora
-developers to coordinate devlopment of the Theora specification and
-the Ogg/Theora software libraries.  Please restrict discussion on the
-theora-dev lists to those topics.<p>
-Assuming that the email preferences in your web browser are set up
-correctly, the following button sends a subscription request directly
-to xiph.org.  You'll get an email back with the result; the submit
-button does not take you to another page.
-    <form enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:majordomo at xiph.org">
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-subscribe theora-dev">
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-Tradiitonal method: send a message containing only the one-word line
-'subscribe' in the body to <a
-href="mailto:theora-dev-request at xiph.org">theora-dev-request at xiph.org</a>.
-Do not send subscription requests directly to the main list; they will
-be silently ignored.<p>
-The list is archived on the xiph.org <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org/archives/">mailing list archive</a> page.
-<b>[ Theora User and General Discussion Mailing List ]</b><p>
-Any and all other topics pertaining to Theora are welcome on the
-general purpose discussion list theora at xiph.org.<p>
-Assuming that the email preferences in your web browser are set up
-correctly, the following button sends a subscription request directly
-to xiph.org.  You'll get an email back with the result; the submit
-button does not take you to another page.
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-Tradiitonal method: send a message containing only the one-word line
-'subscribe' in the body to <a
-href="mailto:theora-request at xiph.org">theora-request at xiph.org</a>.
-Do not send subscription requests directly to the main list; they will
-be silently ignored.<p>
-The list is archived on the xiph.org <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org/archives/">mailing list archive</a> page.<p>
-<b>[ Theora Codecs Mailing List ]</b><p>
-The theora-codecs list is for discussion and maintenance of Theora and
-legacy VP3 codecs in Windows and Quicktime formats. <p>
-			    Assuming that the email preferences in your web
-browser are set up
-correctly, the following button sends a subscription request directly
-to xiph.org.  You'll get an email back with the result; the submit
-button does not take you to another page.
-    <form enctype="text/plain" action="mailto:majordomo at xiph.org">
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-	    subscribe theora">
-	        <input type="submit" value="Subscribe to the Theora Codecs discussion mailing list">
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-        </form><p>
-				  Tradiitonal method: send a message
-containing only the one-word line
-'subscribe' in the body to <a
-href="mailto:theora-codecs-request at xiph.org">theora-codecs-request at xiph.org</a>.
-Do not send subscription requests directly to the main list; they will
-be silently ignored.<p>
-The list is archived on the xiph.org <a
-href="http://www.xiph.org/archives/">mailing list archive</a> page.<p>
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-<h3 class="nav">Source</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/theora/libtheora-1.0alpha6.tar.gz">libtheora-1.0alpha5</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/ogg/libogg-1.1.2.tar.gz">libogg-1.1.2</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://downloads.xiph.org/releases/vorbis/libvorbis-1.1.1.tar.gz">libvorbis-1.1.1</a></li>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="doc/libtheora-1.0alpha5/">libtheora API reference</a></li>
-<li><a href="doc/Theora_I_spec.pdf">Format Specification</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Binaries</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/">ffmpeg2theora</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://videolan.org/">VLC player</a></li>
-<li><a href="https://player.helixcommunity.org/2004/downloads/">Helix Player</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.illiminable.com/ogg/">DirectShow plugins</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Content</h3>
-<ul class="nav">
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/cc-theora-small.torrent">CC spots</a></li>
-<li><a href="http://www.theora.org/torrents/Honey-small.torrent">Honey</a></li>
-<h3 class="nav">Support us</h3>
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-<div class="content">
-                        <!-- Main Content -->
-                        <p><strong>[ May 12th, 2003 - VP3 Legacy Codec binaries]</strong></p>
-                        <p> Binary versions of updated VP3 codec installer packages 
-                          for Windows, MacOS9 and MacOSX are now available at 
-                          this page. The vp32 branch of <a href="http://www.theora.org/cvs.html">CVS</a> 
-                          is also updated. There are no changes to the bitstream 
-                          or optimizations, only minor tweaks to support Quicktime 
-                          6. 
-                        <p>There are Quicktime versions of the codec for Mac and 
-                          Windows, and a VFW installer for Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP. 
-                          It is a good idea to use the installers provided since 
-                          they register the codecs correctly in the system, but 
-                          links to the standalone codec binaries are also provided.
-                        <p>Please report any bugs or issues to the <a href="http://www.theora.org/lists.html">theora-codecs</a> 
-                          list. 
-                        <p><a href="VP3_QT_Win.exe">VP3 Codec for Quicktime 
-                          Installer </a> - Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP<br>
-                          <a href="On2_VP3.qtx">VP3 Codec for Quicktime 
-                          standalone codec</a> - Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP <br>
-                          <a href="VP3_VFW_Win.exe">VP3 Codec for Video 
-                          for Windows Installer</a> - Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP<br>
-                          <a href="vp31vfw.dll">VP3 Codec for Video for 
-                          Windows standalone codec</a> - Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP 
-                          <br>
-                          <a href="VP3_MacOS_Classic.sit">VP3 Codec for 
-                          Quicktime standalone codec</a> - MacOS 8.x/9.x<br>
-                          <a href="VP3_OSX_3261_dmg.hqx">VP3 Codec for 
-                          Quicktime Installer + standalone codec</a> - MacOSX</p>
-                        <p>IMPORTANT: these are NOT Theora binaries. VP3 is an 
-                          open-source codec donated by On2 technologies, Inc. 
-                          , and is the basis for theora video decoder. 
-                        <p>
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