[xiph-commits] r13375 - trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid

xiphmont at svn.xiph.org xiphmont at svn.xiph.org
Fri Jul 27 18:39:06 PDT 2007

Author: xiphmont
Date: 2007-07-27 18:39:06 -0700 (Fri, 27 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 13375

More thought process.

Modified: trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/scales.h
--- trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/scales.h	2007-07-27 20:57:57 UTC (rev 13374)
+++ trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/scales.h	2007-07-28 01:39:06 UTC (rev 13375)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #define MAX(a,b)  ((a)>(b) ? (a):(b))
 static inline float todB(float x){
-  return log(x*x+1e-80f)*4.34294480f;
+  return log(x*x+1e-24f)*4.34294480f;
 static inline float fromdB(float x){

Modified: trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.c
--- trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.c	2007-07-27 20:57:57 UTC (rev 13374)
+++ trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.c	2007-07-28 01:39:06 UTC (rev 13375)
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 void window_weight(float *logf, float *out, int n, float flatbias,
 		   int lowindow, int hiwindow, int min, int rate){
   int bark[n],i;
   float binwidth = rate*.5f/n; 
-  float ibinwidth = 1.f/binwidth;
     bark[i] = rint(toBark(i*binwidth) * 1024);
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
       float arith = todB(aacc / dacc);
       float geom = gacc / dacc;
-      out[i] = logf[i] - arith + flatbias*(arith-geom);
+      out[i] = arith - flatbias*(arith-geom);
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
 /* Models the signal as modulated sinusoids 
  * x is the signal
  * w are the frequencies
- * window is the analysis window (you can use a rectangular window)
  * ai are the cos(x) coefficients
  * bi are the sin(x) coefficients
  * ci are the x*cos(x) coefficients
@@ -121,16 +120,21 @@
  * N is the number of sinusoids
  * len is the frame size
-void extract_modulated_sinusoids(float *x, float *w, float *ai, float *bi, float *ci, float *di, float *y, int N, int len)
+void extract_modulated_sinusoids(float *x, float *w, 
+				 float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, float *delAout, float *delWout, float *ddAout,
+				 float *y, int N, int len){
   float *cos_table[N];
   float *sin_table[N];
   float *tcos_table[N];
   float *tsin_table[N];
   float cosE[N], sinE[N];
   float costE[N], sintE[N];
-   int i,j, iter;
+  float ai[N];
+  float bi[N];
+  float ci[N];
+  float di[N];
+  int i,j, iter;
     cos_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**cos_table)*len);
     sin_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**sin_table)*len);
@@ -146,8 +150,8 @@
       for (j=0;j<len;j++)
          float jj = j-len/2.+.5;
-         cos_table[i][j] = cos(w[i]*jj);
-         sin_table[i][j] = sin(w[i]*jj);
+         cos_table[i][j] = cos((2.*M_PI*w[i]/len)*jj);
+         sin_table[i][j] = sin((2.*M_PI*w[i]/len)*jj);
          tcos_table[i][j] = ((jj))*cos_table[i][j];
          tsin_table[i][j] = ((jj))*sin_table[i][j];
          /* The sinusoidal terms */
@@ -244,12 +248,217 @@
+  for(i=0;i<N;i++){
+    float A = hypot(ai[i],bi[i]);
+    double P;
+    if(A!=0.){
+      if(bi[i]>0){
+        P = -acos(ai[i]/A);
+      }else{
+        P = acos(ai[i]/A);
+      }
+    }else
+      P=0.;
+    Aout[i] = A;
+    Wout[i] = w[i] + ((ci[i]*bi[i] - di[i]*ai[i])/(A*A)/(2.*M_PI))*len;
+    Pout[i] = P;
+    delAout[i] = (ci[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*di[i])/A;
+    delWout[i] = 0.;
+  }
+/* Models the signal as modulated sinusoids 
+ * x is the signal
+ * w are the frequencies
+ * ai are the cos(x) coefficients
+ * bi are the sin(x) coefficients
+ * ci are the x*cos(x) coefficients
+ * di are the x*sin(x) coefficients
+ * y is the approximated signal by summing all the params
+ * N is the number of sinusoids
+ * len is the frame size
+void extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float *x, float *w, 
+				  float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
+				  float *dAout, float *dWout, float *ddAout, 
+				  float *y, int N, int len){
+  float *cos_table[N];
+  float *sin_table[N];
+  float *tcos_table[N];
+  float *tsin_table[N];
+  float *ttcos_table[N];
+  float *ttsin_table[N];
+  float cosE[N], sinE[N];
+  float tcosE[N], tsinE[N];
+  float ttcosE[N], ttsinE[N];
+  float ai[N];
+  float bi[N];
+  float ci[N];
+  float di[N];
+  float ei[N];
+  float fi[N];
+  int i,j, iter;
+  /* Build a table for the four basis functions at each frequency */
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+    float tmpa=0;
+    float tmpb=0;
+    float tmpc=0;
+    float tmpd=0;
+    float tmpe=0;
+    float tmpf=0;
+    cos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**cos_table));
+    sin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**sin_table));
+    tcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tcos_table));
+    tsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**tsin_table));
+    ttcos_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttcos_table));
+    ttsin_table[i]=calloc(len,sizeof(**ttsin_table));
+    for (j=0;j<len;j++){
+      float jj = j-len/2.+.5;
+      float c = cos((2.*M_PI*w[i]/len)*jj);
+      float s = sin((2.*M_PI*w[i]/len)*jj);
+      cos_table[i][j] = c;
+      sin_table[i][j] = s;
+      tcos_table[i][j] = jj*c;
+      tsin_table[i][j] = jj*s;
+      ttcos_table[i][j] = jj*jj*c;
+      ttsin_table[i][j] = jj*jj*s;
+      /* The sinusoidal terms */
+      tmpa += cos_table[i][j]*cos_table[i][j];
+      tmpb += sin_table[i][j]*sin_table[i][j];
+      /* The modulation terms */
+      tmpc += tcos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j];
+      tmpd += tsin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j];
+      /* The second order modulations */
+      tmpe += ttcos_table[i][j]*ttcos_table[i][j];
+      tmpf += ttsin_table[i][j]*ttsin_table[i][j];
+    }
+    tmpa = sqrt(tmpa);
+    tmpb = sqrt(tmpb);
+    tmpc = sqrt(tmpc);
+    tmpd = sqrt(tmpd);
+    tmpe = sqrt(tmpe);
+    tmpf = sqrt(tmpf);
+    cosE[i] = (tmpa>0.f ? 1.f/tmpa : 0.f);
+    sinE[i] = (tmpb>0.f ? 1.f/tmpb : 0.f);
+    tcosE[i] = (tmpc>0.f ? 1.f/tmpc : 0.f);
+    tsinE[i] = (tmpd>0.f ? 1.f/tmpd : 0.f);
+    ttcosE[i] = (tmpe>0.f ? 1.f/tmpe : 0.f);
+    ttsinE[i] = (tmpf>0.f ? 1.f/tmpf : 0.f);
+    for(j=0;j<len;j++){
+      cos_table[i][j] *= cosE[i];
+      sin_table[i][j] *= sinE[i];
+      tcos_table[i][j] *= tcosE[i];
+      tsin_table[i][j] *= tsinE[i];
+      ttcos_table[i][j] *= ttcosE[i];
+      ttsin_table[i][j] *= ttsinE[i];
+    }
+  }
+  /* y is the initial approximation of the signal */
+  for (j=0;j<len;j++)
+    y[j] = 0;
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++)
+    ai[i] = bi[i] = ci[i] = di[i] = ei[i] = fi[i] = 0;
+  for (iter=0;iter<5;iter++){
+    for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+      float tmpa=0, tmpb=0, tmpc=0;
+      float tmpd=0, tmpe=0, tmpf=0;
+      /* (Sort of) project the residual on the four basis functions */
+      for (j=0;j<len;j++){
+	float jj = j-len/2.+.5;
+	tmpa += (x[j]-y[j]) * cos_table[i][j];
+	tmpb += (x[j]-y[j]) * sin_table[i][j];
+	tmpc += (x[j]-y[j]) * tcos_table[i][j];
+	tmpd += (x[j]-y[j]) * tsin_table[i][j];
+	tmpe += (x[j]-y[j]) * ttcos_table[i][j];
+	tmpf += (x[j]-y[j]) * ttsin_table[i][j];
+      }
+      /* Update the signal approximation for the next iteration */
+      for (j=0;j<len;j++){
+	float jj = j-len/2.+.5;
+	y[j] += tmpa*cos_table[i][j];
+	y[j] += tmpb*sin_table[i][j];
+	y[j] += tmpc*tcos_table[i][j];
+	y[j] += tmpd*tsin_table[i][j];
+	y[j] += tmpe*ttcos_table[i][j];
+	y[j] += tmpf*ttsin_table[i][j];
+      }
+      ai[i] += tmpa;
+      bi[i] += tmpb;
+      ci[i] += tmpc;
+      di[i] += tmpd;
+      ei[i] += tmpe;
+      fi[i] += tmpf;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+    ai[i] *= cosE[i];
+    bi[i] *= sinE[i];
+    ci[i] *= tcosE[i];
+    di[i] *= tsinE[i];
+    ei[i] *= ttcosE[i];
+    fi[i] *= ttsinE[i];
+  }
+  for(i=0;i<N;i++){
+    float A = hypot(ai[i],bi[i]);
+    double P;
+    free(cos_table[i]);
+    free(sin_table[i]);
+    free(tcos_table[i]);
+    free(tsin_table[i]);
+    free(ttcos_table[i]);
+    free(ttsin_table[i]);
+    if(A!=0.){
+      if(bi[i]>0){
+	P = -acos(ai[i]/A);
+      }else{
+        P = acos(ai[i]/A);
+      }
+    }else
+      P=0.;
+    Aout[i] = A;
+    Pout[i] = P;
+    dAout[i] = (ci[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*di[i])/A;
+    Wout[i] = w[i] + ((ci[i]*bi[i] - di[i]*ai[i])/(A*A)/(2.*M_PI))*len;
+    ddAout[i] = (ei[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*fi[i])/A;
+    dWout[i] = ((ei[i]*bi[i] - fi[i]*ai[i])/(A*A)/(2.*M_PI))*len;
+  }
-void compute_sinusoids(float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
-		       float *delAout, float *delWout, float *y, int N, int len){
+static void compute_sinusoids(float *A, float *W, float *P, 
+			      float *delA, float *delW, float *y, int N, int len){
   int i,j;
   double ilen = 1./len;
@@ -257,50 +466,307 @@
     double jj = (j-len*.5+.5)*ilen;
-      double A = Aout[i] + delAout[i]*jj;
-      double W = Wout[i] + delWout[i]*jj;
-      y[j] += A*cos(M_2_PI*jj*W+Pout[i]);
+      double a = A[i] + delA[i]*jj;
+      double w = W[i] + delW[i]*jj;
+      y[j] += a*cos(2.*M_PI*jj*w+P[i]);
-// brute-force, simultaneous nonlinear system CG, meant to be a 'high anchor' of possible numeric performance 
-void extract_modulated_sinusoids2(float *x, float *w, float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
-				 float *delAout, float *delWout, float *y, int N, int len){
-  int i,j;
-  double ilen = 1./len;
+/* Models the signal as modulated sinusoids 
+ * x is the signal
+ * w are the frequencies
+ * window is the analysis window (you can use a rectangular window)
+ * ai are the cos(x) coefficients
+ * bi are the sin(x) coefficients
+ * ci are the x*cos(x) coefficients
+ * di are the x*sin(x) coefficients
+ * y is the approximated signal by summing all the params
+ * N is the number of sinusoids
+ * len is the frame size
-  /* w contains our frequency seeds; initialize Wout, Pout, Aout from this data */
-  /* delAout and delPout start at zero */
+void extract_modulated_sinusoidsLSQR(float *x, float *w, 
+				 float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, float *dAout, float *dWout, float *ddAout,
+				 float *y, int N, int len){
+  float *cos_table[N];
+  float *sin_table[N];
+  float *tcos_table[N];
+  float *tsin_table[N];
+  float cosE[N], sinE[N];
+  float costE[N], sintE[N];
+  float ai[N];
+  float bi[N];
+  float ci[N];
+  float di[N];
+  int i,j, iter;
+  float e[len];
+  /* Symmetric and anti-symmetric components of the error */
+  int L2 = len/2;
+  float sym[L2], anti[L2];
-    double re = 0.;
-    double im = 0.;
+    cos_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**cos_table)*len);
+    sin_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**sin_table)*len);
+    tcos_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**tcos_table)*len);
+    tsin_table[i] = malloc(sizeof(**tsin_table)*len);
+  }
-    for(j=0;j<len;j++){
-      double jj = M_2_PI*(j-len*.5+.5)*ilen*w[i];
-      double s = sin(jj);
-      double c = cos(jj);
-      im += s*x[j];
-      re += c*x[j];
+  /* Build a table for the four basis functions at each frequency: cos(x), sin(x), x*cos(x), x*sin(x)*/
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+    float tmp1=0, tmp2=0;
+    float tmp3=0, tmp4=0;
+    float rotR, rotI;
+    rotR = cos(2*M_PI*w[i]/len);
+    rotI = sin(2*M_PI*w[i]/len);
+    /* Computing sin/cos table using complex rotations */
+    cos_table[i][0] = cos(M_PI*w[i]/len);
+    sin_table[i][0] = sin(M_PI*w[i]/len);
+    for (j=1;j<L2;j++){
+      float re, im;
+      re = cos_table[i][j-1]*rotR - sin_table[i][j-1]*rotI;
+      im = sin_table[i][j-1]*rotR + cos_table[i][j-1]*rotI;
+      cos_table[i][j] = re;
+      sin_table[i][j] = im;
+    /* Only need to compute the tables for half the length because of the symmetry.
+       Eventually, we'll have to replace the cos/sin with rotations */
+    for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+      float jj = j+.5;
+      /*cos_table[i][j] = cos(w[i]*jj)*window[j];
+	sin_table[i][j] = sin(w[i]*jj)*window[j];*/
+      tcos_table[i][j] = jj*cos_table[i][j];
+      tsin_table[i][j] = jj*sin_table[i][j];
+      /* The sinusoidal terms */
+      tmp1 += cos_table[i][j]*cos_table[i][j];
+      tmp2 += sin_table[i][j]*sin_table[i][j];
+      /* The modulation terms */
+      tmp3 += tcos_table[i][j]*tcos_table[i][j];
+      tmp4 += tsin_table[i][j]*tsin_table[i][j];
+    }
+    /* Double the energy because we only computed one half.
+       Eventually, we should be computing/tabulating these values directly
+       as a function of w[i]. */
+    cosE[i] = sqrt(2*tmp1);
+    sinE[i] = sqrt(2*tmp2);
+    costE[i] = sqrt(2*tmp3);
+    sintE[i] = sqrt(2*tmp4);
+    /* Normalise the basis (should multiply by the inverse instead) */
+    for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+      cos_table[i][j] *= (1.f/cosE[i]);
+      sin_table[i][j] *= (1.f/sinE[i]);
+      tcos_table[i][j] *= (1.f/costE[i]);
+      tsin_table[i][j] *= (1.f/sintE[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  /* y is the initial approximation of the signal */
+  for (j=0;j<len;j++)
+    y[j] = 0;
+  for (j=0;j<len;j++)
+    e[j] = x[j];
+  /* Split the error into a symmetric component and an anti-symmetric component. 
+     This speeds everything up by a factor of 2 */
+  for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+    sym[j] = e[j+L2]+e[L2-j-1];
+    anti[j] = e[j+L2]-e[L2-j-1];
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++)
+    ai[i] = bi[i] = ci[i] = di[i] = 0;
+  /* y is the initial approximation of the signal */
+  for (j=0;j<len;j++)
+    y[j] = 0;
+  for (j=0;j<len;j++)
+    e[j] = x[j];
+  /* Split the error into a symmetric component and an anti-symmetric component. 
+     This speeds everything up by a factor of 2 */
+  for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+    sym[j] = e[j+L2]+e[L2-j-1];
+    anti[j] = e[j+L2]-e[L2-j-1];
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++)
+    ai[i] = bi[i] = ci[i] = di[i] = 0;{
+    float va[N];
+    float vb[N];
+    float vc[N];
+    float vd[N];
+    float wa[N];
+    float wb[N];
+    float wc[N];
+    float wd[N];
+    float alpha;
+    float beta;
+    float theta;
+    float phi;
+    float phibar;
+    float rho;
+    float rhobar;
+    float c;
+    float s;
+    /*beta*u=e*/
+    beta = phibar = 0;
+    for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+      beta += sym[j]*sym[j] + anti[j]*anti[j];
+    phibar = beta = sqrtf(0.5f*beta);
+    if (beta > 0){
+      for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+	sym[j] *= (1.f/beta);
+	anti[j] *= (1.f/beta);
+      }
+      /*alpha*v=A^T.u*/
+      alpha = 0;
+      for (i=0;i<N;i++)	{
+	va[i] = 0;
+	for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	  va[i] += sym[j]*cos_table[i][j];
+	vb[i] = 0;
+	for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	  vb[i] += anti[j]*sin_table[i][j];
+	vc[i] = 0;
+	for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	  vc[i] += anti[j]*tcos_table[i][j];
+	vd[i] = 0;
+	for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	  vd[i] += sym[j]*tsin_table[i][j];
+	alpha += va[i]*va[i]+vb[i]*vb[i]+vc[i]*vc[i]+vd[i]*vd[i];
+      }
+      if (alpha > 0){
+	alpha = sqrtf(alpha);
+	for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+	  wa[i] = va[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	  wb[i] = vb[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	  wc[i] = vc[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	  wd[i] = vd[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	}
+	phibar = beta;
+	rhobar = alpha;
+	for (iter=0;iter<5;iter++){
+	  float p;
+	  float q;
+	  /*beta*u=A.v-alpha*u*/
+	  beta = 0;
+	  for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+	    float da;
+	    float ds;
+	    ds = da = 0;
+	    for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+	      ds += va[i]*cos_table[i][j] + vd[i]*tsin_table[i][j];
+	      da += vb[i]*sin_table[i][j] + vc[i]*tcos_table[i][j];
+	    }
+	    sym[j] = 2*ds-alpha*sym[j];
+	    anti[j] = 2*da-alpha*anti[j];
+	    beta += sym[j]*sym[j] + anti[j]*anti[j];
+	  }
+	  if (beta <= 0) break;
+	  beta = sqrtf(0.5f*beta);
+	  for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+	    sym[j] *= (1.f/beta);
+	    anti[j] *= (1.f/beta);
+	  }
+	  /*alpha*v=A^T.u-beta*v*/
+	  alpha = 0;
+	  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+	    float v0;
+	    float v1;
+	    float v2;
+	    float v3;
+	    v0 = 0;
+	    for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	      v0 += sym[j]*cos_table[i][j];
+	    v1 = 0;
+	    for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	      v1 += anti[j]*sin_table[i][j];
+	    v2 = 0;
+	    for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	      v2 += anti[j]*tcos_table[i][j];
+	    v3 = 0;
+	    for (j=0;j<L2;j++)
+	      v3 += sym[j]*tsin_table[i][j];
+	    va[i] = v0 - beta*va[i];
+	    vb[i] = v1 - beta*vb[i];
+	    vc[i] = v2 - beta*vc[i];
+	    vd[i] = v3 - beta*vd[i];
+	    alpha += va[i]*va[i]+vb[i]*vb[i]+vc[i]*vc[i]+vd[i]*vd[i];
+	  }
+	  if (alpha <= 0) break;
+	  alpha = sqrtf(alpha);
+	  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+	    va[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	    vb[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	    vc[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	    vd[i] *= (1.f/alpha);
+	  }
+	  rho = hypotf(rhobar,beta);
+	  c = rhobar/rho;
+	  s = beta/rho;
+	  theta = s*alpha;
+	  rhobar = -c*alpha;
+	  phi = c*phibar;
+	  phibar = s*phibar;
+	  p = phi/rho;
+	  q = theta/rho;
+	  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+	    ai[i] += wa[i]*p;
+	    bi[i] += wb[i]*p;
+	    ci[i] += wc[i]*p;
+	    di[i] += wd[i]*p;
+	    wa[i] = va[i] - wa[i]*q;
+	    wb[i] = vb[i] - wb[i]*q;
+	    wc[i] = vc[i] - wc[i]*q;
+	    wd[i] = vd[i] - wd[i]*q;
+	  }
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr,"LSQR sq. err. = %lg\n",phibar*phibar);
+    phibar *= 0.5f;
+    for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+      e[j+L2] = phibar*(sym[j]+anti[j]);
+      e[L2-j-1] = phibar*(sym[j]-anti[j]);
+    }
+  }
+  for (j=0;j<L2;j++){
+    float da;
+    float ds;
+    ds = da = 0;
+    for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+      ds += ai[i]*cos_table[i][j] + di[i]*tsin_table[i][j];
+      da += bi[i]*sin_table[i][j] + ci[i]*tcos_table[i][j];
+    }
+    y[j+L2] = ds+da;
+    y[L2-j-1] = ds-da;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<N;i++){
+    ai[i] /= cosE[i];
+    bi[i] /= sinE[i];
+    ci[i] /= costE[i];
+    di[i] /= sintE[i];
+  }
-    double ph = 0;
-    double m = hypot(re,im);
-    if(m!=0.){
-      if(im>0){
-        ph = acos(re/m)/M_PI;
+  for(i=0;i<N;i++){
+    float A = hypot(ai[i],bi[i]);
+    double P;
+    free(cos_table[i]);
+    free(sin_table[i]);
+    if(A!=0.){
+      if(bi[i]>0){
+        P = -acos(ai[i]/A);
-        ph = -acos(re/m)/M_PI;
+        P = acos(ai[i]/A);
-    }
-    Aout[i] = 2*m*ilen;
-    Pout[i] = ph;
-    Wout[i] = w[i];
-    delAout[i] = 0.f;
-    delWout[i] = 0.f;
+    }else
+      P=0.;
+    Aout[i] = A;
+    Pout[i] = P;
+    dAout[i] = (ci[i]*ai[i] + bi[i]*di[i])/A;
+    Wout[i] = w[i] + ((ci[i]*bi[i] - di[i]*ai[i])/(A*A)/(2.*M_PI))*len;
-  compute_sinusoids(Aout,Wout,Pout,delAout,delWout,y,N,len);

Modified: trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.h
--- trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.h	2007-07-27 20:57:57 UTC (rev 13374)
+++ trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/sinusoids.h	2007-07-28 01:39:06 UTC (rev 13375)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  *                                                                  *
- function: research-grade sinusoidal extraction sode
+ function: research-grade sinusoidal extraction code
  last mod: $Id$
@@ -18,7 +18,14 @@
 extern void window_weight(float *logf, float *out, int n, float flatbias,
 			  int lowindow, int hiwindow, int min, int rate);
-extern void extract_modulated_sinusoids(float *x, float *w, float *ai, float *bi, float *ci, float *di, float *y, int N, int len);
+extern void extract_modulated_sinusoids(float *x, float *w, float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
+					float *delAout, float *delWout, float *ddAout, float *y, int N, int len);
+extern void extract_modulated_sinusoidsLSQR(float *x, float *w, float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
+					    float *delAout, float *delWout, float *ddAout, float *y, int N, int len);
 extern void extract_modulated_sinusoids2(float *x, float *w, float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
 					 float *delAout, float *delWout, float *y, int N, int len);
+extern void extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float *x, float *w, 
+					 float *Aout, float *Wout, float *Pout, 
+					 float *dAout, float *dWout, float *ddAout, 
+					 float *y, int N, int len);

Modified: trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/test_sinusoids.c
--- trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/test_sinusoids.c	2007-07-27 20:57:57 UTC (rev 13374)
+++ trunk/ghost/monty/sinusoid/test_sinusoids.c	2007-07-28 01:39:06 UTC (rev 13375)
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
   fout = fopen(argv[2], "w");
-  for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)
+    for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)
-  blackmann_harris(float_in, float_in, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
-  dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"window",0);
-  memset(float_in,0,sizeof(float_in));
+    blackmann_harris(float_in, float_in, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+    dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"window",0);
+    memset(float_in,0,sizeof(float_in));
   while (1){
@@ -109,90 +109,100 @@
       float log_fft[BLOCK_SIZE+1];
       float weight[BLOCK_SIZE+1];
-      memcpy(fft_buf,float_in,sizeof(float_in));
       // polish the strongest peaks from weighting
 	float w[BLOCK_SIZE];
 	float Aout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
+	float Pout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
+	float dAout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
 	float Wout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
-	float Pout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
-	float delAout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
-	float delWout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
+	float ddAout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
+	float dWout[BLOCK_SIZE]={0};
 	float y[BLOCK_SIZE*2];
-	//for(j=0;j<50;j++){
-	  blackmann_harris(fft_buf, fft_buf, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
-	  //if(j==0)
-	    dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"data",frame);
-	  drft_forward(&fft, fft_buf);
-	  for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)fft_buf[i] *= 2./BLOCK_SIZE;
+	blackmann_harris(fft_buf, float_in, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"data",frame);
+	drft_forward(&fft, fft_buf);
+	for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)fft_buf[i] *= 1./BLOCK_SIZE;
-	  mag_dB(log_fft,fft_buf,BLOCK_SIZE*2);
-	  //if(j==0)
-	    dump_vec(log_fft,BLOCK_SIZE+1,"logmag",frame);
+	mag_dB(log_fft,fft_buf,BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	dump_vec(log_fft,BLOCK_SIZE+1,"logmag",frame);
+	window_weight(log_fft,weight,BLOCK_SIZE+1, 0.f, 512,256, 30, 44100);
+	dump_vec(weight,BLOCK_SIZE+1,"weight",frame);
-	  window_weight(log_fft,weight,BLOCK_SIZE+1, 2.f, 512,256, 30, 44100);
+	j=1;
+	w[0]=.0306*BLOCK_SIZE;
+	//for(j=0;j<BLOCK_SIZE;j++)
+	//w[j] = j+.5;
-	  // largest weighted
-	  /*int best=-120;
+	/* largest weighted
+	   int best=-120;
 	  int besti=-1;
-	  for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE+1;i++)
-	    if(weight[i]>best){
-	      besti = i;
-	      best = weight[i];
+	  for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE+1;i++){
+	  float v = log_fft[i] - weight[i];
+	    if(v>best){
+	    besti = i;
+	      best = v;
+	      }
-	  w[j] = M_PI*besti/BLOCK_SIZE;
+	  //w[j] = M_PI*besti/BLOCK_SIZE;
-	  for(i=0;i<j;i++)
-	    w[i] = i;//M_PI*(i)/j;
+	//blackmann_harris(fft_buf, float_in, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	w[0]=Wout[0];
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	w[0]=Wout[0];
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	w[0]=Wout[0];
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	w[0]=Wout[0];
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	w[0]=Wout[0];
+	extract_modulated_sinusoidsB(float_in, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, dAout, dWout, ddAout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
-	  blackmann_harris(fft_buf, float_in, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
-	  dump_vec(fft_buf,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"win",frame);
-	  extract_modulated_sinusoids2(fft_buf, w, Aout, Wout, Pout, delAout, delWout, y, j, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
+	//for(i=0;i<j;i++)
+	//w[i]=Wout[i];
+	for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)
+	  fft_buf[i] = float_in[i] - y[i];
+	dump_vec(fft_buf,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"res",0);
-	  //for(i=0;i<j;i++){
-	  //float A = sqrt(a[i]*a[i] + b[i]*b[i]);
-	  //w[i] += (c[i]*b[i] - d[i]*a[i])/(A*A);
-	  //}
-	  memcpy(fft_buf,float_in,sizeof(float_in));
-	  for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)
-	    fft_buf[i] -= y[i];
-	  //dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"exdata",frame);
-	  dump_vec(y,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"extract",frame);
-	  //}
-	  for(i=0;i<j;i++){
-	    //float A = sqrt(a[i]*a[i] + b[i]*b[i]);
-	    Aout[i]=todB(Aout[i]);
-	    Wout[i] /= BLOCK_SIZE;
-	  }
-	  dump_vec2(Wout,Aout,j,"ex",frame);
-	  //dump_vec(float_in,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"exdata",frame);
-	  dump_vec(y,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"extract",frame);
 	blackmann_harris(fft_buf, fft_buf, BLOCK_SIZE*2);
 	drft_forward(&fft, fft_buf);
-	for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)fft_buf[i] *= 2./BLOCK_SIZE;
+	for(i=0;i<BLOCK_SIZE*2;i++)fft_buf[i] *= 1./BLOCK_SIZE;
-	dump_vec(log_fft,BLOCK_SIZE+1,"exlogmag",frame);
+	dump_vec(log_fft,BLOCK_SIZE+1,"exlogmag",0);
+	for(i=0;i<j;i++){
+	  Aout[i]=todB(Aout[i]);
+	  dAout[i]=todB(dAout[i]);
+	  ddAout[i]=todB(ddAout[i]);
+	  w[i] /= BLOCK_SIZE;
+	}
+	dump_vec2(w,Aout,j,"ex",0);
+	dump_vec2(w,dAout,j,"dA",0);
+	dump_vec2(w,ddAout,j,"ddA",0);
+	dump_vec2(w,dWout,j,"dW",0);
+	dump_vec(y,BLOCK_SIZE*2,"extract",0);
     //fwrite(short_in, sizeof(short), BLOCK_SIZE, fout);
-   }
-   return 0;
+  }
+  return 0;

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