[xiph-commits] r11646 -
lgonze at svn.xiph.org
lgonze at svn.xiph.org
Sat Jun 24 18:25:45 PDT 2006
Author: lgonze
Date: 2006-06-24 18:25:43 -0700 (Sat, 24 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 11646
rfc 2629-compatible xml for generating media type application
Added: websites/xspf.org/specs/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf.xml
--- websites/xspf.org/specs/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf.xml 2006-06-25 01:09:24 UTC (rev 11645)
+++ websites/xspf.org/specs/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf/draft-gonze-media-type-xspf.xml 2006-06-25 01:25:43 UTC (rev 11646)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE rfc SYSTEM "rfc2629.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY rfc2119 PUBLIC ''
+<!ENTITY rfc3023 PUBLIC ''
+<rfc category="std" ipr="full3978" docName="draft-gonze-media-type-xspf.txt">
+ <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='rfc2629.xslt' ?>
+ <?rfc toc="yes" ?>
+ <?rfc symrefs="yes" ?>
+ <?rfc sortrefs="yes"?>
+ <?rfc iprnotified="no" ?>
+ <?rfc strict="yes" ?>
+ <front>
+ <title abbrev="Media type application/xspf+xml">The application/xspf+xml Media Type</title>
+ <author initials='L' surname="Gonze" fullname='Lucas Gonze'>
+ <organization>Yahoo! Music</organization>
+ <address>
+ <email>lucas at gonze.com</email>
+ <uri>http://gonze.com</uri>
+ <postal>
+ <city>Venice</city> <region>CA</region>
+ <country>US</country>
+ </postal>
+ </address>
+ </author>
+ <date month="June" year="2006"/>
+ <abstract><t>This is the media type specification for the playlist format XSPF ("spiff").</t></abstract>
+ </front>
+ <middle>
+ <section title="Requirements notation">
+ <t>The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL",
+ and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as
+ described in <xref target="RFC2119"/>.</t>
+ </section>
+ <section title="Registration">
+ <list style="hanging">
+ <t hangText="Type name">
+ <t>application</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Subtype name">
+ <t>xspf+xml</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Required parameters">
+ <t>none</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Optional parameters">
+ <t>charset. Same as charset parameter of application/xml as
+ specified in <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Encoding considerations">
+ <t>Same as encoding considerations of application/xml as
+ specified in <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Security considerations">
+ <t>The XML-based media type being registered has all of the
+ security considerations described in <xref target="RFC3023"/> plus additional
+ considerations.</t>
+ <t>Playlist authors who publish documents containing local
+ filesystem paths should take care to not reveal confidential
+ information contained in those strings.</t>
+ <t>The registration does not employ active content.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Interoperability considerations">
+ <t>Versions 0 and 1 are compatible except for some playlist
+ publication dates which precede the first publication of
+ either specification.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Published specification">
+ <t>http://xspf.org/xspf-v1 (version 1)</t>
+ <t>http://xspf.org/xspf-v0 (version 0)</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Applications that use this media type">
+ <t>Gnomoradio, Webjay.org, Musicplayer, Playr, Yahoo Music Engine, Videolan Client, AmaroK, BMPx, I/ON, (others)</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Additional information">
+ <t hangText="Magic number(s)">
+ <t>none, but see section 3.1 of <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="File extension(s)">
+ <t>.xspf</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Macintosh file type code(s)">
+ <t>"TEXT"</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Fragment/anchor identifiers">
+ <t>see <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Person & email address to contact for further information">
+ <t>Lucas Gonze <lucas at gonze.com></t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Intended usage">
+ <t>COMMON</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Restrictions on usage">
+ <t>none</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Author/change controller">
+ <t>The XSPF specification is a work product of the Xiph.org
+ Foundation's Playlist Ad Hoc Group. The working group's home on
+ the web is http://xspf.org. The specifications were edited by
+ Lucas Gonze <lucas at gonze.com>, Matthias Friedrich
+ <matt at mafr.de>, and Robert Kaye <rob at eorbit.net>.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="XML namespace">
+ <t>http://xspf.org/ns/0</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="Base URIs">
+ <t>see <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ <t hangText="BOM">
+ <t>see <xref target="RFC3023"/>.</t>
+ </t>
+ </list>
+ </section><!-- end Registration -->
+ </middle>
+ <back>
+ <references>&rfc2119;&rfc3023;</references>
+ </back>
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