[xiph-commits] r10044 - experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib
tterribe at svn.xiph.org
tterribe at svn.xiph.org
Thu Sep 22 13:24:22 PDT 2005
Author: tterribe
Date: 2005-09-22 13:24:19 -0700 (Thu, 22 Sep 2005)
New Revision: 10044
Fix an error return code (OC_EINVAL is already negative, no need to negate it),
rename a VBR function I forgot to, and set the svn:eol-style on the new files.
Modified: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encmsc.c
--- experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encmsc.c 2005-09-22 20:21:40 UTC (rev 10043)
+++ experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encmsc.c 2005-09-22 20:24:19 UTC (rev 10044)
@@ -1,234 +1,234 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include "encint.h"
-/*The VLC code used for mode schemes 0-6.*/
-static const theora_huff_code OC_MODE_CODESA[OC_NMODES]={
- {0x00,1},{0x02,2},{0x06,3},{0x0E,4},{0x1E,5},{0x3E,6},{0x7E,7},{0x7F,7}
-/*The CLC code used for mode scheme 7.*/
-static const theora_huff_code OC_MODE_CODESB[OC_NMODES]={
- {0x00,3},{0x01,3},{0x02,3},{0x03,3},{0x04,3},{0x05,3},{0x06,3},{0x07,3}
-/*Initialize the mode scheme chooser.
- This need only be called once per encoder.
- This is probably the best place to describe the various scheme's Theora uses
- to encode macro block modes.
- There are 8 possible schemes.
- Schemes 0-6 use a highly unbalanced Huffman code to code each of the modes.
- The same set of Huffman codes is used for each of these 7 schemes, but the
- mode assigned to each code varies.
- Schemes 1-6 have a fixed mapping from Huffman code to MB mode, while scheme
- 0 writes a custom mapping to the bitstream before all the modes.
- Finally, scheme 7 just encodes each mode directly in 3 bits.
- Be warned that the number assigned to each mode is slightly different in the
- bitstream than in this implementation, so a translation needs to be done.
- Mode name: Source-code index; Bit-stream index:
- The bit stream indices come from the constants assigned to each mode in the
- original VP3 source.*/
-void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_init(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser){
- int msi;
- _chooser->mode_ranks[0]=_chooser->scheme0_ranks;
- for(msi=0;msi<7;msi++){
- _chooser->mode_codes[msi]=OC_MODE_CODESA;
- _chooser->mode_ranks[msi+1]=OC_MODE_SCHEMES[msi];
- }
- _chooser->mode_codes[7]=OC_MODE_CODESB;
-/*Reset the mode scheme chooser.
- This needs to be called once for each frame, including the first.*/
-void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_reset(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser){
- int i;
- memset(_chooser->mode_counts,0,sizeof(_chooser->mode_counts));
- /*Scheme 0 starts with 24 bits to store the mode list in.*/
- _chooser->scheme_bits[0]=24;
- memset(_chooser->scheme_bits+1,0,7*sizeof(_chooser->scheme_bits[1]));
- for(i=0;i<8;i++){
- /*Scheme 7 should always start first, and scheme 0 should always start
- last.*/
- _chooser->scheme_list[i]=7-i;
- _chooser->scheme0_list[i]=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[i]=i;
- }
-/*This is the real purpose of this data structure: not actually selecting a
- mode scheme, but estimating the cost of coding a given mode given all the
- modes selected so far.
- This is done via opportunity cost: the cost is defined as the number of bits
- required to encode all the modes selected so far including the current one
- using the best possible scheme, minus the number of bits required to encode
- all the modes selected so far not including the current one using the best
- possible scheme.
- The computational expense of doing this probably makes it overkill.
- Just be happy we take a greedy approach instead of trying to solve the
- global mode-selection problem (which is NP-hard).
- _mode: The mode to determine the cost of.
- Return: The number of bits required to code this mode.*/
-int oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,int _mode){
- int scheme0;
- int scheme1;
- int si;
- int scheme_bits;
- int best_bits;
- int mode_bits;
- scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[0];
- scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[1];
- best_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
- mode_bits=_chooser->mode_codes[scheme0][
- _chooser->mode_ranks[scheme0][_mode]].nbits;
- /*Typical case: If the difference between the best scheme and the next best
- is greater than 6 bits, then adding just one mode cannot change which
- scheme we use.*/
- if(_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1]-best_bits>6)return mode_bits;
- /*Otherwise, check to see if adding this mode selects a different scheme
- as the best.*/
- si=1;
- best_bits+=mode_bits;
- do{
- scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
- /*For any scheme except 0, we can just use the bit cost of the mode's rank
- in that scheme.*/
- if(scheme1!=0){
- scheme_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1]+
- _chooser->mode_codes[scheme1][
- _chooser->mode_ranks[scheme1][_mode]].nbits;
- }
- else{
- int ri;
- /*For scheme 0, incrementing the mode count could potentially change the
- mode's rank.
- Find the index where the mode would be moved to in the optimal list,
- and use its bit cost instead of the one for the mode's current
- position in the list.*/
- for(ri=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode];ri>0&&
- _chooser->mode_counts[_mode]>=
- _chooser->mode_counts[_chooser->scheme0_list[ri-1]];ri--);
- scheme_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[0]+OC_MODE_CODESA[ri].nbits;
- }
- if(scheme_bits<best_bits)best_bits=scheme_bits;
- si++;
- }
- while(si<8&&_chooser->scheme_bits[_chooser->scheme_list[si]]-
- _chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0]<=6);
- return best_bits-_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
-/*Update the mode counts and per-scheme bit counts and re-order the scheme
- lists once a mode has been selected.
- _mode: The mode that was chosen.*/
-void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_update(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,
- int _mode){
- int ri;
- int si;
- _chooser->mode_counts[_mode]++;
- /*Re-order the scheme0 mode list if necessary.*/
- for(ri=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode];ri>0;ri--){
- int pmode;
- pmode=_chooser->scheme0_list[ri-1];
- if(_chooser->mode_counts[pmode]>=_chooser->mode_counts[_mode])break;
- _chooser->scheme0_ranks[pmode]++;
- _chooser->scheme0_list[ri]=pmode;
- }
- _chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode]=ri;
- _chooser->scheme0_list[ri]=_mode;
- /*Now add the bit cost for the mode to each scheme.*/
- for(si=0;si<8;si++){
- _chooser->scheme_bits[si]+=
- _chooser->mode_codes[si][_chooser->mode_ranks[si][_mode]].nbits;
- }
- /*Finally, re-order the list of schemes.*/
- for(si=1;si<8;si++){
- int sj;
- int scheme0;
- int bits0;
- scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
- bits0=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
- sj=si;
- do{
- int scheme1;
- scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[sj-1];
- if(bits0>=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1])break;
- _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme1;
- }
- while(--sj>0);
- _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme0;
- }
-/*Update the count for each mode by the given amounts, and then re-rank the
- schemes appropriately.
- This allows fewer (e.g. 1) updates to be done, at the cost of a more
- expensive update.
- _mode_counts: The amount to add to each mode count.*/
-void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_add(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,
- int _mode_counts[OC_NMODES]){
- int mi;
- int mj;
- int ri;
- int rj;
- int si;
- for(mi=0;mi<OC_NMODES;mi++){
- _chooser->mode_counts[mi]+=_mode_counts[mi];
- }
- /*Re-order the scheme0 mode list if necessary.*/
- for(ri=1;ri<OC_NMODES;ri++){
- mi=_chooser->scheme0_list[ri];
- rj=ri;
- do{
- mj=_chooser->scheme0_list[rj-1];
- if(_chooser->mode_counts[mj]>=_chooser->mode_counts[mi])break;
- _chooser->scheme0_ranks[mj]++;
- _chooser->scheme0_list[rj]=mj;
- }
- while(--rj>0);
- _chooser->scheme0_ranks[mi]=rj;
- _chooser->scheme0_list[rj]=mi;
- }
- /*Now recompute the bit cost for each scheme.*/
- for(si=0;si<8;si++){
- _chooser->scheme_bits[si]=0;
- for(mi=0;mi<8;mi++){
- _chooser->scheme_bits[si]+=
- _chooser->mode_codes[si][_chooser->mode_ranks[si][mi]].nbits*
- _chooser->mode_counts[mi];
- }
- }
- /*Scheme 0 starts with 24 bits to store the mode list in.*/
- _chooser->scheme_bits[0]+=24;
- /*Finally, re-order the list of schemes.*/
- for(si=1;si<8;si++){
- int sj;
- int scheme0;
- int bits0;
- scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
- bits0=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
- sj=si;
- do{
- int scheme1;
- scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[sj-1];
- if(bits0>=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1])break;
- _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme1;
- }
- while(--sj>0);
- _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme0;
- }
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <ogg/ogg.h>
+#include "encint.h"
+/*The VLC code used for mode schemes 0-6.*/
+static const theora_huff_code OC_MODE_CODESA[OC_NMODES]={
+ {0x00,1},{0x02,2},{0x06,3},{0x0E,4},{0x1E,5},{0x3E,6},{0x7E,7},{0x7F,7}
+/*The CLC code used for mode scheme 7.*/
+static const theora_huff_code OC_MODE_CODESB[OC_NMODES]={
+ {0x00,3},{0x01,3},{0x02,3},{0x03,3},{0x04,3},{0x05,3},{0x06,3},{0x07,3}
+/*Initialize the mode scheme chooser.
+ This need only be called once per encoder.
+ This is probably the best place to describe the various scheme's Theora uses
+ to encode macro block modes.
+ There are 8 possible schemes.
+ Schemes 0-6 use a highly unbalanced Huffman code to code each of the modes.
+ The same set of Huffman codes is used for each of these 7 schemes, but the
+ mode assigned to each code varies.
+ Schemes 1-6 have a fixed mapping from Huffman code to MB mode, while scheme
+ 0 writes a custom mapping to the bitstream before all the modes.
+ Finally, scheme 7 just encodes each mode directly in 3 bits.
+ Be warned that the number assigned to each mode is slightly different in the
+ bitstream than in this implementation, so a translation needs to be done.
+ Mode name: Source-code index; Bit-stream index:
+ The bit stream indices come from the constants assigned to each mode in the
+ original VP3 source.*/
+void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_init(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser){
+ int msi;
+ _chooser->mode_ranks[0]=_chooser->scheme0_ranks;
+ for(msi=0;msi<7;msi++){
+ _chooser->mode_codes[msi]=OC_MODE_CODESA;
+ _chooser->mode_ranks[msi+1]=OC_MODE_SCHEMES[msi];
+ }
+ _chooser->mode_codes[7]=OC_MODE_CODESB;
+/*Reset the mode scheme chooser.
+ This needs to be called once for each frame, including the first.*/
+void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_reset(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser){
+ int i;
+ memset(_chooser->mode_counts,0,sizeof(_chooser->mode_counts));
+ /*Scheme 0 starts with 24 bits to store the mode list in.*/
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[0]=24;
+ memset(_chooser->scheme_bits+1,0,7*sizeof(_chooser->scheme_bits[1]));
+ for(i=0;i<8;i++){
+ /*Scheme 7 should always start first, and scheme 0 should always start
+ last.*/
+ _chooser->scheme_list[i]=7-i;
+ _chooser->scheme0_list[i]=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[i]=i;
+ }
+/*This is the real purpose of this data structure: not actually selecting a
+ mode scheme, but estimating the cost of coding a given mode given all the
+ modes selected so far.
+ This is done via opportunity cost: the cost is defined as the number of bits
+ required to encode all the modes selected so far including the current one
+ using the best possible scheme, minus the number of bits required to encode
+ all the modes selected so far not including the current one using the best
+ possible scheme.
+ The computational expense of doing this probably makes it overkill.
+ Just be happy we take a greedy approach instead of trying to solve the
+ global mode-selection problem (which is NP-hard).
+ _mode: The mode to determine the cost of.
+ Return: The number of bits required to code this mode.*/
+int oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,int _mode){
+ int scheme0;
+ int scheme1;
+ int si;
+ int scheme_bits;
+ int best_bits;
+ int mode_bits;
+ scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[0];
+ scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[1];
+ best_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
+ mode_bits=_chooser->mode_codes[scheme0][
+ _chooser->mode_ranks[scheme0][_mode]].nbits;
+ /*Typical case: If the difference between the best scheme and the next best
+ is greater than 6 bits, then adding just one mode cannot change which
+ scheme we use.*/
+ if(_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1]-best_bits>6)return mode_bits;
+ /*Otherwise, check to see if adding this mode selects a different scheme
+ as the best.*/
+ si=1;
+ best_bits+=mode_bits;
+ do{
+ scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
+ /*For any scheme except 0, we can just use the bit cost of the mode's rank
+ in that scheme.*/
+ if(scheme1!=0){
+ scheme_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1]+
+ _chooser->mode_codes[scheme1][
+ _chooser->mode_ranks[scheme1][_mode]].nbits;
+ }
+ else{
+ int ri;
+ /*For scheme 0, incrementing the mode count could potentially change the
+ mode's rank.
+ Find the index where the mode would be moved to in the optimal list,
+ and use its bit cost instead of the one for the mode's current
+ position in the list.*/
+ for(ri=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode];ri>0&&
+ _chooser->mode_counts[_mode]>=
+ _chooser->mode_counts[_chooser->scheme0_list[ri-1]];ri--);
+ scheme_bits=_chooser->scheme_bits[0]+OC_MODE_CODESA[ri].nbits;
+ }
+ if(scheme_bits<best_bits)best_bits=scheme_bits;
+ si++;
+ }
+ while(si<8&&_chooser->scheme_bits[_chooser->scheme_list[si]]-
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0]<=6);
+ return best_bits-_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
+/*Update the mode counts and per-scheme bit counts and re-order the scheme
+ lists once a mode has been selected.
+ _mode: The mode that was chosen.*/
+void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_update(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,
+ int _mode){
+ int ri;
+ int si;
+ _chooser->mode_counts[_mode]++;
+ /*Re-order the scheme0 mode list if necessary.*/
+ for(ri=_chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode];ri>0;ri--){
+ int pmode;
+ pmode=_chooser->scheme0_list[ri-1];
+ if(_chooser->mode_counts[pmode]>=_chooser->mode_counts[_mode])break;
+ _chooser->scheme0_ranks[pmode]++;
+ _chooser->scheme0_list[ri]=pmode;
+ }
+ _chooser->scheme0_ranks[_mode]=ri;
+ _chooser->scheme0_list[ri]=_mode;
+ /*Now add the bit cost for the mode to each scheme.*/
+ for(si=0;si<8;si++){
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[si]+=
+ _chooser->mode_codes[si][_chooser->mode_ranks[si][_mode]].nbits;
+ }
+ /*Finally, re-order the list of schemes.*/
+ for(si=1;si<8;si++){
+ int sj;
+ int scheme0;
+ int bits0;
+ scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
+ bits0=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
+ sj=si;
+ do{
+ int scheme1;
+ scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[sj-1];
+ if(bits0>=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1])break;
+ _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme1;
+ }
+ while(--sj>0);
+ _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme0;
+ }
+/*Update the count for each mode by the given amounts, and then re-rank the
+ schemes appropriately.
+ This allows fewer (e.g. 1) updates to be done, at the cost of a more
+ expensive update.
+ _mode_counts: The amount to add to each mode count.*/
+void oc_mode_scheme_chooser_add(oc_mode_scheme_chooser *_chooser,
+ int _mode_counts[OC_NMODES]){
+ int mi;
+ int mj;
+ int ri;
+ int rj;
+ int si;
+ for(mi=0;mi<OC_NMODES;mi++){
+ _chooser->mode_counts[mi]+=_mode_counts[mi];
+ }
+ /*Re-order the scheme0 mode list if necessary.*/
+ for(ri=1;ri<OC_NMODES;ri++){
+ mi=_chooser->scheme0_list[ri];
+ rj=ri;
+ do{
+ mj=_chooser->scheme0_list[rj-1];
+ if(_chooser->mode_counts[mj]>=_chooser->mode_counts[mi])break;
+ _chooser->scheme0_ranks[mj]++;
+ _chooser->scheme0_list[rj]=mj;
+ }
+ while(--rj>0);
+ _chooser->scheme0_ranks[mi]=rj;
+ _chooser->scheme0_list[rj]=mi;
+ }
+ /*Now recompute the bit cost for each scheme.*/
+ for(si=0;si<8;si++){
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[si]=0;
+ for(mi=0;mi<8;mi++){
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[si]+=
+ _chooser->mode_codes[si][_chooser->mode_ranks[si][mi]].nbits*
+ _chooser->mode_counts[mi];
+ }
+ }
+ /*Scheme 0 starts with 24 bits to store the mode list in.*/
+ _chooser->scheme_bits[0]+=24;
+ /*Finally, re-order the list of schemes.*/
+ for(si=1;si<8;si++){
+ int sj;
+ int scheme0;
+ int bits0;
+ scheme0=_chooser->scheme_list[si];
+ bits0=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme0];
+ sj=si;
+ do{
+ int scheme1;
+ scheme1=_chooser->scheme_list[sj-1];
+ if(bits0>=_chooser->scheme_bits[scheme1])break;
+ _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme1;
+ }
+ while(--sj>0);
+ _chooser->scheme_list[sj]=scheme0;
+ }
Property changes on: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encmsc.c
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.c
--- experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.c 2005-09-22 20:21:40 UTC (rev 10043)
+++ experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.c 2005-09-22 20:24:19 UTC (rev 10044)
@@ -1,1416 +1,1416 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ogg/ogg.h>
-#include "encvbr.h"
-#include "fdct.h"
-/*Returns the number of bits used by the given motion vector with the VLC
- motion vector codes (as opposed to the CLC codes, which always use 12 bits).
- _dx: The X component of the vector, in half-pel units.
- _dy: The Y component of the vector, in half-pel units.
- Return: The number of bits required to store the vector with the VLC codes.*/
-static int oc_mvbitsa(int _dx,int _dy){
- return OC_MV_CODES[0][_dx+31].nbits+OC_MV_CODES[0][_dy+31].nbits;
-/*Select the set of quantizers to use for the current frame for each possible
- frame type (intra or inter).
- This does not assign a quantizer to each fragment, as that depends on the
- quantizer type used and thus is done during mode decision.*/
-static void oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(oc_enc_ctx *_enc,int _intra_only){
- unsigned qmax[2][3];
- int qi_min[2];
- int qi_max[2];
- int fti;
- int qti;
- int pli;
- int dc_qi[2];
- qi_min[0]=_enc->vbr->cfg.kf_qi_min;
- qi_min[1]=_enc->vbr->cfg.df_qi_min;
- qi_max[0]=_enc->vbr->cfg.kf_qi_max;
- qi_max[1]=_enc->vbr->cfg.df_qi_max;
- /*The first quantizer value is used for DC coefficients.
- Select one that allows us to meet our quality requirements.*/
- for(qti=0;qti<1+!_intra_only;qti++)for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- qmax[qti][pli]=OC_MAXI(2U*_enc->vbr->dc_tol_mins[pli],
- OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[qti]);
- }
- /*For intra frames...(containing just INTRA fragments)*/
- for(dc_qi[0]=qi_min[0];dc_qi[0]<qi_max[0];dc_qi[0]++){
- if(_enc->state.dequant_tables[0][0][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][0]&&
- _enc->state.dequant_tables[0][1][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][1]&&
- _enc->state.dequant_tables[0][2][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][2]){
- break;
- }
- }
- /*For inter frames...(containing both INTER and INTRA fragments)*/
- if(!_intra_only){
- for(dc_qi[1]=OC_CLAMPI(qi_min[1],dc_qi[0],qi_max[1]);dc_qi[1]<qi_max[1];
- dc_qi[1]++){
- if(_enc->state.dequant_tables[1][0][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][0]&&
- _enc->state.dequant_tables[1][1][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][1]&&
- _enc->state.dequant_tables[1][2][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][2]){
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*Now we select a full qi list for each frame type.*/
- for(fti=0;fti<1+!_intra_only;fti++){
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- int ncoded_fragis;
- int nqis[64];
- int qi;
- int qi0;
- int qi1;
- int qi2;
- /*Here we count up the number of fragments that can use each qi value.
- Unless we know this is an intra frame, we don't know what quantizer type
- will be used for each fragment, so we just count both of them.*/
- memset(nqis,0,sizeof(nqis));
- if(fti){
- int *coded_fragi;
- int *coded_fragi_end;
- coded_fragi=_enc->state.coded_fragis;
- ncoded_fragis=_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[0]+
- _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[1]+_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[2];
- coded_fragi_end=coded_fragi+ncoded_fragis;
- for(;coded_fragi<coded_fragi_end;coded_fragi++){
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+*coded_fragi;
- for(qti=0;qti<2;qti++)nqis[efrag->qi_min[qti]]++;
- }
- }
- else{
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag_end;
- ncoded_fragis=_enc->state.nfrags;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo;
- efrag_end=efrag+ncoded_fragis;
- for(;efrag<efrag_end;efrag++)nqis[efrag->qi_min[0]]++;
- }
- /*We'll now choose the qi values that divide the fragments into equally
- sized groups, or as close as we can make it.
- We account for the DC coefficients by adding an extra amount to the qi
- value they require.
- Since there are usually many more DC coefficients coded than any one AC
- coefficient, we use 1/8 of the number of fragments, instead of 1/64.*/
- nqis[dc_qi[fti]]+=(ncoded_fragis<<fti)+7>>3;
- /*Convert this into a moment table.*/
- for(qi=63;qi-->0;)nqis[qi]+=nqis[qi+1];
- /*If we have a lower limit on the QI range, promote and fragments with a
- smaller QI, to ensure they're counted.*/
- if(qi_min[fti]>0)nqis[qi_min[fti]]=nqis[0];
- /*Select our first quantizer.*/
- for(qi0=qi_max[fti]+1;qi0-->qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi0]<=0;);
- for(qi1=qi0-1;qi1>=qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi1]<=nqis[qi0];qi1--);
- /*Test to make sure there are even two unique quantizers.*/
- if(qi1>=qi_min[fti]){
- ogg_int64_t best_metric;
- ogg_int64_t metric;
- int best_qi1;
- int best_qi2;
- int qii;
- for(qi2=qi1-1;qi2>=qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi2]<=nqis[qi1];qi2--);
- /*Test to make sure there are three unique quantizers.*/
- if(qi2>=0){
- best_metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi2+1])*
- (nqis[qi2+1]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
- best_qi1=qi1;
- best_qi2=qi2;
- for(;nqis[qi1]<nqis[1];qi1--){
- for(qi2=qi1-1;nqis[qi2]<nqis[0];qi2--){
- metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi2+1])*
- (nqis[qi2+1]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
- if(metric>=best_metric){
- best_qi1=qi1;
- best_qi2=qi2;
- best_metric=metric;
- }
- }
- }
- _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
- _enc->qis[fti][1]=best_qi1;
- _enc->qis[fti][2]=best_qi2;
- _enc->nqis[fti]=3;
- }
- else{
- best_metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
- best_qi1=qi1;
- if(qi1>0)for(qi1--;nqis[qi1]<nqis[0];qi1--){
- metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
- if(metric>best_metric){
- best_qi1=qi1;
- best_metric=metric;
- }
- }
- _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
- _enc->qis[fti][1]=best_qi1;
- _enc->nqis[fti]=2;
- }
- /*Right now qis[0] is the largest.
- We want to use the smallest that is still large enough for our DC
- coefficients.*/
- for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[fti];qii++)if(_enc->qis[fti][qii]>=dc_qi[fti]){
- qi0=_enc->qis[fti][0];
- _enc->qis[fti][0]=_enc->qis[fti][qii];
- _enc->qis[fti][qii]=qi0;
- }
- }
- else{
- _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
- _enc->nqis[fti]=1;
- }
- /*If we're in VP3 compatibility mode, just use the first quantizer.*/
- if(_enc->vp3_compatible)_enc->nqis[fti]=1;
- }
-/*Mark all fragments as coded and in OC_MODE_INTRA.
- This also selects a quantizer value for each fragment and builds up the
- coded fragment list (in coded order) and clears the uncoded fragment list.
- It does not update the coded macro block list, as that is not used when
- coding INTRA frames.*/
-static void oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- oc_sb *sb;
- oc_sb *sb_end;
- int pli;
- int qii;
- int ncoded_fragis;
- int prev_ncoded_fragis;
- /*Select the quantizer list for INTRA frames.*/
- _enc->state.nqis=_enc->nqis[OC_INTRA_FRAME];
- for(qii=0;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
- _enc->state.qis[qii]=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii];
- }
- prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis=0;
- sb=sb_end=_enc->state.sbs;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- const oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
- fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
- sb_end+=fplane->nsbs;
- for(;sb<sb_end;sb++){
- int quadi;
- for(quadi=0;quadi<4;quadi++)if(sb->quad_valid&1<<quadi){
- int bi;
- for(bi=0;bi<4;bi++)if(sb->map[quadi][bi]>=0){
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- oc_fragment *frag;
- int fragi;
- int best_qii;
- fragi=sb->map[quadi][bi];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- frag->coded=1;
- frag->mbmode=OC_MODE_INTRA;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- best_qii=0;
- for(qii=1;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
- if(efrag->qi_min[0]<=_enc->state.qis[qii]&&
- (_enc->state.qis[best_qii]<efrag->qi_min[0]||
- _enc->state.qis[qii]<_enc->state.qis[best_qii])){
- best_qii=qii;
- }
- }
- efrag->qii=(unsigned char)best_qii;
- frag->qi=_enc->state.qis[best_qii];
- _enc->state.coded_fragis[ncoded_fragis++]=fragi;
-#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
- /*Compute the error function used for intra mode fragments.
- This function can only use information known at mode decision time, and
- so excludes the DC component.
- TODO: Separate this out somewhere more useful.*/
- {
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- int ci;
- int eerror;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- eerror=0;
- for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++)eerror+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
- efrag->eerror=eerror;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli]=ncoded_fragis-prev_ncoded_fragis;
- prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis;
- _enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli]=0;
- }
- _enc->ncoded_frags=ncoded_fragis;
-/*Quantize and predict the DC coefficients.
- This is done in a separate step because the prediction of DC coefficients
- occurs in image order, not in the Hilbert-curve order, unlike the rest of
- the encoding process.*/
-static void oc_enc_vbr_quant_dc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- oc_fragment *frag;
- int pli;
- frag=_enc->state.frags;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
- unsigned fquant;
- unsigned iquant;
- int pred_last[3];
- int fragx;
- int fragy;
- pred_last[OC_FRAME_GOLD]=0;
- pred_last[OC_FRAME_PREV]=0;
- pred_last[OC_FRAME_SELF]=0;
- fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
- for(fragy=0;fragy<fplane->nvfrags;fragy++){
- for(fragx=0;fragx<fplane->nhfrags;fragx++,frag++,efrag++){
- int qc_pred;
- int qc;
- if(!frag->coded)continue;
- qc_pred=oc_frag_pred_dc(frag,fplane,fragx,fragy,pred_last);
- /*Fragments outside the displayable region must still be coded in key
- frames.
- To minimize wasted bits, just use the predicted DC value.
- TODO: We might do a better job in the lower-left hand corner by
- propagating over the DC value of the first actually coded fragment,
- but for the moment this is not done.*/
- if(frag->invalid)qc=0;
- else{
- int c;
- int c_abs;
- int qti;
- /*We now center the DC coefficient range around the predicted value
- and perform token bits optimization based on the HVS-determined
- tolerance range.
- For more details, see oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize().*/
- qti=frag->mbmode!=OC_MODE_INTRA;
- iquant=_enc->state.dequant_tables[qti][pli][_enc->state.qis[0]][0];
- c=efrag->dct_coeffs[0]-qc_pred*iquant;
- c_abs=abs(c);
- if(c_abs<=efrag->tols[0])qc=0;
- else{
- int qc_signed[2];
- int qc_max;
- int qc_min;
- int qc_offs;
- int c_sign;
- int c_min;
- int c_recon;
- int cati;
- fquant=_enc->enquant_tables[qti][pli][_enc->state.qis[0]][0];
- qc_max=(ogg_int32_t)c_abs*fquant+OC_FQUANT_ROUND>>OC_FQUANT_SHIFT;
- c_sign=c<0;
- c_recon=(qc_max-1)*iquant;
- c_min=OC_MAXI(0,c_abs-efrag->tols[0]);
- for(qc_min=qc_max;c_recon>=c_min;qc_min--)c_recon-=iquant;
- if(qc_min<3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE)qc=qc_min;
- else{
- qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
- for(cati=0;cati<5&&qc_min>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
- cati++){
- qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
- }
- qc=OC_MINI(qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati]-1,qc_max);
- }
- qc_signed[0]=qc;
- qc_signed[1]=-qc;
- qc=qc_signed[c_sign];
- }
- }
- pred_last[OC_FRAME_FOR_MODE[frag->mbmode]]=frag->dc=qc+qc_pred;
- efrag->dct_coeffs[0]=(ogg_int16_t)qc;
- }
- }
- }
-/*Quantize and tokenize the given fragment.
- _efrag: The encoder information for the fragment to quantize.
- _qcoeffs: The quantized coefficients, in zig-zag order.
- _fquant: The forward quantization matrix to use.
- _iquant: The inverse quantization matrix to use.
- Return: The number of coefficients before any final zero run.*/
-static int oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize(oc_enc_ctx *_enc,
- oc_fragment_enc_info *_efrag,ogg_int16_t _qcoeffs[64],
- const ogg_uint16_t _fquant[64],const ogg_uint16_t _iquant[64]){
- int zzi;
- int zrun;
- int qc;
- int qc_offs;
- int c_sign;
- int cati;
- int tli;
- /*The DC coefficient is already quantized (it had to be for DC prediction).
- Here we just tokenize it.*/
- if(_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]){
- qc=abs(_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]);
- c_sign=_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]<0;
- switch(qc){
- case 1:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_ONE_TOKEN+c_sign);
- }break;
- case 2:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_TWO_TOKEN+c_sign);
- }break;
- default:{
- if(qc-3<OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE){
- _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT2+qc-3);
- _enc->extra_bits[0][_enc->nextra_bits[0]++]=(ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
- }
- else{
- qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
- for(cati=0;qc>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];cati++){
- qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
- }
- _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT3+cati);
- _enc->extra_bits[0][_enc->nextra_bits[0]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SHIFTS[cati])+qc-qc_offs);
- }
- }
- }
- zrun=0;
- }
- else zrun=1;
- /*Now we quantize and tokenize each AC coefficient.*/
- for(zzi=1;zzi<64;zzi++){
- int qc_signed[2];
- int qc_max;
- int qc_min;
- int c_sign;
- int c_abs;
- int c_min;
- int c_recon;
- int ci;
- ci=OC_FZIG_ZAG[zzi];
- c_abs=abs(_efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
- /*Best case: we can encode this as a zero.*/
- if(c_abs<=_efrag->tols[ci]){
- zrun++;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=0;
- }
- else{
- c_sign=_efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]<0;
- /*qc_max is the most accurate quantized value.
- This is the largest possible (absolute) value we will use.*/
- qc_max=(ogg_int32_t)c_abs*_fquant[ci]+OC_FQUANT_ROUND>>OC_FQUANT_SHIFT;
- /*qc_min is the smallest possible (by absolute value) quantized value
- whose dequantized value is within the HVS-determined tolerance
- range.*/
- /*TODO: qc_min could be computed by a division (we do not want to allow
- the rounding errors that are possible with the mul+shift quantization
- used for qc_max), which would allow qc_max to be calculated only if
- needed below.
- Is this faster?
- Who knows.*/
- c_recon=(qc_max-1)*_iquant[ci];
- c_min=c_abs-_efrag->tols[ci];
- for(qc_min=qc_max;c_recon>=c_min;qc_min--)c_recon-=_iquant[ci];
- /*We now proceed to find a token that is as close to qc_max as possible,
- but does not use any more bits than would be required for qc_min.
- The general assumption we make is that encoding a value closer to 0
- always uses fewer bits.
- qc_min can still reach 0 here despite the test above, if the quantizer
- value is larger than the tolerance (which can happen for very small
- tolerances; the quantizer value has a minimum it cannot go below).*/
- if(qc_min==0){
- zrun++;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=0;
- }
- else{
- /*If we have an outstanding zero run, code it now.*/
- if(zrun>0){
- /*The zero run tokens appear on the list for the first zero in the
- run.*/
- tli=zzi-zrun;
- /*Second assumption: coding a combined run/value token always uses
- fewer bits than coding them separately.*/
- /*CAT1 run/value tokens: the value is 1.*/
- if(qc_min==1&&zrun<=17){
- if(zrun<=5){
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_RUN_CAT1A+(zrun-1));
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
- }
- else if(zrun<=9){
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<2)+zrun-6);
- }
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<3)+zrun-10);
- }
- qc_signed[0]=1;
- qc_signed[1]=-1;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
- zrun=0;
- /*Skip coding the DCT value below.*/
- continue;
- }
- /*CAT2 run/value tokens: the value is 2-3.*/
- else if(qc_min<=3&&zrun<=3){
- if(zrun==1){
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- qc=OC_MINI(3,qc_max);
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<1)+qc-2);
- }
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- qc=OC_MINI(3,qc_max);
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<2)+(qc-2<<1)+zrun-2);
- }
- qc_signed[0]=qc;
- qc_signed[1]=-qc;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
- zrun=0;
- /*Skip coding the DCT value below.*/
- continue;
- }
- /*The run is too long or the quantized value too large: code them
- separately.*/
- else{
- /*This is stupid: non-short ZRL tokens are never used for run
- values less than 9, but codewords are reserved for them,
- wasting bits.
- Yes, yes, this would've meant a non-constant number of extra
- bits for this token, but even so.*/
- if(zrun<=8){
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- }
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
- }
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)(zrun-1);
- zrun=0;
- }
- }
- /*No zero run, or the run and the qc value are being coded
- separately.*/
- switch(qc_min){
- case 1:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_ONE_TOKEN+c_sign);
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)((-c_sign<<1)+1);
- }break;
- case 2:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_TWO_TOKEN+c_sign);
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)((-c_sign<<2)+2);
- }break;
- default:{
- if(qc_min-3<OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE){
- _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT2+qc_min-3);
- _enc->extra_bits[zzi][_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]++]=
- (ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
- qc_signed[0]=qc_min;
- qc_signed[1]=-qc_min;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
- }
- else{
- qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
- for(cati=0;cati<5&&qc_min>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
- cati++){
- qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
- }
- /*qc_min can be encoded in this category.
- Since all DCT values in the category use the same number of
- bits, we encode the closest value to qc_max.
- This is either qc_max itself, if it is in the category's
- range, or the largest value in the category.*/
- qc=OC_MINI(qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati]-1,qc_max);
- qc_signed[0]=qc;
- qc_signed[1]=-qc;
- _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
- _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
- (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT3+cati);
- _enc->extra_bits[zzi][_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]++]=(ogg_uint16_t)
- ((c_sign<<OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SHIFTS[cati])+qc-qc_offs);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*If there's a trailing zero run, code an EOB token.*/
- if(zrun>0){
- int old_tok;
- int toki;
- int ebi;
- tli=64-zrun;
- toki=_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]-1;
- if(toki>=0)old_tok=_enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki];
- else old_tok=-1;
- /*Try to extend an EOB run.*/
- switch(old_tok){
- case OC_DCT_EOB2_TOKEN:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
- }break;
- case OC_DCT_EOB3_TOKEN:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=0;
- }break;
- ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
- if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<3)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=0;
- }
- }break;
- ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
- if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<7)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=0;
- }
- }break;
- ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
- if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<15)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
- else{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
- /*Again stupid: we could encode runs up to 4127, but inexplicably
- they don't subtract the bottom of the range here, so we can only
- go to 4095 (unless we want to change the spec to deal with
- wrap-around).*/
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=32;
- }
- }break;
- ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
- if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<4095){
- _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
- break;
- }
- /*else fall through.*/
- }
- /*Start a new EOB run.*/
- default:{
- _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=OC_DCT_EOB1_TOKEN;
- }
- }
- }
- /*Return the number of coefficients before the final zero run.*/
- return 64-zrun;
-static void oc_enc_vbr_residual_tokenize(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- int *coded_fragi;
- int *coded_fragi_end;
- int pli;
- int zzi;
- /*Clear any existing DCT tokens.*/
- for(zzi=0;zzi<64;zzi++){
- _enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]=_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]=0;
- _enc->extra_bits_offs[zzi]=0;
- }
- coded_fragi_end=coded_fragi=_enc->state.coded_fragis;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- memcpy(_enc->dct_token_offs[pli],_enc->ndct_tokens,
- sizeof(_enc->dct_token_offs[pli]));
- coded_fragi_end+=_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli];
- for(;coded_fragi<coded_fragi_end;coded_fragi++){
- oc_quant_table *iquants;
- oc_fragment *frag;
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- ogg_int16_t qcoeffs[64];
- int fragi;
- int qti;
- int nnzc;
- fragi=*coded_fragi;
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- qti=frag->mbmode!=OC_MODE_INTRA;
- iquants=_enc->state.dequant_tables[qti][pli];
- nnzc=oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize(_enc,efrag,qcoeffs,
- _enc->enquant_tables[qti][pli][frag->qi],iquants[frag->qi]);
- /*While we're here and things are in cache, reconstruct the quantized
- fragment.*/
- oc_state_frag_recon(&_enc->state,frag,pli,qcoeffs,nnzc,nnzc,
- iquants[_enc->state.qis[0]][0],iquants[frag->qi]);
- }
- }
- /*Merge the final EOB run of one coefficient list with the start of the
- next, if possible.*/
- for(zzi=1;zzi<64;zzi++){
- static const int OC_EOB_RANGE[OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX]={1,1,1,4,8,16,4096};
- static const int OC_EOB_OFFS[OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX]={1,2,3,4,8,16,0};
- int old_tok1;
- int old_tok2;
- int old_eb1;
- int old_eb2;
- int new_tok;
- int toki;
- int zzj;
- int ebi;
- int runl;
- /*Make sure this coefficient has tokens at all.*/
- if(_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]<=0)continue;
- /*Ensure the first token is an EOB run.*/
- old_tok2=_enc->dct_tokens[zzi][0];
- if(old_tok2>=OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX)continue;
- /*Search for a previous coefficient that has any tokens at all.*/
- zzj=zzi-1;
- do{
- toki=_enc->ndct_tokens[zzj]-1;
- if(toki>=_enc->dct_token_offs[0][zzj]){
- old_tok1=_enc->dct_tokens[zzj][toki];
- break;
- }
- }
- while(zzj-->0);
- /*Ensure its last token was an EOB run.*/
- if(old_tok1>=OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX)continue;
- /*Pull off the associated extra bits, if any, and decode the runs.*/
- ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[zzj];
- old_eb1=OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok1]?_enc->extra_bits[zzj][--ebi]:0;
- old_eb2=OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok2]?_enc->extra_bits[zzi][0]:0;
- runl=OC_EOB_OFFS[old_tok1]+old_eb1+OC_EOB_OFFS[old_tok2]+old_eb2;
- /*We can't possibly combine these into one run.
- It might be possible to split them more optimally, but we'll just leave
- them as is.*/
- if(runl>=4096)continue;
- /*We CAN combine them into one run.*/
- for(new_tok=OC_DCT_EOB1_TOKEN;
- runl-OC_EOB_OFFS[new_tok]>=OC_EOB_RANGE[new_tok];new_tok++);
- /*toki is always initialized.
- If your compiler thinks otherwise, it is dumb.*/
- _enc->dct_tokens[zzj][toki]=(unsigned char)new_tok;
- /*Update the two token lists.*/
- if(OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[new_tok]){
- _enc->extra_bits[zzj][ebi++]=(ogg_uint16_t)(
- runl-OC_EOB_OFFS[new_tok]);
- }
- _enc->nextra_bits[zzj]=ebi;
- _enc->dct_token_offs[0][zzi]++;
- /*Note: We don't bother to update the offsets for planes 1 and 2 if
- planes 0 or 1 don't have any tokens.
- This turns out not to matter due to the way we use the offsets later.*/
- if(OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok2])_enc->extra_bits_offs[zzi]++;
- }
-/*Marks each fragment as coded or not, based on the coefficient-level
- thresholds computed in the psychovisual stage.
- The MB mode of the fragments are not set, as they will be computed in
- oc_enc_choose_mbmodes().
- This also builds up the coded fragment and uncoded fragment lists.
- The coded MB list is not built up.
- That is done during mode decision.*/
-static void oc_enc_mark_coded(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- oc_sb *sb;
- oc_sb *sb_end;
- int pli;
- int bli;
- int ncoded_fragis;
- int prev_ncoded_fragis;
- int nuncoded_fragis;
- int prev_nuncoded_fragis;
- _enc->nblock_coded_flags=bli=0;
- prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis=prev_nuncoded_fragis=nuncoded_fragis=0;
- sb=sb_end=_enc->state.sbs;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- const oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
- int ystride;
- int prev_refi;
- fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
- sb_end+=fplane->nsbs;
- prev_refi=_enc->state.ref_frame_idx[OC_FRAME_PREV];
- ystride=_enc->state.ref_frame_bufs[prev_refi][pli].ystride;
- for(;sb<sb_end;sb++){
- int quadi;
- sb->coded_fully=1;
- sb->coded_partially=0;
- for(quadi=0;quadi<4;quadi++)if(sb->quad_valid&1<<quadi){
- int bi;
- for(bi=0;bi<4;bi++){
- int fragi;
- fragi=sb->map[quadi][bi];
- if(fragi>=0){
- oc_fragment *frag;
- int flag;
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- if(frag->invalid){
- frag->coded=0;
- *(_enc->state.uncoded_fragis-++nuncoded_fragis)=fragi;
- }
- else{
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- ogg_int16_t dct_buf[64];
- int ci;
- /*Check to see if the fragment can be skipped.
- It is assumed that a skipped fragment always takes fewer bits
- than a coded fragment, though this may not necessarily be true.
- A single skipped fragment could take up to 34 bits to encode
- its location in the RLE scheme Theora uses */
- oc_frag_intra_fdct(frag,dct_buf,ystride,prev_refi);
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- /*The comparison against OC_DC_QUANT_MIN and OC_AC_QUANT_MIN
- ensures we mark a fragment as skipped if it would be quantized
- to all zeros in OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV.
- These minimum quantizers represent the maximum quality the
- format is capable of, and can be larger than our tolerances.
- The minimum for INTER modes is twice the minimum for INTRA
- modes, so technically if the tolerances are below this
- threshold, we might be able to do a better job representing
- this fragment by coding it in INTRA mode.
- But the number of extra bits required to do that would be
- ridiculous, so we give up our devotion to minimum quality just
- this once.
- Note: OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[0] should actually be
- OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[1]>>1, but in this case those are
- equivalent.*/
- ci=0;
- if((unsigned)abs(dct_buf[0]-efrag->dct_coeffs[0])<=
- OC_MAXI(efrag->tols[0],OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[0])){
- for(ci++;ci<64;ci++){
- if((unsigned)abs(dct_buf[ci]-efrag->dct_coeffs[ci])>
- OC_MAXI(efrag->tols[ci],OC_AC_QUANT_MIN[0])){
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(ci>=64){
- frag->coded=0;
- *(_enc->state.uncoded_fragis-++nuncoded_fragis)=fragi;
- }
- else{
- frag->coded=1;
- _enc->state.coded_fragis[ncoded_fragis++]=fragi;
- }
- }
- flag=frag->coded;
- sb->coded_fully&=flag;
- sb->coded_partially|=flag;
- _enc->block_coded_flags[bli++]=(char)flag;
- }
- }
- }
- /*If this is a partially coded super block, keep the entries just added
- to the code block flag list.*/
- if(!sb->coded_fully&&sb->coded_partially){
- _enc->nblock_coded_flags=bli;
- }
- /*Otherwise, discard these entries from the list, as they are
- implicit.*/
- else{
- sb->coded_partially=0;
- bli=_enc->nblock_coded_flags;
- }
- }
- _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli]=ncoded_fragis-prev_ncoded_fragis;
- prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis;
- _enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli]=nuncoded_fragis-prev_nuncoded_fragis;
- prev_nuncoded_fragis=nuncoded_fragis;
- }
- _enc->ncoded_frags=ncoded_fragis;
-/*Selects an appropriate coding mode for each macro block.
- A mode is chosen for the macro blocks with at least one coded fragment.
- A bit cost estimate for coding the frame with the selected modes is made,
- and a similar estimate is made for coding the frame as a key frame.
- These estimates are used to select the optimal frame type.
- Return: The frame type to encode with: OC_INTER_FRAME or OC_INTRA_FRAME.*/
-static int oc_enc_choose_mbmodes(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- oc_set_chroma_mvs_func set_chroma_mvs;
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- oc_fragment *frag;
- oc_mb *mb;
- oc_mb_enc_info *mbinfo;
- char last_mv[2][2];
- int *uncoded_fragi;
- int *uncoded_fragi_end;
- int best_qii;
- int qii;
- int qi;
- int pli;
- int mbi;
- int fragi;
- int ci;
- int nmbs;
- int mvbitsa;
- int mvbitsb;
- int intra_bits;
- int inter_bits;
- nmbs=_enc->state.nmbs;
- set_chroma_mvs=OC_SET_CHROMA_MVS_TABLE[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt];
- oc_mode_scheme_chooser_reset(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser);
- memset(last_mv,0,sizeof(last_mv));
- mbinfo=_enc->mbinfo;
- mvbitsa=mvbitsb=0;
- inter_bits=2+7*_enc->state.nqis-(_enc->state.nqis==3);
- intra_bits=inter_bits+3;
- _enc->state.ncoded_mbis=0;
- for(mbi=0;mbi<nmbs;mbi++){
- mb=_enc->state.mbs+mbi;
- if(mb->mode!=OC_MODE_INVALID){
- oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
- char bmvs[2][4][2];
- char mbmv[2];
- int err[OC_NMODES][12];
- int bits[OC_NMODES];
- int coded[13];
- int frag_qii[12][2][2];
- int ncoded;
- int ncoded_luma;
- int mapii;
- int mapi;
- int modei;
- int codedi;
- int mbintrabits;
- int mbpmvbitsa;
- int mbgmvbitsa;
- int mb4mvbitsa;
- int mb4mvbitsb;
- int fti;
- int qti;
- int bi;
- mbinfo=_enc->mbinfo+mbi;
- /*Build up a list of coded fragments.*/
- ncoded=0;
- for(mapii=0;mapii<OC_MB_MAP_NIDXS[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt];mapii++){
- mapi=OC_MB_MAP_IDXS[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt][mapii];
- fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- if(fragi>=0&&_enc->state.frags[fragi].coded)coded[ncoded++]=mapi;
- }
- /*If we don't find any, mark this MB not coded and move on.*/
- if(ncoded<=0){
- mb->mode=OC_MODE_NOT_CODED;
- /*Don't bother to do a MV search against the golden frame.
- Just re-use the last vector, which should match well since the
- contents of the MB haven't changed much.*/
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0]=mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0];
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]=mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1];
- continue;
- }
- /*Count the number of coded blocks that are luma blocks, and replace the
- block MVs for not-coded blocks with (0,0).*/
- memcpy(bmvs[0],mbinfo->bmvs,sizeof(bmvs[0]));
- /*Mark the end of the list so we don't go past it below.*/
- coded[ncoded]=-1;
- for(mapi=ncoded_luma=0;mapi<4;mapi++){
- if(coded[ncoded_luma]==mapi)ncoded_luma++;
- else bmvs[0][mapi][0]=bmvs[0][mapi][1]=0;
- }
- /*Select a qi value for each coded fragment for each frame type and
- quantizer type.*/
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- for(fti=0;fti<2;fti++)for(qti=0;qti<=fti;qti++){
- best_qii=0;
- for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[fti];qii++){
- if(efrag->qi_min[qti]<=_enc->qis[fti][qii]&&
- (_enc->qis[fti][qii]<_enc->qis[fti][best_qii]||
- _enc->qis[fti][best_qii]<efrag->qi_min[qti])){
- best_qii=qii;
- }
- }
- frag_qii[codedi][fti][qti]=best_qii;
- }
- }
- /*Special case: If no luma blocks are coded, but some chroma blocks are,
- then the macro block defaults to OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV, and no mode need
- be explicitly coded for it.*/
- if(ncoded_luma<=0){
- mb->mode=OC_MODE_NOT_CODED;
- /*Don't bother to do a MV search against the golden frame.*/
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]=0;
- /*We do collect bitrate stats for frame type decision.*/
- mbintrabits=bits[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV]=0;
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- pli=mapi>>2;
- fragi=mb->map[pli][mapi&3];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- /*Set the MB mode and MV in the fragment.*/
- frag->mbmode=OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV;
- frag->mv[0]=frag->mv[1]=0;
- /*Calculate the bitrate estimates.*/
- err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]=0;
- for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++){
- err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
- }
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,0,0,pli,
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTRA_FRAME][0]];
- mbintrabits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
- OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1]];
- /*Also mark this fragment with the selected INTER qi.
- It will be reset if we eventually code this as an INTRA frame.*/
-#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
- efrag->eerror=err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi];
- efrag->qii=(unsigned char)frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1];
- frag->qi=qi;
- }
- intra_bits+=mbintrabits+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
- inter_bits+=bits[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV]+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
- continue;
- }
- /*Otherwise, add this to the coded MB list.*/
- _enc->state.coded_mbis[_enc->state.ncoded_mbis++]=mbi;
- /*Compute the chroma MVs for the 4MV mode.*/
- (*set_chroma_mvs)(bmvs[1],bmvs[0]);
- /*Do a MV search against the golden frame.*/
- oc_mcenc_search_1mv(_enc->mcenc,mb-_enc->state.mbs,OC_FRAME_GOLD);
- /*We are now ready to do mode decision for this macro block.
- Mode decision is done by exhaustively examining all potential choices.
- Since we use a minimum-quality encoding strategy, this amounts to
- simply selecting the mode which uses the smallest number of bits,
- since the minimum quality will be met in any mode.
- Obviously, doing the motion compensation, fDCT, tokenization, and then
- counting the bits each token uses is computationally expensive.
- Theora's EOB runs can also split the cost of these tokens across
- multiple fragments, and naturally we don't know what the optimal
- choice of Huffman codes will be until we know all the tokens we're
- going to encode in all the fragments.
- So we use a simple approach to estimating the bit cost of each mode
- based upon the SAD value of the residual.
- The mathematics behind the technique are outlined by Kim \cite{Kim03},
- but the process is very simple.
- For each quality index and SAD value, we have a table containing the
- average number of bits needed to code a fragment.
- The SAD values are placed into a small number of bins (currently 16).
- The bit counts are obtained by examining actual encoded frames, with
- optimal Huffman codes selected and EOB bits appropriately divided
- among all the blocks they involve.
- A separate QIxSAD table is kept for each mode and color plane.
- It may be possible to combine many of these, but only experimentation
- will tell which ones truly represent the same distribution.
- @ARTICLE{Kim03,
- author="Hyun Mun Kim",
- title="Adaptive Rate Control Using Nonlinear Regression",
- journal="IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
- Technology",
- volume=13,
- number=5,
- pages="432--439",
- month="May",
- year=2003
- }*/
- memset(bits,0,sizeof(bits));
- mbintrabits=0;
- /*Find the SAD values for each coded fragment for each possible mode.*/
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- pli=mapi>>2;
- bi=mapi&3;
- fragi=mb->map[pli][bi];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]=0;
- for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++){
- err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
- }
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,0,0,pli,
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0],mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1],
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- last_mv[0][0],last_mv[0][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST2][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- last_mv[1][0],last_mv[1][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
- err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- bmvs[!!pli][bi][0],bmvs[!!pli][bi][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
- err[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- 0,0,pli,OC_FRAME_GOLD);
- err[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_MV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0],mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1],
- /*Using these distortion values, estimate the number of bits needed to
- code this fragment in each mode.*/
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTRA_FRAME][0]];
- mbintrabits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
- OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][0]];
- OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1]];
- for(modei=OC_MODE_INTRA+1;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
- bits[modei]+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][modei][
- OC_MINI(err[modei][mapi]>>6,15)];
- }
- }
- /*Bit costs are stored in the table with extra precision.
- Round them down to whole bits here.*/
- for(modei=0;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
- bits[modei]=bits[modei]+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
- }
- /*Estimate the cost of coding the label for each mode.
- See comments at oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost() for a description of the
- method.*/
- for(modei=0;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
- bits[modei]+=oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser,
- modei);
- }
- /*Add the motion vector bits for each mode that requires them.*/
- mbpmvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0],
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1]);
- mbgmvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0],
- mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]);
- mb4mvbitsa=mb4mvbitsb=0;
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded_luma;codedi++){
- mb4mvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(bmvs[0][coded[codedi]][0],
- bmvs[0][coded[codedi]][1]);
- mb4mvbitsb+=12;
- }
- /*We use the same opportunity cost method of estimating the cost of
- coding the motion vectors with the two different schemes as we do for
- estimating the cost of the mode labels.
- However, because there are only two schemes and they're both pretty
- simple, this can just be done inline.*/
- bits[OC_MODE_INTER_MV]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mbpmvbitsa,mvbitsb+12)-
- OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
- bits[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_MV]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mbgmvbitsa,mvbitsb+12)-
- OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
- bits[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mb4mvbitsa,
- mvbitsb+mb4mvbitsb)-OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
- /*Finally, pick the mode with the cheapest estimated bit cost.*/
- mb->mode=0;
- for(modei=1;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++)if(bits[modei]<bits[mb->mode]){
- /*Do not select 4MV mode when not all the luma blocks are coded when
- we're in VP3 compatibility mode.*/
- if(_enc->vp3_compatible&&modei==OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR&&ncoded_luma<4){
- continue;
- }
- mb->mode=modei;
- }
-#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
- /*Remember the error for the mode we selected in each fragment.*/
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- efrag->eerror=err[mb->mode][mapi];
- }
- /*Go back and store the selected qi index corresponding to the selected
- mode in each fragment.*/
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- efrag->qii=(unsigned char)
- frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][mb->mode!=0];
- frag->qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][efrag->qii];
- }
- inter_bits+=bits[mb->mode];
- intra_bits+=mbintrabits+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
- oc_mode_scheme_chooser_update(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser,mb->mode);
- switch(mb->mode){
- mvbitsa+=mbpmvbitsa;
- mvbitsb+=12;
- last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
- last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
- mbmv[0]=last_mv[0][0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0];
- mbmv[1]=last_mv[0][1]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1];
- }break;
- mbmv[0]=last_mv[0][0];
- mbmv[1]=last_mv[0][1];
- }break;
- mbmv[0]=last_mv[1][0];
- mbmv[1]=last_mv[1][1];
- last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
- last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
- last_mv[0][0]=mbmv[0];
- last_mv[0][1]=mbmv[1];
- }break;
- mvbitsa+=mb4mvbitsa;
- mvbitsb+=mb4mvbitsb;
- if(ncoded_luma>0){
- /*After 4MV mode, the last MV is the one from the last coded luma
- block.*/
- last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
- last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
- last_mv[0][0]=bmvs[0][coded[ncoded_luma-1]][0];
- last_mv[0][1]=bmvs[0][coded[ncoded_luma-1]][1];
- }
- }break;
- mvbitsa+=mbgmvbitsa;
- mvbitsb+=12;
- mbmv[0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0];
- mbmv[1]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1];
- }break;
- }
- if(OC_MODE_HAS_MV[mb->mode]){
- /*Special case 4MV mode.
- MVs are stored in bmvs.*/
- if(mb->mode==OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR){
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- pli=mapi>>2;
- bi=mapi&3;
- fragi=mb->map[pli][bi];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
- frag->mv[0]=bmvs[!!pli][bi][0];
- frag->mv[1]=bmvs[!!pli][bi][1];
- }
- }
- /*For every other mode with a MV, it is stored in mbmv.*/
- else{
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
- frag->mv[0]=mbmv[0];
- frag->mv[1]=mbmv[1];
- }
- }
- }
- /*For modes with no MV, ensure 0,0 is stored in each fragment.*/
- else{
- for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
- mapi=coded[codedi];
- fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
- frag->mv[0]=frag->mv[1]=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*Finally, compare the cost of an INTER frame and an INTRA frame.*/
- if(mvbitsb<mvbitsa){
- _enc->mv_scheme=1;
- inter_bits+=mvbitsb;
- }
- else{
- _enc->mv_scheme=0;
- inter_bits+=mvbitsa;
- }
- inter_bits+=_enc->mode_scheme_chooser.scheme_bits[
- _enc->mode_scheme_chooser.scheme_list[0]];
- /*The easiest way to count the bits needed for coded/not coded fragments is
- to code them.
- We need to do this anyway, might as well do it now.*/
- oggpackB_reset(&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
- inter_bits+=oc_enc_partial_sb_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
- inter_bits+=oc_enc_coded_sb_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
- inter_bits+=oc_enc_coded_block_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
- /*Select the quantizer list for INTER frames.*/
- _enc->state.nqis=_enc->nqis[OC_INTER_FRAME];
- for(qii=0;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
- _enc->state.qis[qii]=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][qii];
- }
- if(intra_bits>inter_bits){
- _enc->vbr->est_bits=inter_bits;
- return OC_INTER_FRAME;
- }
- /*All INTRA mode is smaller, but we haven't counted up the cost of all the
- not coded fragments we will now have to code.*/
- uncoded_fragi_end=uncoded_fragi=_enc->state.uncoded_fragis;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
- uncoded_fragi_end-=_enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli];
- while(uncoded_fragi-->uncoded_fragi_end){
- fragi=*uncoded_fragi;
- frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
- /*Assume a very small bit cost for invalid fragments.*/
- if(frag->invalid)intra_bits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[0][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][0];
- else{
- int eerror;
- eerror=0;
- efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
- for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++)eerror+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
-#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
- efrag->eerror=eerror;
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][0];
- for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[OC_INTRA_FRAME];qii++){
- if(_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii]<qi&&
- efrag->qi_min[0]<=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii]){
- qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii];
- }
- }
- intra_bits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
- OC_MINI(eerror>>8,15)];
- /*If it turns out INTRA mode was more expensive, we're done.*/
- if(intra_bits>inter_bits){
- _enc->vbr->est_bits=inter_bits;
- return OC_INTER_FRAME;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*So, we've compared the full cost estimates, and INTRA is still better.
- Code an INTRA frame instead.*/
- oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(_enc);
- _enc->vbr->est_bits=intra_bits;
- return OC_INTRA_FRAME;
-/*A pipeline stage for transforming, quantizing, and tokenizing the frame.*/
-static int oc_vbr_pipe_start(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage){
- int pli;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++)_stage->y_procd[pli]=0;
- return 0;
-static int oc_vbr_pipe_process(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage,int _y_avail[3]){
- int pli;
- for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++)_stage->y_procd[pli]=_y_avail[pli];
- return 0;
-static int oc_vbr_pipe_end(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage){
- oc_enc_ctx *enc;
- int ret;
- enc=_stage->enc;
- if(enc->state.curframe_num==0||
- enc->state.curframe_num-enc->state.keyframe_num>=
- enc->keyframe_frequency_force){
- enc->state.frame_type=OC_INTRA_FRAME;
- oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(enc,1);
- oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(enc);
- }
- else{
- oc_enc_mark_coded(enc);
- /*Only proceed if we have some coded blocks.
- No coded blocks -> dropped frame -> 0 byte packet.*/
- if(enc->ncoded_frags>0){
- oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(enc,0);
- enc->state.frame_type=oc_enc_choose_mbmodes(enc);
- if(enc->state.frame_type==OC_INTER_FRAME)oc_enc_do_inter_dcts(enc);
- }
- }
- /*Only initialize subsequent stages after we know how many fragments will be
- encoded, and at what quality (so the loop filter can be set up
- properly).*/
- if(_stage->next!=NULL){
- ret=(*_stage->next->pipe_start)(_stage->next);
- if(ret<0)return ret;
- }
- if(enc->ncoded_frags>0){
- /*TODO: These stages could be pipelined with reconstruction.*/
- oc_enc_vbr_quant_dc(enc);
- oc_enc_vbr_residual_tokenize(enc);
- }
- if(_stage->next!=NULL){
- ret=(*_stage->next->pipe_proc)(_stage->next,_stage->y_procd);
- if(ret<0)return ret;
- return (*_stage->next->pipe_end)(_stage->next);
- }
- return 0;
-/*Initialize the transform, quantization, and tokenization stage of the
- pipeline.
- _enc: The encoding context.*/
-static void oc_vbr_pipe_init(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage,oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- _stage->enc=_enc;
- _stage->next=NULL;
- _stage->pipe_start=oc_vbr_pipe_start;
- _stage->pipe_proc=oc_vbr_pipe_process;
- _stage->pipe_end=oc_vbr_pipe_end;
-static int oc_enc_vbr_init(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- _vbr->cfg.qi=_enc->state.info.quality;
- _vbr->cfg.kf_qi_min=_vbr->cfg.df_qi_min=0;
- _vbr->cfg.kf_qi_max=_vbr->cfg.df_qi_max=63;
- _vbr->enc=_enc;
- _vbr->impmap=oc_impmap_alloc(_enc);
- _vbr->psych=oc_psych_alloc(_enc);
- oc_vbr_pipe_init(&_vbr->pipe,_enc);
- return 0;
-static void oc_enc_vbr_clear(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
- oc_psych_free(_vbr->psych);
- oc_impmap_free(_vbr->impmap);
-static int oc_enc_vbr_cfg(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,theora_vbr_cfg *_cfg){
- if(_cfg->qi<0||_cfg->qi>63||_cfg->kf_qi_min<0||_cfg->kf_qi_min>63||
- _cfg->kf_qi_max<_cfg->kf_qi_min||_cfg->kf_qi_max>63||
- _cfg->df_qi_min<0||_cfg->df_qi_min>63||
- _cfg->df_qi_max<_cfg->df_qi_min||_cfg->df_qi_max>63){
- return -OC_EINVAL;
- }
- memcpy(&_vbr->cfg,_cfg,sizeof(_vbr->cfg));
- return 0;
-static oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_enc_vbr_create_pipe(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
- oc_enc_pipe_stage *pipe;
- _vbr->enc->fill_pipe.next=&_vbr->enc->pack_pipe;
- _vbr->pipe.next=&_vbr->enc->copy_pipe;
- /*TODO: Disable spatial masking and CSF filtering based on
- application-specified speed level.*/
- pipe=oc_psych_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->psych,&_vbr->pipe);
- _vbr->enc->fdct_pipe.next=pipe;
- /*TODO: Disable impmap based on application-specified speed level.*/
- pipe=oc_impmap_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->impmap,&_vbr->enc->fdct_pipe);
- pipe=oc_mcenc_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->enc->mcenc,pipe);
- return pipe;
-oc_enc_vbr_ctx *oc_enc_vbr_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
- oc_enc_vbr_ctx *vbr;
- vbr=(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*vbr));
- oc_enc_vbr_init(vbr,_enc);
- return vbr;
-void oc_enc_vbr_free(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
- if(_vbr!=NULL){
- oc_enc_vbr_clear(_vbr);
- _ogg_free(_vbr);
- }
-int oc_enc_vbr_enable(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,theora_vbr_cfg *_cfg){
- if(_cfg!=NULL){
- int ret;
- ret=oc_enc_vbr_cfg(_vbr,_cfg);
- if(ret<0)return ret;
- }
- /*Map the qi to a multiple of JND values.*/
- _vbr->qscale=_vbr->cfg.qi>=63?0.5F:1.5F*OC_POWF(2,0.0625F*(64-_vbr->cfg.qi));
- _vbr->enc->pipe=oc_enc_vbr_create_pipe(_vbr);
- /*TODO: Implement a real speed level.*/
- _vbr->enc->speed_max=0;
- _vbr->enc->set_speed=oc_enc_set_speed_null;
- return 0;
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <ogg/ogg.h>
+#include "encvbr.h"
+#include "fdct.h"
+/*Returns the number of bits used by the given motion vector with the VLC
+ motion vector codes (as opposed to the CLC codes, which always use 12 bits).
+ _dx: The X component of the vector, in half-pel units.
+ _dy: The Y component of the vector, in half-pel units.
+ Return: The number of bits required to store the vector with the VLC codes.*/
+static int oc_mvbitsa(int _dx,int _dy){
+ return OC_MV_CODES[0][_dx+31].nbits+OC_MV_CODES[0][_dy+31].nbits;
+/*Select the set of quantizers to use for the current frame for each possible
+ frame type (intra or inter).
+ This does not assign a quantizer to each fragment, as that depends on the
+ quantizer type used and thus is done during mode decision.*/
+static void oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(oc_enc_ctx *_enc,int _intra_only){
+ unsigned qmax[2][3];
+ int qi_min[2];
+ int qi_max[2];
+ int fti;
+ int qti;
+ int pli;
+ int dc_qi[2];
+ qi_min[0]=_enc->vbr->cfg.kf_qi_min;
+ qi_min[1]=_enc->vbr->cfg.df_qi_min;
+ qi_max[0]=_enc->vbr->cfg.kf_qi_max;
+ qi_max[1]=_enc->vbr->cfg.df_qi_max;
+ /*The first quantizer value is used for DC coefficients.
+ Select one that allows us to meet our quality requirements.*/
+ for(qti=0;qti<1+!_intra_only;qti++)for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ qmax[qti][pli]=OC_MAXI(2U*_enc->vbr->dc_tol_mins[pli],
+ OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[qti]);
+ }
+ /*For intra frames...(containing just INTRA fragments)*/
+ for(dc_qi[0]=qi_min[0];dc_qi[0]<qi_max[0];dc_qi[0]++){
+ if(_enc->state.dequant_tables[0][0][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][0]&&
+ _enc->state.dequant_tables[0][1][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][1]&&
+ _enc->state.dequant_tables[0][2][dc_qi[0]][0]<=qmax[0][2]){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*For inter frames...(containing both INTER and INTRA fragments)*/
+ if(!_intra_only){
+ for(dc_qi[1]=OC_CLAMPI(qi_min[1],dc_qi[0],qi_max[1]);dc_qi[1]<qi_max[1];
+ dc_qi[1]++){
+ if(_enc->state.dequant_tables[1][0][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][0]&&
+ _enc->state.dequant_tables[1][1][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][1]&&
+ _enc->state.dequant_tables[1][2][dc_qi[1]][0]<=qmax[1][2]){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*Now we select a full qi list for each frame type.*/
+ for(fti=0;fti<1+!_intra_only;fti++){
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ int ncoded_fragis;
+ int nqis[64];
+ int qi;
+ int qi0;
+ int qi1;
+ int qi2;
+ /*Here we count up the number of fragments that can use each qi value.
+ Unless we know this is an intra frame, we don't know what quantizer type
+ will be used for each fragment, so we just count both of them.*/
+ memset(nqis,0,sizeof(nqis));
+ if(fti){
+ int *coded_fragi;
+ int *coded_fragi_end;
+ coded_fragi=_enc->state.coded_fragis;
+ ncoded_fragis=_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[0]+
+ _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[1]+_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[2];
+ coded_fragi_end=coded_fragi+ncoded_fragis;
+ for(;coded_fragi<coded_fragi_end;coded_fragi++){
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+*coded_fragi;
+ for(qti=0;qti<2;qti++)nqis[efrag->qi_min[qti]]++;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag_end;
+ ncoded_fragis=_enc->state.nfrags;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo;
+ efrag_end=efrag+ncoded_fragis;
+ for(;efrag<efrag_end;efrag++)nqis[efrag->qi_min[0]]++;
+ }
+ /*We'll now choose the qi values that divide the fragments into equally
+ sized groups, or as close as we can make it.
+ We account for the DC coefficients by adding an extra amount to the qi
+ value they require.
+ Since there are usually many more DC coefficients coded than any one AC
+ coefficient, we use 1/8 of the number of fragments, instead of 1/64.*/
+ nqis[dc_qi[fti]]+=(ncoded_fragis<<fti)+7>>3;
+ /*Convert this into a moment table.*/
+ for(qi=63;qi-->0;)nqis[qi]+=nqis[qi+1];
+ /*If we have a lower limit on the QI range, promote and fragments with a
+ smaller QI, to ensure they're counted.*/
+ if(qi_min[fti]>0)nqis[qi_min[fti]]=nqis[0];
+ /*Select our first quantizer.*/
+ for(qi0=qi_max[fti]+1;qi0-->qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi0]<=0;);
+ for(qi1=qi0-1;qi1>=qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi1]<=nqis[qi0];qi1--);
+ /*Test to make sure there are even two unique quantizers.*/
+ if(qi1>=qi_min[fti]){
+ ogg_int64_t best_metric;
+ ogg_int64_t metric;
+ int best_qi1;
+ int best_qi2;
+ int qii;
+ for(qi2=qi1-1;qi2>=qi_min[fti]&&nqis[qi2]<=nqis[qi1];qi2--);
+ /*Test to make sure there are three unique quantizers.*/
+ if(qi2>=0){
+ best_metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi2+1])*
+ (nqis[qi2+1]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
+ best_qi1=qi1;
+ best_qi2=qi2;
+ for(;nqis[qi1]<nqis[1];qi1--){
+ for(qi2=qi1-1;nqis[qi2]<nqis[0];qi2--){
+ metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi2+1])*
+ (nqis[qi2+1]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
+ if(metric>=best_metric){
+ best_qi1=qi1;
+ best_qi2=qi2;
+ best_metric=metric;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
+ _enc->qis[fti][1]=best_qi1;
+ _enc->qis[fti][2]=best_qi2;
+ _enc->nqis[fti]=3;
+ }
+ else{
+ best_metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
+ best_qi1=qi1;
+ if(qi1>0)for(qi1--;nqis[qi1]<nqis[0];qi1--){
+ metric=(ogg_int64_t)(nqis[0]-nqis[qi1+1])*nqis[qi1+1];
+ if(metric>best_metric){
+ best_qi1=qi1;
+ best_metric=metric;
+ }
+ }
+ _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
+ _enc->qis[fti][1]=best_qi1;
+ _enc->nqis[fti]=2;
+ }
+ /*Right now qis[0] is the largest.
+ We want to use the smallest that is still large enough for our DC
+ coefficients.*/
+ for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[fti];qii++)if(_enc->qis[fti][qii]>=dc_qi[fti]){
+ qi0=_enc->qis[fti][0];
+ _enc->qis[fti][0]=_enc->qis[fti][qii];
+ _enc->qis[fti][qii]=qi0;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ _enc->qis[fti][0]=qi0;
+ _enc->nqis[fti]=1;
+ }
+ /*If we're in VP3 compatibility mode, just use the first quantizer.*/
+ if(_enc->vp3_compatible)_enc->nqis[fti]=1;
+ }
+/*Mark all fragments as coded and in OC_MODE_INTRA.
+ This also selects a quantizer value for each fragment and builds up the
+ coded fragment list (in coded order) and clears the uncoded fragment list.
+ It does not update the coded macro block list, as that is not used when
+ coding INTRA frames.*/
+static void oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ oc_sb *sb;
+ oc_sb *sb_end;
+ int pli;
+ int qii;
+ int ncoded_fragis;
+ int prev_ncoded_fragis;
+ /*Select the quantizer list for INTRA frames.*/
+ _enc->state.nqis=_enc->nqis[OC_INTRA_FRAME];
+ for(qii=0;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
+ _enc->state.qis[qii]=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii];
+ }
+ prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis=0;
+ sb=sb_end=_enc->state.sbs;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ const oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
+ fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
+ sb_end+=fplane->nsbs;
+ for(;sb<sb_end;sb++){
+ int quadi;
+ for(quadi=0;quadi<4;quadi++)if(sb->quad_valid&1<<quadi){
+ int bi;
+ for(bi=0;bi<4;bi++)if(sb->map[quadi][bi]>=0){
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ oc_fragment *frag;
+ int fragi;
+ int best_qii;
+ fragi=sb->map[quadi][bi];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ frag->coded=1;
+ frag->mbmode=OC_MODE_INTRA;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ best_qii=0;
+ for(qii=1;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
+ if(efrag->qi_min[0]<=_enc->state.qis[qii]&&
+ (_enc->state.qis[best_qii]<efrag->qi_min[0]||
+ _enc->state.qis[qii]<_enc->state.qis[best_qii])){
+ best_qii=qii;
+ }
+ }
+ efrag->qii=(unsigned char)best_qii;
+ frag->qi=_enc->state.qis[best_qii];
+ _enc->state.coded_fragis[ncoded_fragis++]=fragi;
+#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
+ /*Compute the error function used for intra mode fragments.
+ This function can only use information known at mode decision time, and
+ so excludes the DC component.
+ TODO: Separate this out somewhere more useful.*/
+ {
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ int ci;
+ int eerror;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ eerror=0;
+ for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++)eerror+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
+ efrag->eerror=eerror;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli]=ncoded_fragis-prev_ncoded_fragis;
+ prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis;
+ _enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli]=0;
+ }
+ _enc->ncoded_frags=ncoded_fragis;
+/*Quantize and predict the DC coefficients.
+ This is done in a separate step because the prediction of DC coefficients
+ occurs in image order, not in the Hilbert-curve order, unlike the rest of
+ the encoding process.*/
+static void oc_enc_vbr_quant_dc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ oc_fragment *frag;
+ int pli;
+ frag=_enc->state.frags;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
+ unsigned fquant;
+ unsigned iquant;
+ int pred_last[3];
+ int fragx;
+ int fragy;
+ pred_last[OC_FRAME_GOLD]=0;
+ pred_last[OC_FRAME_PREV]=0;
+ pred_last[OC_FRAME_SELF]=0;
+ fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
+ for(fragy=0;fragy<fplane->nvfrags;fragy++){
+ for(fragx=0;fragx<fplane->nhfrags;fragx++,frag++,efrag++){
+ int qc_pred;
+ int qc;
+ if(!frag->coded)continue;
+ qc_pred=oc_frag_pred_dc(frag,fplane,fragx,fragy,pred_last);
+ /*Fragments outside the displayable region must still be coded in key
+ frames.
+ To minimize wasted bits, just use the predicted DC value.
+ TODO: We might do a better job in the lower-left hand corner by
+ propagating over the DC value of the first actually coded fragment,
+ but for the moment this is not done.*/
+ if(frag->invalid)qc=0;
+ else{
+ int c;
+ int c_abs;
+ int qti;
+ /*We now center the DC coefficient range around the predicted value
+ and perform token bits optimization based on the HVS-determined
+ tolerance range.
+ For more details, see oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize().*/
+ qti=frag->mbmode!=OC_MODE_INTRA;
+ iquant=_enc->state.dequant_tables[qti][pli][_enc->state.qis[0]][0];
+ c=efrag->dct_coeffs[0]-qc_pred*iquant;
+ c_abs=abs(c);
+ if(c_abs<=efrag->tols[0])qc=0;
+ else{
+ int qc_signed[2];
+ int qc_max;
+ int qc_min;
+ int qc_offs;
+ int c_sign;
+ int c_min;
+ int c_recon;
+ int cati;
+ fquant=_enc->enquant_tables[qti][pli][_enc->state.qis[0]][0];
+ qc_max=(ogg_int32_t)c_abs*fquant+OC_FQUANT_ROUND>>OC_FQUANT_SHIFT;
+ c_sign=c<0;
+ c_recon=(qc_max-1)*iquant;
+ c_min=OC_MAXI(0,c_abs-efrag->tols[0]);
+ for(qc_min=qc_max;c_recon>=c_min;qc_min--)c_recon-=iquant;
+ if(qc_min<3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE)qc=qc_min;
+ else{
+ qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
+ for(cati=0;cati<5&&qc_min>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
+ cati++){
+ qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
+ }
+ qc=OC_MINI(qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati]-1,qc_max);
+ }
+ qc_signed[0]=qc;
+ qc_signed[1]=-qc;
+ qc=qc_signed[c_sign];
+ }
+ }
+ pred_last[OC_FRAME_FOR_MODE[frag->mbmode]]=frag->dc=qc+qc_pred;
+ efrag->dct_coeffs[0]=(ogg_int16_t)qc;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*Quantize and tokenize the given fragment.
+ _efrag: The encoder information for the fragment to quantize.
+ _qcoeffs: The quantized coefficients, in zig-zag order.
+ _fquant: The forward quantization matrix to use.
+ _iquant: The inverse quantization matrix to use.
+ Return: The number of coefficients before any final zero run.*/
+static int oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize(oc_enc_ctx *_enc,
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *_efrag,ogg_int16_t _qcoeffs[64],
+ const ogg_uint16_t _fquant[64],const ogg_uint16_t _iquant[64]){
+ int zzi;
+ int zrun;
+ int qc;
+ int qc_offs;
+ int c_sign;
+ int cati;
+ int tli;
+ /*The DC coefficient is already quantized (it had to be for DC prediction).
+ Here we just tokenize it.*/
+ if(_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]){
+ qc=abs(_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]);
+ c_sign=_efrag->dct_coeffs[0]<0;
+ switch(qc){
+ case 1:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_ONE_TOKEN+c_sign);
+ }break;
+ case 2:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_TWO_TOKEN+c_sign);
+ }break;
+ default:{
+ if(qc-3<OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT2+qc-3);
+ _enc->extra_bits[0][_enc->nextra_bits[0]++]=(ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
+ }
+ else{
+ qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
+ for(cati=0;qc>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];cati++){
+ qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
+ }
+ _enc->dct_tokens[0][_enc->ndct_tokens[0]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT3+cati);
+ _enc->extra_bits[0][_enc->nextra_bits[0]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SHIFTS[cati])+qc-qc_offs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ zrun=0;
+ }
+ else zrun=1;
+ /*Now we quantize and tokenize each AC coefficient.*/
+ for(zzi=1;zzi<64;zzi++){
+ int qc_signed[2];
+ int qc_max;
+ int qc_min;
+ int c_sign;
+ int c_abs;
+ int c_min;
+ int c_recon;
+ int ci;
+ ci=OC_FZIG_ZAG[zzi];
+ c_abs=abs(_efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
+ /*Best case: we can encode this as a zero.*/
+ if(c_abs<=_efrag->tols[ci]){
+ zrun++;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=0;
+ }
+ else{
+ c_sign=_efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]<0;
+ /*qc_max is the most accurate quantized value.
+ This is the largest possible (absolute) value we will use.*/
+ qc_max=(ogg_int32_t)c_abs*_fquant[ci]+OC_FQUANT_ROUND>>OC_FQUANT_SHIFT;
+ /*qc_min is the smallest possible (by absolute value) quantized value
+ whose dequantized value is within the HVS-determined tolerance
+ range.*/
+ /*TODO: qc_min could be computed by a division (we do not want to allow
+ the rounding errors that are possible with the mul+shift quantization
+ used for qc_max), which would allow qc_max to be calculated only if
+ needed below.
+ Is this faster?
+ Who knows.*/
+ c_recon=(qc_max-1)*_iquant[ci];
+ c_min=c_abs-_efrag->tols[ci];
+ for(qc_min=qc_max;c_recon>=c_min;qc_min--)c_recon-=_iquant[ci];
+ /*We now proceed to find a token that is as close to qc_max as possible,
+ but does not use any more bits than would be required for qc_min.
+ The general assumption we make is that encoding a value closer to 0
+ always uses fewer bits.
+ qc_min can still reach 0 here despite the test above, if the quantizer
+ value is larger than the tolerance (which can happen for very small
+ tolerances; the quantizer value has a minimum it cannot go below).*/
+ if(qc_min==0){
+ zrun++;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=0;
+ }
+ else{
+ /*If we have an outstanding zero run, code it now.*/
+ if(zrun>0){
+ /*The zero run tokens appear on the list for the first zero in the
+ run.*/
+ tli=zzi-zrun;
+ /*Second assumption: coding a combined run/value token always uses
+ fewer bits than coding them separately.*/
+ /*CAT1 run/value tokens: the value is 1.*/
+ if(qc_min==1&&zrun<=17){
+ if(zrun<=5){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_RUN_CAT1A+(zrun-1));
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
+ }
+ else if(zrun<=9){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<2)+zrun-6);
+ }
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<3)+zrun-10);
+ }
+ qc_signed[0]=1;
+ qc_signed[1]=-1;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
+ zrun=0;
+ /*Skip coding the DCT value below.*/
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*CAT2 run/value tokens: the value is 2-3.*/
+ else if(qc_min<=3&&zrun<=3){
+ if(zrun==1){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ qc=OC_MINI(3,qc_max);
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<1)+qc-2);
+ }
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ qc=OC_MINI(3,qc_max);
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)((c_sign<<2)+(qc-2<<1)+zrun-2);
+ }
+ qc_signed[0]=qc;
+ qc_signed[1]=-qc;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
+ zrun=0;
+ /*Skip coding the DCT value below.*/
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*The run is too long or the quantized value too large: code them
+ separately.*/
+ else{
+ /*This is stupid: non-short ZRL tokens are never used for run
+ values less than 9, but codewords are reserved for them,
+ wasting bits.
+ Yes, yes, this would've meant a non-constant number of extra
+ bits for this token, but even so.*/
+ if(zrun<=8){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ }
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=
+ }
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)(zrun-1);
+ zrun=0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*No zero run, or the run and the qc value are being coded
+ separately.*/
+ switch(qc_min){
+ case 1:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_ONE_TOKEN+c_sign);
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)((-c_sign<<1)+1);
+ }break;
+ case 2:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_TWO_TOKEN+c_sign);
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)((-c_sign<<2)+2);
+ }break;
+ default:{
+ if(qc_min-3<OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE){
+ _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT2+qc_min-3);
+ _enc->extra_bits[zzi][_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]++]=
+ (ogg_uint16_t)c_sign;
+ qc_signed[0]=qc_min;
+ qc_signed[1]=-qc_min;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
+ }
+ else{
+ qc_offs=3+OC_NDCT_VAL_CAT2_SIZE;
+ for(cati=0;cati<5&&qc_min>=qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
+ cati++){
+ qc_offs+=OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati];
+ }
+ /*qc_min can be encoded in this category.
+ Since all DCT values in the category use the same number of
+ bits, we encode the closest value to qc_max.
+ This is either qc_max itself, if it is in the category's
+ range, or the largest value in the category.*/
+ qc=OC_MINI(qc_offs+OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SIZES[cati]-1,qc_max);
+ qc_signed[0]=qc;
+ qc_signed[1]=-qc;
+ _qcoeffs[zzi]=(ogg_int16_t)qc_signed[c_sign];
+ _enc->dct_tokens[zzi][_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]++]=
+ (unsigned char)(OC_DCT_VAL_CAT3+cati);
+ _enc->extra_bits[zzi][_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]++]=(ogg_uint16_t)
+ ((c_sign<<OC_DCT_VAL_CAT_SHIFTS[cati])+qc-qc_offs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*If there's a trailing zero run, code an EOB token.*/
+ if(zrun>0){
+ int old_tok;
+ int toki;
+ int ebi;
+ tli=64-zrun;
+ toki=_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]-1;
+ if(toki>=0)old_tok=_enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki];
+ else old_tok=-1;
+ /*Try to extend an EOB run.*/
+ switch(old_tok){
+ case OC_DCT_EOB2_TOKEN:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
+ }break;
+ case OC_DCT_EOB3_TOKEN:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][_enc->nextra_bits[tli]++]=0;
+ }break;
+ ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
+ if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<3)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=0;
+ }
+ }break;
+ ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
+ if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<7)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=0;
+ }
+ }break;
+ ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
+ if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<15)_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
+ else{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][toki]++;
+ /*Again stupid: we could encode runs up to 4127, but inexplicably
+ they don't subtract the bottom of the range here, so we can only
+ go to 4095 (unless we want to change the spec to deal with
+ wrap-around).*/
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]=32;
+ }
+ }break;
+ ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[tli]-1;
+ if(_enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]<4095){
+ _enc->extra_bits[tli][ebi]++;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*else fall through.*/
+ }
+ /*Start a new EOB run.*/
+ default:{
+ _enc->dct_tokens[tli][_enc->ndct_tokens[tli]++]=OC_DCT_EOB1_TOKEN;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*Return the number of coefficients before the final zero run.*/
+ return 64-zrun;
+static void oc_enc_vbr_residual_tokenize(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ int *coded_fragi;
+ int *coded_fragi_end;
+ int pli;
+ int zzi;
+ /*Clear any existing DCT tokens.*/
+ for(zzi=0;zzi<64;zzi++){
+ _enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]=_enc->nextra_bits[zzi]=0;
+ _enc->extra_bits_offs[zzi]=0;
+ }
+ coded_fragi_end=coded_fragi=_enc->state.coded_fragis;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ memcpy(_enc->dct_token_offs[pli],_enc->ndct_tokens,
+ sizeof(_enc->dct_token_offs[pli]));
+ coded_fragi_end+=_enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli];
+ for(;coded_fragi<coded_fragi_end;coded_fragi++){
+ oc_quant_table *iquants;
+ oc_fragment *frag;
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ ogg_int16_t qcoeffs[64];
+ int fragi;
+ int qti;
+ int nnzc;
+ fragi=*coded_fragi;
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ qti=frag->mbmode!=OC_MODE_INTRA;
+ iquants=_enc->state.dequant_tables[qti][pli];
+ nnzc=oc_enc_vbr_frag_quant_tokenize(_enc,efrag,qcoeffs,
+ _enc->enquant_tables[qti][pli][frag->qi],iquants[frag->qi]);
+ /*While we're here and things are in cache, reconstruct the quantized
+ fragment.*/
+ oc_state_frag_recon(&_enc->state,frag,pli,qcoeffs,nnzc,nnzc,
+ iquants[_enc->state.qis[0]][0],iquants[frag->qi]);
+ }
+ }
+ /*Merge the final EOB run of one coefficient list with the start of the
+ next, if possible.*/
+ for(zzi=1;zzi<64;zzi++){
+ static const int OC_EOB_RANGE[OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX]={1,1,1,4,8,16,4096};
+ static const int OC_EOB_OFFS[OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX]={1,2,3,4,8,16,0};
+ int old_tok1;
+ int old_tok2;
+ int old_eb1;
+ int old_eb2;
+ int new_tok;
+ int toki;
+ int zzj;
+ int ebi;
+ int runl;
+ /*Make sure this coefficient has tokens at all.*/
+ if(_enc->ndct_tokens[zzi]<=0)continue;
+ /*Ensure the first token is an EOB run.*/
+ old_tok2=_enc->dct_tokens[zzi][0];
+ if(old_tok2>=OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX)continue;
+ /*Search for a previous coefficient that has any tokens at all.*/
+ zzj=zzi-1;
+ do{
+ toki=_enc->ndct_tokens[zzj]-1;
+ if(toki>=_enc->dct_token_offs[0][zzj]){
+ old_tok1=_enc->dct_tokens[zzj][toki];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while(zzj-->0);
+ /*Ensure its last token was an EOB run.*/
+ if(old_tok1>=OC_NDCT_EOB_TOKEN_MAX)continue;
+ /*Pull off the associated extra bits, if any, and decode the runs.*/
+ ebi=_enc->nextra_bits[zzj];
+ old_eb1=OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok1]?_enc->extra_bits[zzj][--ebi]:0;
+ old_eb2=OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok2]?_enc->extra_bits[zzi][0]:0;
+ runl=OC_EOB_OFFS[old_tok1]+old_eb1+OC_EOB_OFFS[old_tok2]+old_eb2;
+ /*We can't possibly combine these into one run.
+ It might be possible to split them more optimally, but we'll just leave
+ them as is.*/
+ if(runl>=4096)continue;
+ /*We CAN combine them into one run.*/
+ for(new_tok=OC_DCT_EOB1_TOKEN;
+ runl-OC_EOB_OFFS[new_tok]>=OC_EOB_RANGE[new_tok];new_tok++);
+ /*toki is always initialized.
+ If your compiler thinks otherwise, it is dumb.*/
+ _enc->dct_tokens[zzj][toki]=(unsigned char)new_tok;
+ /*Update the two token lists.*/
+ if(OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[new_tok]){
+ _enc->extra_bits[zzj][ebi++]=(ogg_uint16_t)(
+ runl-OC_EOB_OFFS[new_tok]);
+ }
+ _enc->nextra_bits[zzj]=ebi;
+ _enc->dct_token_offs[0][zzi]++;
+ /*Note: We don't bother to update the offsets for planes 1 and 2 if
+ planes 0 or 1 don't have any tokens.
+ This turns out not to matter due to the way we use the offsets later.*/
+ if(OC_DCT_TOKEN_EXTRA_BITS[old_tok2])_enc->extra_bits_offs[zzi]++;
+ }
+/*Marks each fragment as coded or not, based on the coefficient-level
+ thresholds computed in the psychovisual stage.
+ The MB mode of the fragments are not set, as they will be computed in
+ oc_enc_choose_mbmodes().
+ This also builds up the coded fragment and uncoded fragment lists.
+ The coded MB list is not built up.
+ That is done during mode decision.*/
+static void oc_enc_vbr_mark_coded(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ oc_sb *sb;
+ oc_sb *sb_end;
+ int pli;
+ int bli;
+ int ncoded_fragis;
+ int prev_ncoded_fragis;
+ int nuncoded_fragis;
+ int prev_nuncoded_fragis;
+ _enc->nblock_coded_flags=bli=0;
+ prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis=prev_nuncoded_fragis=nuncoded_fragis=0;
+ sb=sb_end=_enc->state.sbs;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ const oc_fragment_plane *fplane;
+ int ystride;
+ int prev_refi;
+ fplane=_enc->state.fplanes+pli;
+ sb_end+=fplane->nsbs;
+ prev_refi=_enc->state.ref_frame_idx[OC_FRAME_PREV];
+ ystride=_enc->state.ref_frame_bufs[prev_refi][pli].ystride;
+ for(;sb<sb_end;sb++){
+ int quadi;
+ sb->coded_fully=1;
+ sb->coded_partially=0;
+ for(quadi=0;quadi<4;quadi++)if(sb->quad_valid&1<<quadi){
+ int bi;
+ for(bi=0;bi<4;bi++){
+ int fragi;
+ fragi=sb->map[quadi][bi];
+ if(fragi>=0){
+ oc_fragment *frag;
+ int flag;
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ if(frag->invalid){
+ frag->coded=0;
+ *(_enc->state.uncoded_fragis-++nuncoded_fragis)=fragi;
+ }
+ else{
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ ogg_int16_t dct_buf[64];
+ int ci;
+ /*Check to see if the fragment can be skipped.
+ It is assumed that a skipped fragment always takes fewer bits
+ than a coded fragment, though this may not necessarily be true.
+ A single skipped fragment could take up to 34 bits to encode
+ its location in the RLE scheme Theora uses */
+ oc_frag_intra_fdct(frag,dct_buf,ystride,prev_refi);
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ /*The comparison against OC_DC_QUANT_MIN and OC_AC_QUANT_MIN
+ ensures we mark a fragment as skipped if it would be quantized
+ to all zeros in OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV.
+ These minimum quantizers represent the maximum quality the
+ format is capable of, and can be larger than our tolerances.
+ The minimum for INTER modes is twice the minimum for INTRA
+ modes, so technically if the tolerances are below this
+ threshold, we might be able to do a better job representing
+ this fragment by coding it in INTRA mode.
+ But the number of extra bits required to do that would be
+ ridiculous, so we give up our devotion to minimum quality just
+ this once.
+ Note: OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[0] should actually be
+ OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[1]>>1, but in this case those are
+ equivalent.*/
+ ci=0;
+ if((unsigned)abs(dct_buf[0]-efrag->dct_coeffs[0])<=
+ OC_MAXI(efrag->tols[0],OC_DC_QUANT_MIN[0])){
+ for(ci++;ci<64;ci++){
+ if((unsigned)abs(dct_buf[ci]-efrag->dct_coeffs[ci])>
+ OC_MAXI(efrag->tols[ci],OC_AC_QUANT_MIN[0])){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(ci>=64){
+ frag->coded=0;
+ *(_enc->state.uncoded_fragis-++nuncoded_fragis)=fragi;
+ }
+ else{
+ frag->coded=1;
+ _enc->state.coded_fragis[ncoded_fragis++]=fragi;
+ }
+ }
+ flag=frag->coded;
+ sb->coded_fully&=flag;
+ sb->coded_partially|=flag;
+ _enc->block_coded_flags[bli++]=(char)flag;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*If this is a partially coded super block, keep the entries just added
+ to the code block flag list.*/
+ if(!sb->coded_fully&&sb->coded_partially){
+ _enc->nblock_coded_flags=bli;
+ }
+ /*Otherwise, discard these entries from the list, as they are
+ implicit.*/
+ else{
+ sb->coded_partially=0;
+ bli=_enc->nblock_coded_flags;
+ }
+ }
+ _enc->state.ncoded_fragis[pli]=ncoded_fragis-prev_ncoded_fragis;
+ prev_ncoded_fragis=ncoded_fragis;
+ _enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli]=nuncoded_fragis-prev_nuncoded_fragis;
+ prev_nuncoded_fragis=nuncoded_fragis;
+ }
+ _enc->ncoded_frags=ncoded_fragis;
+/*Selects an appropriate coding mode for each macro block.
+ A mode is chosen for the macro blocks with at least one coded fragment.
+ A bit cost estimate for coding the frame with the selected modes is made,
+ and a similar estimate is made for coding the frame as a key frame.
+ These estimates are used to select the optimal frame type.
+ Return: The frame type to encode with: OC_INTER_FRAME or OC_INTRA_FRAME.*/
+static int oc_enc_choose_mbmodes(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ oc_set_chroma_mvs_func set_chroma_mvs;
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ oc_fragment *frag;
+ oc_mb *mb;
+ oc_mb_enc_info *mbinfo;
+ char last_mv[2][2];
+ int *uncoded_fragi;
+ int *uncoded_fragi_end;
+ int best_qii;
+ int qii;
+ int qi;
+ int pli;
+ int mbi;
+ int fragi;
+ int ci;
+ int nmbs;
+ int mvbitsa;
+ int mvbitsb;
+ int intra_bits;
+ int inter_bits;
+ nmbs=_enc->state.nmbs;
+ set_chroma_mvs=OC_SET_CHROMA_MVS_TABLE[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt];
+ oc_mode_scheme_chooser_reset(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser);
+ memset(last_mv,0,sizeof(last_mv));
+ mbinfo=_enc->mbinfo;
+ mvbitsa=mvbitsb=0;
+ inter_bits=2+7*_enc->state.nqis-(_enc->state.nqis==3);
+ intra_bits=inter_bits+3;
+ _enc->state.ncoded_mbis=0;
+ for(mbi=0;mbi<nmbs;mbi++){
+ mb=_enc->state.mbs+mbi;
+ if(mb->mode!=OC_MODE_INVALID){
+ oc_fragment_enc_info *efrag;
+ char bmvs[2][4][2];
+ char mbmv[2];
+ int err[OC_NMODES][12];
+ int bits[OC_NMODES];
+ int coded[13];
+ int frag_qii[12][2][2];
+ int ncoded;
+ int ncoded_luma;
+ int mapii;
+ int mapi;
+ int modei;
+ int codedi;
+ int mbintrabits;
+ int mbpmvbitsa;
+ int mbgmvbitsa;
+ int mb4mvbitsa;
+ int mb4mvbitsb;
+ int fti;
+ int qti;
+ int bi;
+ mbinfo=_enc->mbinfo+mbi;
+ /*Build up a list of coded fragments.*/
+ ncoded=0;
+ for(mapii=0;mapii<OC_MB_MAP_NIDXS[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt];mapii++){
+ mapi=OC_MB_MAP_IDXS[_enc->state.info.pixel_fmt][mapii];
+ fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ if(fragi>=0&&_enc->state.frags[fragi].coded)coded[ncoded++]=mapi;
+ }
+ /*If we don't find any, mark this MB not coded and move on.*/
+ if(ncoded<=0){
+ mb->mode=OC_MODE_NOT_CODED;
+ /*Don't bother to do a MV search against the golden frame.
+ Just re-use the last vector, which should match well since the
+ contents of the MB haven't changed much.*/
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0]=mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0];
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]=mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1];
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*Count the number of coded blocks that are luma blocks, and replace the
+ block MVs for not-coded blocks with (0,0).*/
+ memcpy(bmvs[0],mbinfo->bmvs,sizeof(bmvs[0]));
+ /*Mark the end of the list so we don't go past it below.*/
+ coded[ncoded]=-1;
+ for(mapi=ncoded_luma=0;mapi<4;mapi++){
+ if(coded[ncoded_luma]==mapi)ncoded_luma++;
+ else bmvs[0][mapi][0]=bmvs[0][mapi][1]=0;
+ }
+ /*Select a qi value for each coded fragment for each frame type and
+ quantizer type.*/
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ for(fti=0;fti<2;fti++)for(qti=0;qti<=fti;qti++){
+ best_qii=0;
+ for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[fti];qii++){
+ if(efrag->qi_min[qti]<=_enc->qis[fti][qii]&&
+ (_enc->qis[fti][qii]<_enc->qis[fti][best_qii]||
+ _enc->qis[fti][best_qii]<efrag->qi_min[qti])){
+ best_qii=qii;
+ }
+ }
+ frag_qii[codedi][fti][qti]=best_qii;
+ }
+ }
+ /*Special case: If no luma blocks are coded, but some chroma blocks are,
+ then the macro block defaults to OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV, and no mode need
+ be explicitly coded for it.*/
+ if(ncoded_luma<=0){
+ mb->mode=OC_MODE_NOT_CODED;
+ /*Don't bother to do a MV search against the golden frame.*/
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]=0;
+ /*We do collect bitrate stats for frame type decision.*/
+ mbintrabits=bits[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV]=0;
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ pli=mapi>>2;
+ fragi=mb->map[pli][mapi&3];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ /*Set the MB mode and MV in the fragment.*/
+ frag->mbmode=OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV;
+ frag->mv[0]=frag->mv[1]=0;
+ /*Calculate the bitrate estimates.*/
+ err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]=0;
+ for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++){
+ err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
+ }
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,0,0,pli,
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTRA_FRAME][0]];
+ mbintrabits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
+ OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1]];
+ /*Also mark this fragment with the selected INTER qi.
+ It will be reset if we eventually code this as an INTRA frame.*/
+#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
+ efrag->eerror=err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi];
+ efrag->qii=(unsigned char)frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1];
+ frag->qi=qi;
+ }
+ intra_bits+=mbintrabits+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
+ inter_bits+=bits[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV]+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*Otherwise, add this to the coded MB list.*/
+ _enc->state.coded_mbis[_enc->state.ncoded_mbis++]=mbi;
+ /*Compute the chroma MVs for the 4MV mode.*/
+ (*set_chroma_mvs)(bmvs[1],bmvs[0]);
+ /*Do a MV search against the golden frame.*/
+ oc_mcenc_search_1mv(_enc->mcenc,mb-_enc->state.mbs,OC_FRAME_GOLD);
+ /*We are now ready to do mode decision for this macro block.
+ Mode decision is done by exhaustively examining all potential choices.
+ Since we use a minimum-quality encoding strategy, this amounts to
+ simply selecting the mode which uses the smallest number of bits,
+ since the minimum quality will be met in any mode.
+ Obviously, doing the motion compensation, fDCT, tokenization, and then
+ counting the bits each token uses is computationally expensive.
+ Theora's EOB runs can also split the cost of these tokens across
+ multiple fragments, and naturally we don't know what the optimal
+ choice of Huffman codes will be until we know all the tokens we're
+ going to encode in all the fragments.
+ So we use a simple approach to estimating the bit cost of each mode
+ based upon the SAD value of the residual.
+ The mathematics behind the technique are outlined by Kim \cite{Kim03},
+ but the process is very simple.
+ For each quality index and SAD value, we have a table containing the
+ average number of bits needed to code a fragment.
+ The SAD values are placed into a small number of bins (currently 16).
+ The bit counts are obtained by examining actual encoded frames, with
+ optimal Huffman codes selected and EOB bits appropriately divided
+ among all the blocks they involve.
+ A separate QIxSAD table is kept for each mode and color plane.
+ It may be possible to combine many of these, but only experimentation
+ will tell which ones truly represent the same distribution.
+ @ARTICLE{Kim03,
+ author="Hyun Mun Kim",
+ title="Adaptive Rate Control Using Nonlinear Regression",
+ journal="IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
+ Technology",
+ volume=13,
+ number=5,
+ pages="432--439",
+ month="May",
+ year=2003
+ }*/
+ memset(bits,0,sizeof(bits));
+ mbintrabits=0;
+ /*Find the SAD values for each coded fragment for each possible mode.*/
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ pli=mapi>>2;
+ bi=mapi&3;
+ fragi=mb->map[pli][bi];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]=0;
+ for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++){
+ err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
+ }
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,0,0,pli,
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0],mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1],
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ last_mv[0][0],last_mv[0][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST2][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ last_mv[1][0],last_mv[1][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
+ err[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ bmvs[!!pli][bi][0],bmvs[!!pli][bi][1],pli,OC_FRAME_PREV);
+ err[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_NOMV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ 0,0,pli,OC_FRAME_GOLD);
+ err[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_MV][mapi]=oc_enc_frag_sad(_enc,frag,
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0],mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1],
+ /*Using these distortion values, estimate the number of bits needed to
+ code this fragment in each mode.*/
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTRA_FRAME][0]];
+ mbintrabits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
+ OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][0]];
+ OC_MINI(err[OC_MODE_INTRA][mapi]>>8,15)];
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][1]];
+ for(modei=OC_MODE_INTRA+1;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
+ bits[modei]+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][modei][
+ OC_MINI(err[modei][mapi]>>6,15)];
+ }
+ }
+ /*Bit costs are stored in the table with extra precision.
+ Round them down to whole bits here.*/
+ for(modei=0;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
+ bits[modei]=bits[modei]+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
+ }
+ /*Estimate the cost of coding the label for each mode.
+ See comments at oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost() for a description of the
+ method.*/
+ for(modei=0;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++){
+ bits[modei]+=oc_mode_scheme_chooser_cost(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser,
+ modei);
+ }
+ /*Add the motion vector bits for each mode that requires them.*/
+ mbpmvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0],
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1]);
+ mbgmvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(mbinfo->mvs[1][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0],
+ mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1]);
+ mb4mvbitsa=mb4mvbitsb=0;
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded_luma;codedi++){
+ mb4mvbitsa=oc_mvbitsa(bmvs[0][coded[codedi]][0],
+ bmvs[0][coded[codedi]][1]);
+ mb4mvbitsb+=12;
+ }
+ /*We use the same opportunity cost method of estimating the cost of
+ coding the motion vectors with the two different schemes as we do for
+ estimating the cost of the mode labels.
+ However, because there are only two schemes and they're both pretty
+ simple, this can just be done inline.*/
+ bits[OC_MODE_INTER_MV]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mbpmvbitsa,mvbitsb+12)-
+ OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
+ bits[OC_MODE_GOLDEN_MV]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mbgmvbitsa,mvbitsb+12)-
+ OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
+ bits[OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR]+=OC_MINI(mvbitsa+mb4mvbitsa,
+ mvbitsb+mb4mvbitsb)-OC_MINI(mvbitsa,mvbitsb);
+ /*Finally, pick the mode with the cheapest estimated bit cost.*/
+ mb->mode=0;
+ for(modei=1;modei<OC_NMODES;modei++)if(bits[modei]<bits[mb->mode]){
+ /*Do not select 4MV mode when not all the luma blocks are coded when
+ we're in VP3 compatibility mode.*/
+ if(_enc->vp3_compatible&&modei==OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR&&ncoded_luma<4){
+ continue;
+ }
+ mb->mode=modei;
+ }
+#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
+ /*Remember the error for the mode we selected in each fragment.*/
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ efrag->eerror=err[mb->mode][mapi];
+ }
+ /*Go back and store the selected qi index corresponding to the selected
+ mode in each fragment.*/
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ efrag->qii=(unsigned char)
+ frag_qii[codedi][OC_INTER_FRAME][mb->mode!=0];
+ frag->qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][efrag->qii];
+ }
+ inter_bits+=bits[mb->mode];
+ intra_bits+=mbintrabits+(1<<OC_BIT_SCALE-1)>>OC_BIT_SCALE;
+ oc_mode_scheme_chooser_update(&_enc->mode_scheme_chooser,mb->mode);
+ switch(mb->mode){
+ mvbitsa+=mbpmvbitsa;
+ mvbitsb+=12;
+ last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
+ last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
+ mbmv[0]=last_mv[0][0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][0];
+ mbmv[1]=last_mv[0][1]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_PREV][1];
+ }break;
+ mbmv[0]=last_mv[0][0];
+ mbmv[1]=last_mv[0][1];
+ }break;
+ mbmv[0]=last_mv[1][0];
+ mbmv[1]=last_mv[1][1];
+ last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
+ last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
+ last_mv[0][0]=mbmv[0];
+ last_mv[0][1]=mbmv[1];
+ }break;
+ mvbitsa+=mb4mvbitsa;
+ mvbitsb+=mb4mvbitsb;
+ if(ncoded_luma>0){
+ /*After 4MV mode, the last MV is the one from the last coded luma
+ block.*/
+ last_mv[1][0]=last_mv[0][0];
+ last_mv[1][1]=last_mv[0][1];
+ last_mv[0][0]=bmvs[0][coded[ncoded_luma-1]][0];
+ last_mv[0][1]=bmvs[0][coded[ncoded_luma-1]][1];
+ }
+ }break;
+ mvbitsa+=mbgmvbitsa;
+ mvbitsb+=12;
+ mbmv[0]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][0];
+ mbmv[1]=mbinfo->mvs[0][OC_FRAME_GOLD][1];
+ }break;
+ }
+ if(OC_MODE_HAS_MV[mb->mode]){
+ /*Special case 4MV mode.
+ MVs are stored in bmvs.*/
+ if(mb->mode==OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR){
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ pli=mapi>>2;
+ bi=mapi&3;
+ fragi=mb->map[pli][bi];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
+ frag->mv[0]=bmvs[!!pli][bi][0];
+ frag->mv[1]=bmvs[!!pli][bi][1];
+ }
+ }
+ /*For every other mode with a MV, it is stored in mbmv.*/
+ else{
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
+ frag->mv[0]=mbmv[0];
+ frag->mv[1]=mbmv[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*For modes with no MV, ensure 0,0 is stored in each fragment.*/
+ else{
+ for(codedi=0;codedi<ncoded;codedi++){
+ mapi=coded[codedi];
+ fragi=mb->map[mapi>>2][mapi&3];
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ frag->mbmode=mb->mode;
+ frag->mv[0]=frag->mv[1]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*Finally, compare the cost of an INTER frame and an INTRA frame.*/
+ if(mvbitsb<mvbitsa){
+ _enc->mv_scheme=1;
+ inter_bits+=mvbitsb;
+ }
+ else{
+ _enc->mv_scheme=0;
+ inter_bits+=mvbitsa;
+ }
+ inter_bits+=_enc->mode_scheme_chooser.scheme_bits[
+ _enc->mode_scheme_chooser.scheme_list[0]];
+ /*The easiest way to count the bits needed for coded/not coded fragments is
+ to code them.
+ We need to do this anyway, might as well do it now.*/
+ oggpackB_reset(&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
+ inter_bits+=oc_enc_partial_sb_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
+ inter_bits+=oc_enc_coded_sb_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
+ inter_bits+=oc_enc_coded_block_flags_pack(_enc,&_enc->opb_coded_flags);
+ /*Select the quantizer list for INTER frames.*/
+ _enc->state.nqis=_enc->nqis[OC_INTER_FRAME];
+ for(qii=0;qii<_enc->state.nqis;qii++){
+ _enc->state.qis[qii]=_enc->qis[OC_INTER_FRAME][qii];
+ }
+ if(intra_bits>inter_bits){
+ _enc->vbr->est_bits=inter_bits;
+ return OC_INTER_FRAME;
+ }
+ /*All INTRA mode is smaller, but we haven't counted up the cost of all the
+ not coded fragments we will now have to code.*/
+ uncoded_fragi_end=uncoded_fragi=_enc->state.uncoded_fragis;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++){
+ uncoded_fragi_end-=_enc->state.nuncoded_fragis[pli];
+ while(uncoded_fragi-->uncoded_fragi_end){
+ fragi=*uncoded_fragi;
+ frag=_enc->state.frags+fragi;
+ /*Assume a very small bit cost for invalid fragments.*/
+ if(frag->invalid)intra_bits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[0][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][0];
+ else{
+ int eerror;
+ eerror=0;
+ efrag=_enc->frinfo+fragi;
+ for(ci=1;ci<64;ci++)eerror+=abs(efrag->dct_coeffs[ci]);
+#if defined(OC_BITRATE_STATS)
+ efrag->eerror=eerror;
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][0];
+ for(qii=1;qii<_enc->nqis[OC_INTRA_FRAME];qii++){
+ if(_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii]<qi&&
+ efrag->qi_min[0]<=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii]){
+ qi=_enc->qis[OC_INTRA_FRAME][qii];
+ }
+ }
+ intra_bits+=OC_RES_BITRATES[qi][pli][OC_MODE_INTRA][
+ OC_MINI(eerror>>8,15)];
+ /*If it turns out INTRA mode was more expensive, we're done.*/
+ if(intra_bits>inter_bits){
+ _enc->vbr->est_bits=inter_bits;
+ return OC_INTER_FRAME;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*So, we've compared the full cost estimates, and INTRA is still better.
+ Code an INTRA frame instead.*/
+ oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(_enc);
+ _enc->vbr->est_bits=intra_bits;
+ return OC_INTRA_FRAME;
+/*A pipeline stage for transforming, quantizing, and tokenizing the frame.*/
+static int oc_vbr_pipe_start(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage){
+ int pli;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++)_stage->y_procd[pli]=0;
+ return 0;
+static int oc_vbr_pipe_process(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage,int _y_avail[3]){
+ int pli;
+ for(pli=0;pli<3;pli++)_stage->y_procd[pli]=_y_avail[pli];
+ return 0;
+static int oc_vbr_pipe_end(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage){
+ oc_enc_ctx *enc;
+ int ret;
+ enc=_stage->enc;
+ if(enc->state.curframe_num==0||
+ enc->state.curframe_num-enc->state.keyframe_num>=
+ enc->keyframe_frequency_force){
+ enc->state.frame_type=OC_INTRA_FRAME;
+ oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(enc,1);
+ oc_enc_vbr_mark_all_intra(enc);
+ }
+ else{
+ oc_enc_vbr_mark_coded(enc);
+ /*Only proceed if we have some coded blocks.
+ No coded blocks -> dropped frame -> 0 byte packet.*/
+ if(enc->ncoded_frags>0){
+ oc_enc_vbr_quant_sel_quality(enc,0);
+ enc->state.frame_type=oc_enc_choose_mbmodes(enc);
+ if(enc->state.frame_type==OC_INTER_FRAME)oc_enc_do_inter_dcts(enc);
+ }
+ }
+ /*Only initialize subsequent stages after we know how many fragments will be
+ encoded, and at what quality (so the loop filter can be set up
+ properly).*/
+ if(_stage->next!=NULL){
+ ret=(*_stage->next->pipe_start)(_stage->next);
+ if(ret<0)return ret;
+ }
+ if(enc->ncoded_frags>0){
+ /*TODO: These stages could be pipelined with reconstruction.*/
+ oc_enc_vbr_quant_dc(enc);
+ oc_enc_vbr_residual_tokenize(enc);
+ }
+ if(_stage->next!=NULL){
+ ret=(*_stage->next->pipe_proc)(_stage->next,_stage->y_procd);
+ if(ret<0)return ret;
+ return (*_stage->next->pipe_end)(_stage->next);
+ }
+ return 0;
+/*Initialize the transform, quantization, and tokenization stage of the
+ pipeline.
+ _enc: The encoding context.*/
+static void oc_vbr_pipe_init(oc_enc_pipe_stage *_stage,oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ _stage->enc=_enc;
+ _stage->next=NULL;
+ _stage->pipe_start=oc_vbr_pipe_start;
+ _stage->pipe_proc=oc_vbr_pipe_process;
+ _stage->pipe_end=oc_vbr_pipe_end;
+static int oc_enc_vbr_init(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ _vbr->cfg.qi=_enc->state.info.quality;
+ _vbr->cfg.kf_qi_min=_vbr->cfg.df_qi_min=0;
+ _vbr->cfg.kf_qi_max=_vbr->cfg.df_qi_max=63;
+ _vbr->enc=_enc;
+ _vbr->impmap=oc_impmap_alloc(_enc);
+ _vbr->psych=oc_psych_alloc(_enc);
+ oc_vbr_pipe_init(&_vbr->pipe,_enc);
+ return 0;
+static void oc_enc_vbr_clear(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
+ oc_psych_free(_vbr->psych);
+ oc_impmap_free(_vbr->impmap);
+static int oc_enc_vbr_cfg(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,theora_vbr_cfg *_cfg){
+ if(_cfg->qi<0||_cfg->qi>63||_cfg->kf_qi_min<0||_cfg->kf_qi_min>63||
+ _cfg->kf_qi_max<_cfg->kf_qi_min||_cfg->kf_qi_max>63||
+ _cfg->df_qi_min<0||_cfg->df_qi_min>63||
+ _cfg->df_qi_max<_cfg->df_qi_min||_cfg->df_qi_max>63){
+ return OC_EINVAL;
+ }
+ memcpy(&_vbr->cfg,_cfg,sizeof(_vbr->cfg));
+ return 0;
+static oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_enc_vbr_create_pipe(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
+ oc_enc_pipe_stage *pipe;
+ _vbr->enc->fill_pipe.next=&_vbr->enc->pack_pipe;
+ _vbr->pipe.next=&_vbr->enc->copy_pipe;
+ /*TODO: Disable spatial masking and CSF filtering based on
+ application-specified speed level.*/
+ pipe=oc_psych_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->psych,&_vbr->pipe);
+ _vbr->enc->fdct_pipe.next=pipe;
+ /*TODO: Disable impmap based on application-specified speed level.*/
+ pipe=oc_impmap_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->impmap,&_vbr->enc->fdct_pipe);
+ pipe=oc_mcenc_prepend_to_pipe(_vbr->enc->mcenc,pipe);
+ return pipe;
+oc_enc_vbr_ctx *oc_enc_vbr_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc){
+ oc_enc_vbr_ctx *vbr;
+ vbr=(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *)_ogg_malloc(sizeof(*vbr));
+ oc_enc_vbr_init(vbr,_enc);
+ return vbr;
+void oc_enc_vbr_free(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr){
+ if(_vbr!=NULL){
+ oc_enc_vbr_clear(_vbr);
+ _ogg_free(_vbr);
+ }
+int oc_enc_vbr_enable(oc_enc_vbr_ctx *_vbr,theora_vbr_cfg *_cfg){
+ if(_cfg!=NULL){
+ int ret;
+ ret=oc_enc_vbr_cfg(_vbr,_cfg);
+ if(ret<0)return ret;
+ }
+ /*Map the qi to a multiple of JND values.*/
+ _vbr->qscale=_vbr->cfg.qi>=63?0.5F:1.5F*OC_POWF(2,0.0625F*(64-_vbr->cfg.qi));
+ _vbr->enc->pipe=oc_enc_vbr_create_pipe(_vbr);
+ /*TODO: Implement a real speed level.*/
+ _vbr->enc->speed_max=0;
+ _vbr->enc->set_speed=oc_enc_set_speed_null;
+ return 0;
Property changes on: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.c
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Modified: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.h
--- experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.h 2005-09-22 20:21:40 UTC (rev 10043)
+++ experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.h 2005-09-22 20:24:19 UTC (rev 10044)
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-#if !defined(_encvbr_H)
-# define _encvbr_H (1)
-# include "encint.h"
-typedef struct oc_impmap_ctx oc_impmap_ctx;
-typedef struct oc_psych_ctx oc_psych_ctx;
-/*Context information for the VBR encoder.*/
-struct oc_enc_vbr_ctx{
- /*Configuration information.*/
- theora_vbr_cfg cfg;
- /*The main VBR encoder's pipe stage.*/
- oc_enc_pipe_stage pipe;
- /*The scale factor for the current quality setting.*/
- float qscale;
- /*Minimum psychovisual tolerance for the DC coefficients in each plane.*/
- unsigned dc_tol_mins[3];
- /*The estimated bit cost of the current frame.*/
- int est_bits;
- /*The encode context.*/
- oc_enc_ctx *enc;
- /*Context information used to generate the importance map.*/
- oc_impmap_ctx *impmap;
- /*Context information used to generate low-level perceptual weightings.*/
- oc_psych_ctx *psych;
-oc_impmap_ctx *oc_impmap_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc);
-void oc_impmap_free(oc_impmap_ctx *_impmap);
-oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_impmap_prepend_to_pipe(oc_impmap_ctx *_impmap,
- oc_enc_pipe_stage *_next);
-oc_psych_ctx *oc_psych_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc);
-void oc_psych_free(oc_psych_ctx *_psych);
-oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_psych_prepend_to_pipe(oc_psych_ctx *_psych,
- oc_enc_pipe_stage *_next);
+#if !defined(_encvbr_H)
+# define _encvbr_H (1)
+# include "encint.h"
+typedef struct oc_impmap_ctx oc_impmap_ctx;
+typedef struct oc_psych_ctx oc_psych_ctx;
+/*Context information for the VBR encoder.*/
+struct oc_enc_vbr_ctx{
+ /*Configuration information.*/
+ theora_vbr_cfg cfg;
+ /*The main VBR encoder's pipe stage.*/
+ oc_enc_pipe_stage pipe;
+ /*The scale factor for the current quality setting.*/
+ float qscale;
+ /*Minimum psychovisual tolerance for the DC coefficients in each plane.*/
+ unsigned dc_tol_mins[3];
+ /*The estimated bit cost of the current frame.*/
+ int est_bits;
+ /*The encode context.*/
+ oc_enc_ctx *enc;
+ /*Context information used to generate the importance map.*/
+ oc_impmap_ctx *impmap;
+ /*Context information used to generate low-level perceptual weightings.*/
+ oc_psych_ctx *psych;
+oc_impmap_ctx *oc_impmap_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc);
+void oc_impmap_free(oc_impmap_ctx *_impmap);
+oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_impmap_prepend_to_pipe(oc_impmap_ctx *_impmap,
+ oc_enc_pipe_stage *_next);
+oc_psych_ctx *oc_psych_alloc(oc_enc_ctx *_enc);
+void oc_psych_free(oc_psych_ctx *_psych);
+oc_enc_pipe_stage *oc_psych_prepend_to_pipe(oc_psych_ctx *_psych,
+ oc_enc_pipe_stage *_next);
Property changes on: experimental/derf/theora-exp/lib/encvbr.h
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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