[xiph-cvs] cvs commit: snatch libsnatch.c snatch.pl x11.c
xiphmont at xiph.org
Tue Nov 6 21:13:48 PST 2001
xiphmont 01/11/06 21:13:47
Modified: . libsnatch.c snatch.pl x11.c
Bwah ha ha ha. Almost there.
Revision Changes Path
1.6 +22 -6 snatch/libsnatch.c
Index: libsnatch.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/snatch/libsnatch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
--- libsnatch.c 2001/11/05 08:49:54 1.5
+++ libsnatch.c 2001/11/07 05:13:46 1.6
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
static int (*libc_open)(const char *,int,mode_t);
static int (*libc_connect)(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *serv_addr,
- socklen_t addrlen);
+ socklen_t addrlen);
static int (*libc_close)(int);
static size_t (*libc_read)(int,void *,size_t);
static size_t (*libc_write)(int,const void *,size_t);
@@ -180,6 +180,8 @@
case 'P':
case 'L':
case 'O':
+ case 'F':
+ case 'D':
@@ -202,6 +204,14 @@
+ case 'F':
+ if(outfile)free(outfile);
+ outfile=buf;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ if(audioname)free(audioname);
+ audioname=buf;
+ break;
@@ -255,13 +265,13 @@
/* output path? */
- outpath=getenv("SNATCH_OUTPUT_PATH");
+ outpath=strdup(getenv("SNATCH_OUTPUT_PATH"));
" not set. Using current working directory.\n");
- outpath=".";
+ outpath=strdup(".");
@@ -270,13 +280,13 @@
/* audio device? */
- audioname=getenv("SNATCH_AUDIO_DEVICE");
+ audioname=strdup(getenv("SNATCH_AUDIO_DEVICE"));
" not set. Using default (/dev/dsp*).\n");
- audioname="/dev/dsp*";
+ audioname=strdup("/dev/dsp*");
@@ -458,8 +468,14 @@
+/* The audio device is subverted through open(). If we didn't care
+ about allowing a fake audio open() to 'succeed' even when the real
+ device is busy, then we could just watch for the ioctl(), grab the
+ fd() then, and not need to bother with any silly string matching.
+ However, we *do* care, so we do this the more complex, slightly
+ more error prone way. */
-/* The audio device is subverted through open() */
int open(const char *pathname,int flags,...){
va_list ap;
int ret;
1.5 +697 -46 snatch/snatch.pl
Index: snatch.pl
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/snatch/snatch.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- snatch.pl 2001/11/05 07:04:08 1.4
+++ snatch.pl 2001/11/07 05:13:46 1.5
@@ -2,69 +2,720 @@
use Socket;
use Sys::Hostname;
+use Time::Local;
+use IPC::Open3;
+use File::Glob ':glob';
use Tk;
+use Tk::Xrm;
use Tk qw(exit);
+my $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"};
+ print "HOME environment variable not set. Exiting.\n";
+ exit 1;
-my $backchannel_socket="/tmp/snatch";
+$version="Snatch 20011106";
+my $backchannel_socket="/tmp/snatch.$PID";
my $uaddr=sockaddr_un($backchannel_socket);
my $proto=getprotobyname('tcp');
+my $comm_ready=0;
+# default config
+if(! -e $configdir){
+ die $! unless mkdir $configdir, 0770;
-my $username="e6dbvfc6";
-my $password="uwvdgjzy";
-my $openfile="/home/xiphmont/foo.ram";
-my $openloc="rtp://blah";
-my $playcode=join "",("Ks",pack ("S",4),"Kp",pack ("S",4));
-my $stopcode=join "",("Ks",pack ("S",4));
-my $exitcode=join "",("Kq",pack ("S",4));
-my $opencode=join "",("Ko",pack ("S",4));
-my $loccode=join "",("Kl",pack ("S",4));
-die $! unless socket(LISTEN_SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM,0);
-die $! unless bind(LISTEN_SOCK,$uaddr);
-die $! unless listen(LISTEN_SOCK,SOMAXCONN);
-die $! unless accept(COMM_SOCK,LISTEN_SOCK);
- $char=getc STDIN;
- if($char eq "P"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,$playcode;
- }
- if($char eq "S"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,$stopcode;
- }
- if($char eq "O"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,$opencode;
- }
- if($char eq "L"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,$loccode;
- }
- if($char eq "Q"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,$exitcode;
+$snatchxpm= <<'EOF';
+/* XPM */
+static char * snatch_xpm[] = {
+"36 27 25 1",
+" c None",
+". c #060405",
+"+ c #8A8787",
+"@ c #8D1D27",
+"# c #515052",
+"S c #4F1314",
+"% c #69272B",
+"& c #AE5664",
+"* c #D73138",
+"= c #252524",
+"- c #761922",
+"; c #2D0505",
+"> c #A53149",
+", c #C8C8C8",
+"' c #676768",
+") c #F3F3F3",
+"! c #A9A9A9",
+"~ c #7C5254",
+"{ c #F62F36",
+"] c #9A9A99",
+"^ c #B32225",
+"/ c #261E24",
+"( c #373736",
+"_ c #D7D7D7",
+": c #797978",
+" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",
+" %S%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ",
+"S>;S at S.]__:++.!'!_!!(_]'__:#!.++.->%",
+" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%S% ",
+" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% "};
+if(! -e $logofile){
+ die $! unless open LFILE, ">$logofile";
+ print LFILE $snatchxpm;
+ close LFILE;
+# load the config/history
+if(-e $configfile){
+ die $! unless open CFILE, $configfile;
+ while(<CFILE>){
+ /^\s*([^=]+)=([^\n]*)/;
+ $CONFIG{$1}=$2;
- if($char eq "A"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,'A';
+ close CFILE;
+if(-e $historyfile){
+ die $! unless open HFILE, $historyfile;
+ while(<HFILE>){
+ push @TIMER, $_;
- if($char eq "I"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,'I';
+ close HFILE;
+print @ARGV;
+# build the UI
+my $toplevel=new MainWindow(-class=>'Snatch');
+my $Xname=$toplevel->Class;
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.background", "#8e3740",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.Panel.background", "#8e3740",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.Panel.foreground", "#d0d0d0",20);
+ '-*-helvetica-bold-o-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+ '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*Statuslabel.foreground", "#606060");
+ '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+ '-*-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*background", "#d0d0d0",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*foreground", '#000000',20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*Tab*background", "#a0a0a0",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*Button*background", "#f0d0b0",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*Button*foreground", '#000000',20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*activeBackground", "#f0f0ff",20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*activeForeground", '#0000a0',20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*borderWidth", 0,20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*activeBorderWidth", 1,20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*highlightThickness", 0,20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*padX", 2,20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*padY", 2,20);
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname*relief", 'flat',20);
+ '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+ '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*',20);
+my $xpm_snatch=$toplevel->Pixmap("_snatchlogo_xpm",-file=>$logofile);
+ place(-x=>10,-y=>36,-relwidth=>1.0,-relheight=>1.0,
+ -width=>-20,-height=>-46,-anchor=>'nw');
+ borderwidth=>1,relief=>raised)->
+ place(-relx=>1.0,-anchor=>'se',-in=>$window_shell,-bordermode=>outside);
+$window_timerbar=$toplevel->Button(-class=>Tab,Name=>"timer",text=>"timer setup",
+ borderwidth=>1,relief=>raised)->
+ place(-bordermode=>outside,-anchor=>'ne',-in=>$window_setupbar);
+ -padx=>1,-pady=>1,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>-1,-y=>-1,-relx=>1.0,-rely=>1.0,-anchor=>'se');
+ Label(Name=>"logo",-class=>"Panel",image=>$xpm_snatch,
+ relief=>flat,borderwidth=>0)->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>5,-anchor=>'nw');
+ Label(Name=>"logo text",-class=>"Panel",text=>$version,
+ relief=>flat,borderwidth=>0)->
+ place(-x=>5,-relx=>1.0,-rely=>1.0,-anchor=>'sw',-in=>$window_logo);
+ Label(Name=>"statuslabel",-class=>"Statuslabel",text=>"Status: ",
+ relief=>flat,borderwidth=>0)->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>0,-rely=>.2,-relheight=>.4,-anchor=>'w');
+ Label(Name=>"status",-class=>"Status",text=>"Starting...",
+ relief=>flat,borderwidth=>0)->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>0,-relx=>1.0,-relheight=>1.0,
+ -anchor=>'nw',-in=>$window_statuslabel);
+$window_active=$window_shell->Button(Name=>"active",text=>"record all",
+ state=>disabled,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>0,-relx=>0.,-rely=>.55,-relwidth=>.33,
+ -width=>-5,-anchor=>'w',-in=>$window_shell);
+$window_timer=$window_shell->Button(Name=>"timer",text=>"timed record",
+ state=>disabled,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>0,-y=>0,-relx=>.333,-rely=>.55,-relwidth=>.33,
+ -width=>-0,-anchor=>'w',-in=>$window_shell);
+$window_inactive=$window_shell->Button(Name=>"inactive",text=>"record off",
+ state=>disabled,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>0,-y=>0,-relx=>.667,-rely=>.55,-relwidth=>.33,
+ -width=>-5,-anchor=>'w',-in=>$window_shell);
+$window_mute=$window_shell->Label(Name=>"mute",text=>"mutes: ")->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>0,-relx=>0.,-rely=>.85,
+ -anchor=>'w',-in=>$window_shell);
+ state=>disabled,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>2,-relx=>1.0,-relheight=>1.0,-anchor=>'nw',-in=>$window_mute,
+ -bordermode=>outside);
+ state=>disabled,
+ relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>2,-relx=>1.0,-relheight=>1.0,-anchor=>'nw',-in=>$window_amute,
+ -bordermode=>outside);
+ $window_logo->reqwidth()+
+ $window_version->reqwidth()+
+ $window_setupbar->reqwidth()+
+ $window_timerbar->reqwidth()+
+ 30;
+ $window_logo->reqheight()+
+ $window_statuslabel->reqheight()+
+ $window_mute->reqwidth()+
+ 20;
+$toplevel->optionAdd("$Xname.geometry", ($minwidth+20).'x'.$minheight,20);
+# bind socket
+# throw a realplayer process and
+# main loop
+sub ThrowRealPlayer{
+ Status("Starting RealPlayer...");
+ # set up the environment
+ $ENV{"LD_PRELOAD"}=$libsnatch;
+ $ENV{"SNATCH_COMM_SOCKET"}=$backchannel_socket;
+ my at list=bsd_glob("$CONFIG{'REALPLAYER'}",
+ if(GLOB_ERROR || $#list<0){
+ Status("Failed to find RealPlayer!");
+ return;
+ }
+ die "pipe call failed unexpectedly: $!" unless pipe REAL_STDERR,WRITEH;
+ $realpid=open3("<&STDIN",">&STDOUT",">&WRITEH", at list[0]);
+ close WRITEH;
+ # a select loop until we have the socket accepted
+ my $rin = $win = $ein = '';
+ my $rout,$wout,$eout;
+ vec($rin,fileno(REAL_STDERR),1)=1;
+ vec($rin,fileno(LISTEN_SOCK),1)=1;
+ $ein=$rin | $win;
+ my $time=20;
+ my $stderr_output;
+ Status("Waiting for rendevous... [$time]");
+ while($time){
+ my($nfound,$timeleft)=select($rout=$rin, $wout=$win, $eout=$ein, 1);
+ if($nfound==0){
+ $time--;
+ Status("Waiting for rendevous... [$time]");
+ }else{
+ if(vec($rout,fileno(REAL_STDERR),1)){
+ $bytes=sysread REAL_STDERR, my$scalar, 4096;
+ $stderr_output.=$scalar;
+ if($bytes==0){
+ Status("Rendevous failed.");
+ Alert("RealPlayer didn't start successfully. ".
+ "Here's the complete debugging output of the ".
+ "attempt:",
+ $stderr_output);
+ print "EOF on REAL_STDERR!\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if(vec($rout,fileno(LISTEN_SOCK),1)){
+ # socket has a request
+ $status=accept(COMM_SOCK,LISTEN_SOCK);
+ Status("libsnatch contacted");
+ $comm_ready=1;
+ $time=0;
+ }
+ }
- if($char eq "T"){
- syswrite COMM_SOCK,'T';
+ # configure
+ send_string("F",$CONFIG{'OUTPUT_PATH'});
+ send_string("D",$CONFIG{'AUDIO_DEVICE'});
+ Robot_Audio($global_audio_setting);
+ Robot_Video($global_video_setting);
+sub BindSocket{
+ Status("Binding socket..");
+ die $! unless socket(LISTEN_SOCK, PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM,0);
+ unlink($backchannel_socket);
+ die $! unless bind(LISTEN_SOCK,$uaddr);
+ die $! unless listen(LISTEN_SOCK,SOMAXCONN);
+sub ReleaseSocket{
+ $window_amute->configure(state=>disabled);
+ $window_vmute->configure(state=>disabled);
+ $comm_ready=0;
+ unlink($backchannel_socket);
+ close(LISTEN_SOCK);
+sub AcceptSocket{
+ Status("Waiting for rendevous...");
+ eval{
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { Status("Failed to rendevous"); };
+ alarm 15;
+ $status=accept(COMM_SOCK,LISTEN_SOCK);
+ alarm 0;
+ if($status){
+ #enable the panel
+ Status("libsnatch contacted");
+ $comm_ready=1;
+ $window_amute->configure(state=>active);
+ $window_vmute->configure(state=>active);
+ }
+sub Shutdown{
+# save the config/history
+ ReleaseSocket();
+ die $! unless open CFILE, ">$configfile".".tmp";
+ foreach $key (keys %CONFIG){
+ print CFILE "$key=$CONFIG{$key}\n";
+ }
+ close CFILE;
+ die $! unless rename "$configfile".".tmp", $configfile;
+ die $! unless open HFILE, ">$historyfile".".tmp";
+ foreach $line (@TIMER){
+ print HFILE "$line\n";
+ }
+ close HFILE;
+ die $! unless rename "$historyfile".".tmp", $historyfile;
+ Tk::exit(0);
sub send_string{
syswrite COMM_SOCK,$op;
syswrite COMM_SOCK, (pack 'S', length $code);
syswrite COMM_SOCK, $code;
+sub Robot_PlayLoc{
+ my($loc,$username,$password)=@_;
+ my $stopcode=join "",("Ks",pack ("S",4));
+ my $loccode=join "",("Kl",pack ("S",4));
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$stopcode;
+ send_string("P",$password);
+ send_string("U",$username);
+ send_string("L",$openloc);
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$loccode;
+ # watch for bad password
+sub Robot_PlayFile{
+ my($loc)=@_;
+ my $stopcode=join "",("Ks",pack ("S",4));
+ my $opencode=join "",("Ko",pack ("S",4));
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$stopcode;
+ send_string("O",$openfile);
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$opencode;
+sub Robot_Stop{
+ my $stopcode=join "",("Ks",pack ("S",4));
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$playcode;
+sub Robot_Exit{
+ my $exitcode=join "",("Kx",pack ("S",4));
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,$playcode;
+ close COMM_SOCK;
+ Status("Waiting for RealPlayer exit...");
+ waitpid $realpid, 0
+sub Robot_Active{
+ # clear out robot settings to avoid hopelessly confusing the user
+ send_string("U","");
+ send_string("P","");
+ send_string("O","");
+ send_string("L","");
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'A';
+ Amute($global_audio_setting);
+ Vmute($global_video_setting);
+ Status("Recording ACTIVE: Idle/Nominal");
+sub Robot_Inctive{
+ send_string("U","");
+ send_string("P","");
+ send_string("O","");
+ send_string("L","");
+ Amute($global_audio_setting);
+ Vmute($global_video_setting);
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'I';
+ Status("Recording off");
+sub Robot_Timer{
+ send_string("U","");
+ send_string("P","");
+ send_string("O","");
+ send_string("L","");
+ Amute($global_audio_setting);
+ Vmute($global_video_setting);
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'T';
+ Status("Inactive [Timer]");
+sub Robot_Audio{
+ my($onoff)=@_;
+ if($onoff=~m/on/){
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'S';
+ }
+ if($onoff=~m/off/){
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'s';
+ }
+sub Robot_Video{
+ my($onoff)=@_;
+ if($onoff=~m/on/){
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'V';
+ }
+ if($onoff=~m/off/){
+ syswrite COMM_SOCK,'v';
+ }
+sub SplitTimerEntry{
+ my($line)=@_;
+# eg
+# 2001 11 05 1 12:25 300000 FAKEA FAKEV length:USERNAME length:PASSWORD length:FILE length:URL
+ $line=~/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+):(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
+ my $year=$1;
+ my $month=$2;
+ my $day=$3;
+ my $dayofweek=$4;
+ my $hour=$5;
+ my $minute=$6;
+ my $duration=$7;
+ my $audio=$8;
+ my $video=$9;
+ my $fields=$10;
+ my $username;
+ my $password;
+ my $outfile;
+ my $url;
+ ($username,$fields)=LengthParse($fields);
+ ($password,$fields)=LengthParse($fields);
+ ($outfile,$fields)=LengthParse($fields);
+ ($url,$fields)=LengthParse($fields);
+ ($year,$month,$day,$dayofweek,$hour,$minute,$duration,$audio,$video,$username,
+ $password,$outfile,$url);
+sub LengthParse{
+ my($line)=@_;
+ $line=~/(\d+):(.+)/;
+ $length=$1;
+ $rest=$2;
+ (substr($rest,0,$length),substr($rest,$length));
+sub MonthDays{
+ my($month,$year)=@_;
+ if($month==2){
+ if($year % 4 !=0){
+ 28;
+ }elsif ($year % 400 == 0){
+ 29;
+ }elsif ($year % 100 == 0){
+ 28;
+ }else{
+ 29;
+ }
+ }else{
+ my @trans=(0,31,0,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
+ $trans[$month];
+ }
+sub TimerWhen{
+ my($try,$year,$month,$day,$dayofweek,$hour,$minute,$duration)=@_;
+ #overguard
+ if($minute ne '*'){while($minute>=60){$minute-=60;
+ $hour++if($hour ne '*');}};
+ if($hour ne '*'){while($hour>=24){$hour-=24;
+ $day++ if($day ne '*');}};
+ if($day ne '*' && $month ne '*' && $year ne '*'){
+ while($month>12){$month-=12;$year++;};
+ while($day>MonthDays($month,$year)){
+ $day-=MonthDays($month,$year);$month++;
+ while($month>12){$month-=12;$year++;};
+ }
+ }
+ if($month ne '*'){while($month>12){$month-=12;
+ $year++ if ($year ne '*')}};
+ my $now=time();
+ my($nowsec,$nowmin,$nowhour,$nowday,$nowmonth,$nowyear)=localtime($now);
+ $nowmon++;
+ $nowyear+=1900;
+ # boundary cases in each... rather than solving it exactly, we'll
+ # solve it empirically. Laziness as a virtue.
+ if($year eq '*'){
+ $try=TimerWhen($try,$nowyear-1,$month,$day,$dayofweek,
+ $hour,$minute,$duration);
+ return $try if($try!=-1);
+ $try=TimerWhen($try,$nowyear,$month,$day,$dayofweek,
+ $hour,$minute,$duration);
+ return $try if($try!=-1);
+ $try=TimerWhen($try,$nowyear+1,$month,$day,$dayofweek,
+ $hour,$minute,$duration);
+ return $try if($try!=-1);
+ }elsif($month eq '*'){
+ for(my$i=1;$i<13;$i++){
+ $try=TimerWhen($try,$year,$i,$day,$dayofweek,
+ $hour,$minute,$duration);
+ return $try if($try!=-1);
+ }
+ }elsif($day eq '*'){
+ # important to go for a weekday match */
+ for(my$i=1;$i<32;$i++){
+ $try=TimerWhen($try,$year,$month,$i,$dayofweek,
+ $hour,$minute,$duration);
+ return $try if($try!=-1);
+ }
+ }elsif($hour eq "*"){
+ return $try;
+ }elsif($hour eq "*"){
+ return $try;
+ }elsif($duration eq "*"){
+ return $try;
+ }else{
+ my $start=timelocal(0,$minute,$hour,$day,$month-1,$year);
+ my $end=$start+$duration;
+ # make sure day-of-month and day-of-week agree
+ if($dayofweek ne '*'){
+ my($tsec,$tmin,$thour,$tday,$tmon,$tyear,$twday)=localtime($start);
+ if($twday != $dayofweek){return $try};
+ }
+ if($start>$now || $end>$now){
+ if($try==-1 || $start<$try){
+ return $start;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $try;
+sub max{
+ my$val=shift @_;
+ while (defined(my$n=shift @_)){
+ $val=$n if($n>$val);
+ }
+ $val;
+sub sortsub{
+ my($a,$b)=@_;
+ return $TIMER_TIMES[$a]-$TIMER_TIMES[$b];
+sub TimerSort{
+ $count=0;
+ @TIMER_TIMES=(map {TimerWhen(-1,(SplitTimerEntry($_)))} @TIMER);
+ @TIMER_SORTED=sort sortsub, (map {$count++} @TIMER);
+sub Status{
+ $window_status->configure(text=>shift @_);
+ $toplevel->update();
+sub Alert{
+ my($message,$detail)=@_;
+ if(defined($modal)){$modal->destroy()};
+ $modal=new MainWindow(-class=>"$Xname");
+ $modal->configure(-background=>$modal->optionGet("background",""));
+ $modal_shell=$modal->Label(-class=>Alert,Name=>"shell",
+ borderwidth=>1,relief=>raised)->
+ place(-x=>4,-y=>4,-relwidth=>1.0,-relheight=>1.0,
+ -width=>-8,-height=>-8,-anchor=>'nw');
+ $modal_exit=$modal_shell->
+ Button(-class=>Tab,Name=>"exit",text=>"X",
+ -padx=>1,-pady=>1,relief=>'groove',borderwidth=>2)->
+ place(-x=>-1,-y=>-1,-relx=>1.0,-rely=>1.0,-anchor=>'se');
+ $modal_message=$modal_shell->
+ Label(text=>$message,-class=>"AlertText")->
+ place(-x=>5,-y=>10);
+ $width=$modal_message->reqwidth();
+ $modal_detail=$modal_shell->
+ Message(text=>$detail,-class=>"AlertDetail",
+ -width=>($width-$modal_exit->reqwidth()))->
+ place(-relx=>0,-y=>5,-rely=>1.0,-anchor=>'nw',
+ -in=>$modal_message);
+ $width+=20;
+ $height=$modal_message->reqheight()+$modal_detail->reqheight()+25;
+ my$xx=$toplevel->rootx();
+ my$yy=$toplevel->rooty();
+ my$ww=$toplevel->width();
+ my$hh=$toplevel->height();
+ $x=$xx+$ww/2-$width/2;
+ $y=$yy+$hh/2-$height/2;
+ $modal->geometry($width."x".$height."+".int($x)."+".int($y));
+ $modal->resizable(FALSE,FALSE);
+ $modal->transient($toplevel);
+ $modal_exit->configure(-command=>[sub{$modal->destroy();undef $modal}]);
1.10 +3 -6 snatch/x11.c
Index: x11.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvsroot/snatch/x11.c,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.9 -r1.10
--- x11.c 2001/11/05 16:58:03 1.9
+++ x11.c 2001/11/07 05:13:46 1.10
@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@
+ *root_x=x;
+ *root_y=y;
static void FakeKeycode(int keycode, int modmask, unsigned long window){
@@ -138,7 +140,6 @@
int root_x,root_y;
event.type=4; /* button down */
@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@
/* watch for the open file window */
- if(n>32 && !memcmp(data,"OpenFileDialogShell\0RCACoreAppShell\0",32)){
+ if(n>32 && !memcmp(data,"OpenFileDialogShell\0RCACoreAppShell\0",32)){
" ...: RealPlayer popped open file dialog.\n");
@@ -574,10 +575,7 @@
unsigned char *ptr=data;
long i,j,k;
- fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d %d %d %d\n",x,y,width,height,rpplay_width,rpplay_height);
if(x==0 && width==rpplay_width){
- fprintf(stderr,"searching for screen...\n");
@@ -610,7 +608,6 @@
big black block */
int test;
- fprintf(stderr,"searching for logo...\n");
--- >8 ----
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