[Xiph-Advocacy] Support for IceCast

"Thomas B. Rücker" thomas at ruecker.fi
Wed Feb 25 13:53:34 PST 2015

On 02/25/2015 08:44 PM, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> dear Thomas,
> Exactly.... I ment "IceShare", not Icecast.
> and if this project is for about 10 years dead, 

 As said, I don't speak for IceShare, you'd need to poke Arc or other
people named on the Wiki page.
It does look very much inactive though.

> are there any plans for
> P2P streaming in Icecast ?!

No, Icecast is a pure HTTP streaming server.



> best, Tamer
> Am 25.02.2015 um 07:04 schrieb "Thomas B. Rücker":
>> On 02/24/2015 11:49 PM, Tamer Higazi wrote:
>>> Hi people!
>>> I want to ask you about the current status of "IceCast".
>> I suspect you mean IceShare not Icecast?
>>> I am really interisted in the PeerToPeer Streaming Server, and would
>>> love to contribute.
>>> One of the mentioned bulletpoints says that you need a Python Coder....
>>> Well, I'd love to participate supporting you in writing Python Code.
>> I've looked at https://wiki.xiph.org/IceShare and it seems to me that
>> this effort stalled about 10 years ago. But then I'm not the right
>> person to ask about it, as 5 minutes ago I didn't even know about it at all.
>> In case you're interested in Icecast - http://www.icecast.org, we could
>> use some help to update our shout-python bindings for libshout. Libshout
>> is currently going through some API changes and that would need to be
>> reflected.
>> Cheers
>> Thomas
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