[Xiph-Advocacy] Theora and others complains...

JorSol mailing at jorsol.com
Tue Mar 11 20:30:12 PDT 2008

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:48 PM, <xiphmont at xiph.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:30 AM, JorSol <mailing at jorsol.com> wrote:
> > Yes, I'm not in a fair position to comment, sorry if I misinterpreted
> the
> > things... but has far I know, Thusnelda *is* an experiment for improve
> the
> > encoder in the Theora trunk. Don't get me wrong I really have hopes in
> this.
> I didn't read this as an attack, rather as some frustration at having
> to wait to see good things :-)

Hey... you understand me really well :-)

> > I'm aware that Monty has been working consistently on Thunsnelda, but if
> you
> > see close, yesterday was the first commit in the month, almost a month
> after
> > the last commit that was only one in Feb.
> You assume it is the only thing I'm working on.  As one of the very
> few full time or near-full-time Xiph folks, I split my attention many
> ways and it tends to be in chunks of a week or two.  Thusnelda is back
> to being the current chunk (with some Ogg distractions).
> Also one of the large gaps was due to being out of net access for
> nearly a month (New Zealand == land of no internet but many sheep).
> Look at the size of that one commit-- it replaced a good third of the
> bloody encoder.

That's seems fair... I know that this is no an easy task to accomplish for
the simple reason that is a voluntary project and you don't eat with it, at
least not at this point. I seel that your commit was substantial and that
you are doing your best :-)

>said that Monty is the only
> > one that has been working on Thusnelda, you are all excellent devs, why
> > Giles, Terriberry or anyone else is working on it?
> Ralph is still concerned with mainline.  Derf is not currently
> available to work on the code although his contribution is substantial
> and informal (my Thusnelda work is substantially channeling Derf; I'm
> an audio guy, not a video guy).

Ok... I understand, I hope that Derf can join at some point to accelerate
the process :-)

> Fundraising will likely never reach the point where we can pay salaries.

Well you have nothing to lose if you try it :-)
maybe not pay a year of salary... but two or tree months?

> Also, what we really need is not more engineers.  We desperately need
> business management and technical documentation people more than
> anything.  Throwing more engineers at Xiph will complictae the problem
> we have, which is all the high-powered engineers we have being
> constantly distracted by .Org housekeeping and low-level technical
> coordination.

I agree with you... but the thing is how to do it?

Jorge Solórzano
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