[Advocacy] SOM and You

Brett McDowell brett at brettmcdowell.com
Tue Jun 26 05:04:02 PDT 2007


Does Xiph have a relationship with the folks at Open Media Commons?   
Is OMC even still relevant these days?

What is the current state of "standardizing" the Xiph codec?  I  
recall that Vorbis was at the RFC level in IETF, is that right?  Any  
other movement on that front?

On Jun 25, 2007, at 10:35 PM, Sebastian Pipping wrote:

> Good start for what I have seen of the slides.
> Needs more polishing though.
> One thing coming to my mind on Spread Open Media
> is that we will have to reach different groups
> of people. I can currently think of these three
> groups:
>   * Government people (think "Why Open Media is
>     neccessary for Democracy")
>   * Developers
>   * Non-geek people, listeners, users
> Each of these groups will probably need different
> appetizers and eye-openers.
> Sebastian
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