[Advocacy] persuading mobile phone manufacturers to implement Vorbis support

Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves justivo at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 12:04:18 PDT 2007

I have been asked quite a few times already if we are related with
PlayOgg.  Short answer: no.

I asked for the FSF help last year, and all they have done was this
single page, with a lame banner, scary tactics that don't work because
people don't care, AND IGNORANTLY informing the world that Vorbis is
this "OGG" thing.  Gee, thanks.  We really needed PlayOgg.

I still tried to stop some of the damage.  Few days after the project
started, I contacted its managers so we could collaborate and change
at least some things there.  Guess what?  To this day I received no
answer, at all.

I respect RMS, but the rest of the FSF can go f--- themselves.

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