[Advocacy] Concern regarding possible digg/slashdot effects on the SOM website

Bjorn Wijers bjorn at simuze.nl
Sat Jul 21 01:25:54 PDT 2007

Ivo et all,

If there will be a slashdot or digg effect it will be very hard to stay 

However the foundation hosting this project has had some slashdot 
effects happening over the last years and the corresponding sites 
survived and actually did pretty well. Although these were hosted on 
different servers than the one we're using.

So basically my answer would be: I don't know.

Personally I wouldn't worry too much about it. If it happens it happens 
and we'll try to cope with it. For now lets focus on making the site better.


Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves wrote:
> I think this is mostly a question to Bjorn, since he's the one who got
> a host for SOM.
> Do you think the server can handle something like a digg effect?  I
> have seen dozens and dozens of web sites being taken down so fast by
> the flood of users that it's crazy.  Promoting SOM will possibly make
> it visible on large online communities, but if they do notice our
> project and then the whole web site gets down for Goddess knows how
> long, it will be pretty bad to the reputation of the project.
> If the server won't handle the flood of users, what will we do?
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