[Advocacy] Blogs by xiph "thought leaders" ?

Brett McDowell myidiym at mac.com
Thu Jul 7 11:19:23 PDT 2005

On Jul 7, 2005, at 1:10 PM, Conrad Parker wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 06:13:02AM -0400, Brett McDowell wrote:
>>> However, I also have to admit a) what interests me is
>>> substantially highly technical and b) it competes with the other
>>> things I'd like to be doing.
>>> b) is not so much of a dealbreaker, but a) may well be...
>> I don't think so.  I'm familiar with a few blogs (digital identity,
>> not multimedia) that are highly technical... every entry seems to
>> have either "pointy brackets" and/or "source code".  We could use a
>> cross-section of Xiph-informed bloggers, including the highly
>> technical (and I just bet you'll have a few opinions to post that
>> aren't "highly" technical, once you get rolling ;)
>> Anyone else?  Who is blogging already on xiph-related (or relevant)
>> topics?
> #include <xiph-hackers/feeds.h>
> planet planet!
> Official xiph meisters, let's say someone *cough j* was to set up a
> planet of the xiph, how about we aggregate to planet.xiph.org?

Thanks for sharing!

That's what I was thinking of too... an aggregator feed.  A good  
example is:

http://planetidentity.org/ (which covers digital identity)

Maybe if we commit to this planet.xiph.org feed, it will inspire some  
would-be-bloggers to finally dive into the blog-o-sphere.

Is that of interest to those on the list?

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