[Advocacy] Re: [Icecast] Re: webmaster help needed - call for

Ralph Giles giles
Sun Jun 27 20:33:52 PDT 2004

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On Sat, Jun 26, 2004 at 12:55:19PM -0500, Paul Bryson wrote:

> Xiph.org suffers from this in the worst way.  Just look at the links at the
> bottom of http://xiph.org
>  about | press | donate
> Why do the pages for all of those look so different?

I'm not sure what you're complaining about here. Press isn't working,
because our mirrors aren't serving .shtml through the proper filter.
Other than the background gradient and the header icon, about and donate
have identical design.

> Whoever does start working on the website, please, please, please push for some
> continuity in the site layout.

That said, we certainly do need to improve the content and layout of the
website, and that's one of the long term goals. I was expecting you to
complain about the completely difference site designs we have for
xiph.org, icecast.org, speex.org, theora.org and vorbis.com.


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