[advocacy] [contact@iriveramerica.com: RE: ogg vorbis support]
Jack Moffitt
Mon Jan 14 11:27:58 PST 2002
I got this response today, and thought you guys might like it :)
----- Forwarded message from River Support <contact at iriveramerica.com> -----
Reply-To: <contact at iriveramerica.com>
From: "River Support" <contact at iriveramerica.com>
To: "'Jack Moffitt'" <jack at xiph.org>
Subject: RE: ogg vorbis support
Importance: Normal
X-Uidl: 8P`!!hj/!!Zc*#!KW&!!
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Jack, in a future firmware upgrade we will support Ogg Vorbis, currently
we do not. As for a speculation on when it will be supported, I will
find out from our engineering team and let you know. Let me know if you
have any further questions.
Christopher Lee Papazian
Marketing Manager
iRiver America, LLC
Direct: 408-452-7960
cpapazian at iriveramerica.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Moffitt [mailto:jack at xiph.org]
Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 5:51 PM
To: cs at iriver.com
Cc: contact at iriveramerica.com
Subject: ogg vorbis support
Are you guys supporting Ogg Vorbis? I see in the pdf manual for the
imp350 that it's mentioned under the section about firmware upgrades, so
I was curious.
If you don't support it know, do you know when you will?
----- End forwarded message -----
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