[advocacy] paypal

WWWhatsup joly
Thu Sep 6 10:48:45 PDT 2001

Robert Voigt wrote:

> You don't have to have a Paypal account to receive money through Paypal. An
> email address in enough. But I don't know how exactly that works.

Not true. You do have to have an account to receive money.

All you need to set up an account is an email address.

If you want to get the money out, then you have to get verified,
by associating it with a bank account.

One could presumably just re-Paypal it to someone else, but there is a
cumulative limit of $1000

There is a $100/month limit on receiving credit card payments on 'personal' accounts.

On 'business' accounts there is a fee of 2.9% + 30¢ on all incoming payments.

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WWWhatsup  NYC  -  http://pinstand.com
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